Iwdevtools is a group of small tools to aid with Gentoo development, primarily intended for QA.
USE flags
USE flags for app-portage/iwdevtools Small tools to aid with Gentoo development, primarily intended for QA
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently) |
root #
emerge --ask app-portage/iwdevtools
atomf prints package atoms based on the format given as an argument.
user $
atomf --help
Usage: atomf [format] <atom(s)...> Format <atom> based on [format], or return 9 elements separated by spaces if a single atom with no format specified. atom can be in dependency-format, or tree-style .ebuild format, e.g. * !!>=cat/name-1.2.3-r1:*/0=[use] ([use] will be discarded) * cat/name/name-1.2.3-r1.ebuild (.ebuild must be present) atom can be incomplete, but will return 1 if single elements are seen as invalid per the Package Manager Specification (PMS) -- not that this should be considered a full atom validator. Options: -x, --expand Ignore format and expand multiple atoms to elements -s, --unset=STR When expanding, show STR if unset (default: '?') -M, --allow-missing If %c/%n or -%v is specified but atom is missing one of these components, do not exit with error. -v, --versplit Split a version string into elements instead (no characters are dropped for versions) --confdir=PATH Configuration dir to use instead of defaults (/etc/iwdevtools + ~/.config/iwdevtools) --dumpconfig Display config and exit (> atomf.conf) -h, --help Display usage information and exit --version Display version information and exit *Format* 0. %! Blocker indicator (!, !!, or none) 1. %o Version range operator (>=, >, etc... or none) 2. %c Category (ending with / if set) 3. %n Name 4. %v Version (starting with - if set) 5. %r Revision (as -rN, or none) 6. %s Slot (as :0, or none) 7. %u Subslot (as /0, or none) 8. %b Binding operator (= or none) -. %% Literal % e.g. "%c%n%v%r" = category/name-1.0-r1 -. %p Equivalent to %c%n (category/pn) -. %e Equivalent to %v%r (pvr) -. %f Equivalent to %c%n%v%r (category/pf) %R,%S,%U alternatively display %r,%s,%u without prefixes, and as 0 if unset. %C,%V similarly strip the / and -, and still empty if unset. If one of %c, %n, or %v (or equivalent) is requested, but is missing from the atom, will report error for that atom and later exit with return status 2 unless --allow-missing. *Notes* If need to use this in a bash script extensively, it is recommended to source /usr/share/iwdevtools/atomf.bashlib directly rather than call this. Its atoma() also allows for, e.g. ${atom[version]}, and atomset() for ${PV}.
Printing a package atom
By default, atomf will print all 9 format types if no format is specified:
user $
atomf ">=sys-libs/glibc-2.38-r10"
? >= ? glibc 2.38 10 ? ?
With the following columns denoting:
- Blocker indicator
- Version range operator
- Category
- Package name
- Version
- Revision
- Slot
- Subslot
- Binding operator
Specific formatting
To print just the package's name, pass the format in first:
user $
atomf %n ">=sys-libs/glibc-2.38-r10"
eoldnew is a helper program for qa-cmp which emerges the package defined by <atom> but by first emerging its previous (visible) version if not already installed.
user $
eoldnew --help
Usage: eoldnew [2-9][-] <atom> [emerge option]... Helper for using `qa-cmp` which emerges the package defined by <atom> but by first emerging its previous (visible) version if not already installed. If [2-9] is provided as first argument, go back N versions. If `-` is specified (e.g. `eoldnew -` or `eoldnew 2-`), will only emerge the previous and not the newest. Any options after <atom> are passed to emerge as-is. Options: -h, --help Display usage information and exit --version Display version information and exit *Note* This exports IWDT_ALL=y (see help text of other iwdevtools commands) Environment: EOLDNEW_EMERGE_CMD=emerge If need to call something else than emerge(1) EOLDNEW_EMERGE_ARGS= Similar to EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS EOLDNEW_EMERGE_ARGS_OLD= Only used when emerging old EOLDNEW_EMERGE_ARGS_NEW= Only used when emerging new Note it is possible to set these in portage's make.conf as well, and _ARGS environment will replace instances of {} by the specified <atom>, e.g. EOLDNEW_EMERGE_ARGS_NEW="--usepkg-exclude {}"
Emerging an older version first
To emerge an older version of a package, pass the argument in with any other arguments after it being emerge arguments:
user $
eoldnew app-editors/vim --pretend
find-unresolved is primarily intended for working with embedded systems and ensuring no needed libraries are missing (normally portage verifies this automatically).
user $
find-unresolved --help
Finding unresolved soname dependencies
To scan a directory for unresolved dependencies, pass the directory in as an argument:
user $
find-unresolved /
* Scanning / for unresolved soname dependencies... scanelf: rpath_security_checks(): Security problem NULL DT_RUNPATH in opt/rust-bin-1.76.0/lib/libLLVM-17-rust-1.76.0-stable.so * Seems all good if the following libraries can be found at runtime: - libjvm.so - libunoidllo.so - libmozwayland.so - libjli.so - libmozsqlite3.so - libsystemd-shared-255.so - liblgpllibs.so - libgkcodecs.so - libmozsandbox.so - libmozavutil.so - libjava.so - libmozgtk.so - libxul.so - libuno_sal.so.3 - libuno_salhelpergcc3.so.3
qa-cmp compares the image installation of one atom to another.
user $
qa-cmp --help
Usage: qa-cmp <atom|image> [atom2|image2] Compares an installation image (i.e. ${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}/[...]/image/), with either another image or the currently installed system copy. Arguments can either be a path to the image, or an atom representing it. If atom is imprecise (i.e. no version), or only one is given, then will guess the right versions based on timestamps (older with newest). Options: -f, --no-filelist Do not print filelist differences -s, --no-soname Do not print SONAME differences -a, --no-abidiff Do not print per-libraries abidiff -z, --no-size Do not print size differences when above threshold -r, --no-report Do not report statistics at the end -x, --no-compare Short for all of the above (intended for --single-*) (unless -r/-x, report will still have statistics for disabled options) -T, --size-thres=% Size difference percentage at which to display it (default: 10.0%, 0 to always display) -B, --full-abidiff Show complete abidiff output -d, --quiet-nodebug Do not warn if missing debug for abidiff (unless -W) --timeout=[SECS] Terminate abidiff after SECS seconds, can be very slow with some C++ libraries (default: 10, unlimited if 0) -I, --image-only When guessing what to compare, ignore system's copy. (simplifies comparing two images) -p, --ignore-perms Do not show file permissions differences in filelist (needed if system has special permission handling) -P, --show-perms Always show file permissions even if no differences -K, --ver-keep Do not replace filelist's versions+slots in names by * -O, --ver-dironly Limit filelist version replacements to directories (default is to try to prevent showing uninteresting version-only changes) --no-skip-large Do not abort even if operations would be slow when over 10000 installed files (e.g. gentoo-sources) -M, --allow-missing Do nothing and exit normally if lacking a 2nd image (intended for automated scripts) -W, --confirm Show all statistics even if no changes as confirmation -F, --single-filelist Show full filelist for latest -S, --single-soname Show full soname list for latest -Z, --single-size Show size for latest -L, --single-all Short for --single-{filelist,soname,size} -U, --single-auto Auto-disable specified --single-* if two images (--single-* options can function with a single image) -c, --no-color Disable use of colors --confdir=PATH Configuration dir to use instead of defaults (/etc/iwdevtools + ~/.config/iwdevtools) --dumpconfig Display config and exit (> qa-cmp.conf) --root=PATH Set ROOT (command-line-only, default: '') --eprefix=PATH Set EPREFIX (likewise, default: '') -h, --help Display usage information and exit --version Display version information and exit *Abidiff Notes* Requires debug symbols for full report (FEATURES=splitdebug and -g). Report showing '[BREAKING]' doesn't necessarily mean it's breaking revdeps without rebuilds, but it warrants testing them while built against old version. Order matters, downgrading often breaks ABI. *Known Limitations* May report incorrect changes if pkg_postinst or FEATURES performed live changes on files or permissions that are missing from the image (e.g. fcaps.eclass). *Portage Integration* Can be integrated by using /etc/portage/bashrc, either by using the example /usr/share/iwdevtools/bashrc or by manually adding: source /usr/share/iwdevtools/qa-cmp.bashrc post_pkg_preinst() { qa-cmp_post_pkg_preinst } bashrc environment options (export/make.conf/package.env): QA_CMP=y | =n Enable or disable, can also use IWDT_ALL=y | =n QA_CMP_CMD=qa-cmp This script, needs to be changed if not in PATH QA_CMP_ARGS= Extra arguments to pass, see options above QA_CMP_LOG=eqawarn Portage output command, can also use IWDT_LOG=ewarn Note: eqawarn post-emerge log needs "qa" in make.conf's PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES
Comparing two packages
First, ensure both have been built with their image directories intact, i.e. by using ebuild ... clean install
Next, run qa-cmp:
root #
qa-cmp category/package-1.0.0 category/package-2.0.0
If nothing outputs then there were no differences.
Similar to qa-cmp, this scans an image directory to report issues in OpenRC scripts.
user $
qa-openrc --help
Usage: qa-openrc [-O <service-script>...] [<atom|image>] Reports common mistakes in OpenRC service scripts. If scripts are not given with the -O option, will look for scripts in the given installation image (i.e. ${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}/[...]/image/), or the currently installed system copy matching the given atom. Options: -p, --no-perms Disable file permissions QA check -s, --no-ssd-args Disable start_stop_daemon_args linter -O, --openrc Run checks on given scripts rather than the atom/image --confdir=PATH Configuration dir to use instead of defaults (/etc/iwdevtools + ~/.config/iwdevtools) --dumpconfig Display config and exit (> qa-openrc.conf) --root=PATH Set ROOT (command-line-only, default: '') --eprefix=PATH Set EPREFIX (likewise, default: '') -h, --help Display usage information and exit --version Display version information and exit *Notes* This is currently basic with few checks, will be extended as needed and is a subject to breaking changes. Note that portage already checks for bashisms if have dev-util/checkbashisms. *Portage Integration* Can be integrated by using /etc/portage/bashrc, either by using the example /usr/share/iwdevtools/bashrc or by manually adding: source /usr/share/iwdevtools/qa-openrc.bashrc post_pkg_preinst() { qa-openrc_post_pkg_preinst } bashrc environment options (export/make.conf/package.env): QA_OPENRC=y | =n Enable or disable, can also use IWDT_ALL=y | =n QA_OPENRC_CMD=qa-openrc This script, needs to be changed if not in PATH QA_OPENRC_ARGS= Extra arguments to pass, see options above QA_OPENRC_LOG=eqawarn Portage output command, can also use IWDT_LOG=ewarn Note: eqawarn post-emerge log needs "qa" in make.conf's PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES
Checking a service script
root #
qa-openrc category/package-1.0.0
qa-sed's primary purpose is to be used as a Portage integration, although it can be used individually
qa-sed reports when all files were unmodified to detect outdated constructs, similar to patch.
user $
qa-sed --help
Usage: qa-sed [sed option]... [--qa-sed-args] [option]... sed wrapper that reports when all files were unmodified to help with detection of outdated constructs similarly to a failing patch. This is primarily meant to be integrated with portage rather than used on its own (but still can), see portage integration below. Options: --qa-sed-args Allow other options to be used and not passed to sed -A, --all By default (if --func is provided) sed commands not ran directly in defined phase functions are ignored to suppress noise from eclasses, this forces to show everything --func=NAME Function name sed command was called from --source=FILE Path to the source file calling sed --lineno=NUM Line number that called sed (for referencing) -X, --error-on-qa Return exit code >128 if QA issues rather than sed's own (will trigger `|| die` in ebuilds) --confdir=PATH Configuration dir to use instead of defaults (/etc/iwdevtools + ~/.config/iwdevtools) --dumpconfig Display config and exit (2> qa-sed.conf) -h, --help Display usage information and exit --version Display version information and exit *Caveats* * does not know if a sed only replaces under specific conditions e.g. 's|/usr|${EPREFIX}/usr|', or 's|lib|$(get_libdir)|' consider: use prefix, [[ $(get_libdir) != lib ]], placeholders, etc... * can only verify different sed expressions if passed as separate -e arguments rather than a single 's/a/b/; s/c/d/' * can't do detection if stdin is used and isn't a file e.g. `cat file | sed` rather than `sed < file` (latter works) this is due to a precaution to ensure input will not be mangled * can't handle e/r/w sed commands (will abort with a sandbox error) *Portage Integration* Can be integrated by using /etc/portage/bashrc, either by using the example /usr/share/iwdevtools/bashrc or by manually adding: source /usr/share/iwdevtools/qa-sed.bashrc Creates a sed() function that most things will use instead. Should, in theory, not break anything as it will call sed with same arguments even on error -- but use with caution nonetheless, not for production. Note that `find . -exec sed {} +` bypasses the shell wrapper entirely. bashrc environment options (export/make.conf/package.env): QA_SED=y | =n Enable or disable, can also use IWDT_ALL=y | =n QA_SED_CMD=qa-sed This script, needs to be changed if not in PATH QA_SED_ARGS= Extra arguments to pass, see options above QA_SED_LOG=eqawarn Portage output command, can also use IWDT_LOG=ewarn Note: eqawarn post-emerge log needs "qa" in make.conf's PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES
qa-vdb performs basic QA checks based on /var/db/pkg's contents.
user $
qa-vdb --help
Usage: qa-vdb [option]... <atom> Perform basic QA checks based on vdb's contents (/var/db/pkg). Currently supports comparing RDEPEND with DT_NEEDED (i.e. from `scanelf -n`), and doing simple verification of binding operators / slots. <atom> can be the exact vdb entry, or anything portage accepts e.g. sys-devel/gcc:10, portage-utils, ~sys-apps/portage-3.0.20 Options: -s, --no-slot Exclude slots (e.g. needing :3 on gtk+, or :*) -b, --no-bind Exclude binding operators (implies --no-overbind) -o, --no-overbind Exclude superfluous binds (i.e. for subslot 0) -x, --no-extra Exclude listed dependencies that seem unused (using all --no-* or -sbx will limit to entirely missing deps) -e, --exclude=LIST Comma separated list of category/package to exclude, can also be specified multiple times (example: dev-python/*,sys-libs/glibc,*/gcc) --exclude-slot=LIST Like --exclude but to selectively --no-slot --exclude-bind=LIST Like --exclude but to selectively --no-bind --exclude-extra=LIST Like --exclude but to selectively --no-extra --exclude-lib=LIST Similar to --exclude but takes .so libraries as arguments and excludes if seen in DT_NEEDED (packages that provide no shared libraries are always excluded) -D, --depend Check against DEPEND rather than RDEPEND (virtuals will still use RDEPEND) -W, --confirm Show confirmation if no issues rather than silence -u, --ignore-uninstalled Allows to keep going if a dependency that should be in vdb, isn't. In theory this should never happen without package.provided or bugs. --ldconf=CONF ld.so.conf to use (default: /etc/ld.so.conf) -p, --no-ldpath Disable using ld.so.conf to find libraries' path (ldpath allows more accurate reports, but may miss rpath-based dependencies) -U, --unified Use `diff -U` for output instead builtin -F, --full When showing differences, display unchanged as well -c, --no-color Disable use of colors -r, --no-default-exclude Ignore configuration files for excludes --confdir=PATH Configuration dir to use instead of defaults (/etc/iwdevtools + ~/.config/iwdevtools) --dumpconfig Display config and exit (> qa-vdb.conf) --root=PATH Set ROOT (command-line-only, default: '') --eprefix=PATH Set EPREFIX (likewise, default: '') -h, --help Display usage information and exit --version Display version information and exit *Notes* Output is not a hard indication that something needs fixing (especially with seemingly unused dependencies that may still be using dlopen(), executables, or data files) and needs a human to interpret it. Exclusions can be used if something is known to be right. *Known Limitations* Missing slots won't be displayed when a binding operator (:=) is used as portage records the slot even if it was missing from the ebuild. No warning is given for libraries that are missing entirely or not associated with an installed package. For the former, please use portage's default enabled FEATURES="qa-unresolved-soname-deps" to be informed. *Portage Integration* Can be integrated by using /etc/portage/bashrc, either by using the example /usr/share/iwdevtools/bashrc or by manually adding: source /usr/share/iwdevtools/qa-vdb.bashrc post_pkg_postinst() { qa-vdb_post_pkg_postinst } bashrc environment options (export/make.conf/package.env): QA_VDB=y | =n Enable or disable, can also use IWDT_ALL=y | =n QA_VDB_CMD=qa-vdb This script, needs to be changed if not in PATH QA_VDB_ARGS= Extra arguments to pass, see options above QA_VDB_LOG=eqawarn Portage output command, can also use IWDT_LOG=ewarn Note: eqawarn post-emerge log needs "qa" in make.conf's PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES
Checking a package
To check a package in /var/db/pkg:
user $
qa-vdb category/package-1.0.0
repo-cd prints the directory of an atom and displays useful information relating to the package.
user $
repo-cd --help
Usage: repo-cd [option]... [atom] Print directory location (or change directory with *Shell Integration* below) plus some information corresponding to an atom either using /etc/portage/repos.conf or a repo list given using the -P or --path option. atom can be partial or missing, e.g. from dev-category/example::repo > dev-category : print the category directory location > example : lookup matches in all categories > example::repo: limit to a specific repo > (nothing) : print the repository's top level directory > . : run again for current directory In all cases, will ask if multiple results unless -1 or --first is specified. Options: -P, --path=PATH Colon-separated list of repos to search by priority, special keyword "default" adds all from repos.conf and "." will search current directory if it is a repo (e.g. --path="~/gentoo:default:.", see --dumpconfig or *Shell Integration* below to set permanently) -D, --duplicates Allow multiple repos with the same profiles/repo_name (e.g. keep /var/db/repos/gentoo even if have ~/gentoo) -1, --first Disable interactive prompts and always pick first choice -F, --fuzzy Always enable fuzzy search (e.g. 'gcc' matches both 'gcc' and 'gcc-config'), used by default if no exact name match -f, --exact Do not return fuzzy matches even if no exact name match (this still allows matching in multiple categories) -e, --exclude=LIST Comma-separated list of categories to exclude from searches unless explicitly specified (default: acct-user,acct-group,dev-haskell,virtual) --fields=LIST Comma-separated list of information to display, prefix with - to disable e.g. =all,-pgo (choices: dir,desc,home,remote,maint,pgo,bgo all by default, pgo+bgo are only for the Gentoo repo) -q, --quiet Do not display non-error informational messages (to be further quiet, also set --no-command) -R, --run=COMMAND If atom matches a package, run COMMAND then exit with its status, see *Running Commands* for details (default: ls -1v --color=always) -s, --no-capture Redirect COMMAND's output to stderr rather than capture -r, --no-command Do not run COMMAND even if defined --posix=ALIAS Print posix sh integration, see *Shell Integration* below --bash=ALIAS Print bash integration with atom completion support --fish=ALIAS Print fish integration with atom completion support --zsh=ALIAS Print zsh integration with atom completion support --compgen Print words for completion with a partial [atom] and exit -c, --no-color Disable use of colors --confdir=PATH Configuration dir to use instead of defaults (/etc/iwdevtools + ~/.config/iwdevtools) --dumpconfig Display config and exit (2> repo-cd.conf) --root=PATH Set ROOT (command-line-only, default: '') --eprefix=PATH Set EPREFIX (likewise, default: '') -h, --help Display usage information and exit --version Display version information and exit *Known Limitations* Some information may be missing if ebuilds rely on eclasses to set DESCRIPTION or HOMEPAGE without metadata/md5-cache. cpe-type remote-ids are unsupported. Initial invocation may be slow until the system caches the repo directories. *Running Commands* If match a valid package, --run's COMMAND will be executed inside the directory allowing to e.g. show directory contents (default), eshowkw / pkgdev showkw, git status/log, pkgcheck, and/or display notes/reminders based on the package name for some ideas. The variables RCD_CATEGORY, RCD_PN, RCD_PACKAGE (cat/pn), and RCD_REPONAME are exported for use with external scripts. For example, to see keywords using app-portage/gentoolkit, try: repo-cd --run="eshowkw -C" sys-apps/portage Note can set "run = eshowkw -C" in ~/.config/iwdevtools/repo-cd.conf, or pass --run= to the eval command in *Shell Integration* below to be permanent. *Shell Integration* To be able to change the directory of an interactive shell, a higher level helper is required, i.e. if repo-cd prints a path, then cd to it. For convenience, can use one of the shell integration option, e.g. --bash=rcd outputs code to enable `rcd [atom]` with atom tab completion support using bash. Intended to be added to ~/.bashrc and/or ~/.bash_profile (can also run in current shell to use immediately): eval "$(command repo-cd --bash=rcd)" Can also pass other options like --path or --run to the above for per-aliases effects. The above eval works the same for each supported shells, except e.g. swap --bash for --zsh and use ~/.zshrc, or --fish and ~/.config/fish/conf.d
Printing information
To print the information for a package, pass it as an argument:
user $
repo-cd app-editors/vim
> /var/db/repos/gentoo/app-editors/vim /var/db/repos/gentoo/app-editors/vim D Vim, an improved vi-style text editor (9999) H https://www.vim.org (9999) H https://github.com/vim/vim/ G https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/app-editors/vim G https://bugs.gentoo.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=app-editors%2Fvim M xxc3ncoredxx@gmail.com vim@gentoo.org proxy-maint@gentoo.org + Manifest + files + metadata.xml + vim-9.0.1503.ebuild + vim-9.0.1627.ebuild + vim-9.0.1678.ebuild + vim-9.0.1777.ebuild + vim-9.0.2092.ebuild + vim-9.0.2167.ebuild + vim-9999.ebuild
scrub-patch strips patches of any unnecessary data to reduce size and improve readability.
user $
scrub-patch --help
Usage: scrub-patch [option]... [patch]... Strip patches of typically useless cruft such as "diff --git" lines and timestamps to reduce size and improve readability. Patches can be passed either as arguments or through stdin, and either modified in-place (i.e. sed(1)'s -i) or to stdout. Options: -e, --edit Open patch in $EDITOR after scrubbing and before QA (e.g. to add links before unnecessary warnings) -g, --git Convert `leading-1.0/file` to git-style `a/file` rather than warn (do not use if not a -p1 patch) -1, --p0p1 Add one directory level to every files (-p0 -> -p1) -q, --quiet Don't nag about possible QA issues -n, --dry-run Don't scrub and only nag about QA instead -s, --no-sanity Disable `file` check for if being misdetected -i, --in-place Force `sed -i`-like behavior (no autodetect) -o, --stdout Always output the modified patch to stdout (no autodetect) -c, --no-color Disable use of colors --confdir=PATH Configuration dir to use instead of defaults (/etc/iwdevtools + ~/.config/iwdevtools) --dumpconfig Display config and exit (> scrub-patch.conf) -h, --help Display usage information and exit --version Display version information and exit
Scrubbing a patch
To scrub a patch, pass it in as the first argument:
user $
scrub-patch fix.patch
Portage integration
Iwdevtools provides hooks into portage via a bashrc file at /usr/share/iwdevtools/bashrc. To add these to Portage's bashrc for hooks, copy iwdevtools's bashrc:
# Either symlink, copy, or source using /etc/portage/bashrc to load everything.
# Assumes not already using post_pkg_*(), adjust if needed (just an example).
if \
. "/usr/share/iwdevtools/qa-cmp.bashrc" &&
. "/usr/share/iwdevtools/qa-openrc.bashrc" &&
. "/usr/share/iwdevtools/qa-sed.bashrc" &&
. "/usr/share/iwdevtools/qa-vdb.bashrc"; then
post_pkg_preinst() {
post_pkg_postinst() {
# vim: ts=4 ft=ebuild
See also
- Pkgdev — a collection of tools for Gentoo development.