Secure Boot

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Secure Boot is an enhancement of the security of the pre-boot process of a UEFI system. When enabled, the UEFI firmware verifies the signature of every component used in the boot process. This results in boot files which are easily readable, but tamper evident.

This wiki page describes how to set up Secure Boot by registering custom keys in the system's firmware directly. For an alternative method of booting with Secure Boot enabled that (usually) does not require touching the firmware settings, see the wiki page on Shim.


Implementing Secure Boot can significantly enhance the security of a system. The integrity of the boot chain is extremely important. If malicious code is able to interfere with the boot process, many other security measures are effectively nullified. The focus of this article is an in-depth explanation of how to interact with the secure boot process. To simply get Secure Boot working, something like app-crypt/sbctl can be used.


UEFI Secure Boot typically uses RSA-2048 and sha256 to perform public key cryptography.

Some UEFI implementations may support other algorithms/key sizes.

Secure Boot public keys should be stored in the X.509 format.

The private keys used to sign boot files must be kept secure, if keys are leaked, they could be used to sign malicious boot files.


Secure Boot typically implements the following keys and lists: [1][2][3]:

  • PK - Platform Key - Composed of two parts, PKpub (the public key) and PKpriv (the private key), used to sign the KEK.
  • KEK - Key Exchange Key - The key used to sign the Signatures and Forbidden Signatures database, there can be more than one.
  • db - Signature Database - Contains lists of public keys, signatures, and hashes which are allowed as part of the boot chain.
  • dbx - Forbidden Signature Database - The opposite of the signature database, public keys, signatures, and hashes which should never be allowed to boot.
Only one Platform Key can be used on a system, each other type is actually a list or "database". It is common to include the device Manufacturer's Key Exchange Key, and sometimes Microsoft's. On some devices, removing either of these keys could disable all video output.

Key Formats

Several key formats and extensions are used with Secure Boot:

  • .key - PEM - Used for private keys.
  • .crt - PEM - Used for public keys.
  • .cer - DER - Used for public keys.
  • .esl - EFI Signature List - Used by EFI, a collection of public keys and hashes.
  • .auth - Signed EFI Signature List - Used by EFI, signed form of an esl.


Secure Boot is only as strong as the implementation. The motherboard's UEFI firmware interface must be protected a password, otherwise an attacker could simply turn Secure Boot off and/or bypass it. Additionally, weak key storage can render any protections Secure Boot provides useless.

Physical security plays a large factor in how well Secure Boot works. Even with an Admin Password set for a system's firmware, resetting the CMOS by removing the battery or using a jumper/button on the motherboard will often reset any passwords. Additionally, some laptop's UEFI password can easily be reset.

Key Storage

Secure Boot stores the public keys and Signature Lists, typically stored on the mainboard's NVRAM. This memory region is typically readable once booted, but can only be written using the EFI firmware. An example of this is efibootmgr being used to adjust the boot order while the system is running. Memory for Secure Boot keys is typically read-only, and depending on the implementation, variables may only be writable one time in Setup Mode. UEFI firmware may support updating using properly .auth files, but this is not universal.

Some UEFIs allow for improper/insecure key loading, such as db and KEKs which do not match, or esl loading without authorization when in UEFI configuration.


USE flags

On packages with the secureboot global USE flag this flag can be enabled to automatically sign any EFI binaries installed by the package. When this flag is enabled the SECUREBOOT_SIGN_KEY and SECUREBOOT_SIGN_CERT environment variables must be used to specify the path (or pkcs11 URI) of the db key and certificate to use for signing in PEM format.

FILE /etc/portage/make.confmake.conf

In addition to the kernel itself, the kernel modules must also be signed to boot successfully with Secure Boot enabled. For this purpose the modules-sign global USE flag can be used in addition to the MODULES_SIGN_KEY and MODULES_SIGN_HASH environment variables.

Portage's FEATURES=pid-sandbox interferes with dev-libs/openssl's passphrase prompt. When using a key protected by a passphrase as the db key, please ensure that this feature is disabled in /etc/portage/make.conf.


USE flags for app-crypt/efitools Tools for manipulating UEFI secure boot platforms

static !!do not set this during bootstrap!! Causes binaries to be statically linked instead of dynamically


USE flags for app-crypt/sbsigntools Utilities for signing and verifying files for UEFI Secure Boot


USE flags for dev-libs/openssl Robust, full-featured Open Source Toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS)

+asm Enable using assembly for optimization
+quic Enable support for QUIC (RFC 9000); a UDP-based protocol intended to replace TCP
+sslv3 Support for the old/insecure SSLv3 protocol -- note: not required for TLS/https
+tls-heartbeat Enable the Heartbeat Extension in TLS and DTLS
bindist Disable/Restrict EC algorithms (as they seem to be patented) -- note: changes the ABI
fips Enable FIPS provider
gmp Add support for dev-libs/gmp (GNU MP library)
kerberos Add kerberos support
ktls Enable support for Kernel implementation of TLS (kTLS)
rfc3779 Enable support for RFC 3779 (X.509 Extensions for IP Addresses and AS Identifiers)
sctp Support for Stream Control Transmission Protocol
sslv2 Support for the old/insecure SSLv2 protocol -- note: not required for TLS/https
static-libs Build static versions of dynamic libraries as well
test Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
tls-compression Enable support for discouraged TLS compression
vanilla Do not add extra patches which change default behaviour; DO NOT USE THIS ON A GLOBAL SCALE as the severity of the meaning changes drastically
verify-sig Verify upstream signatures on distfiles
weak-ssl-ciphers Build support for SSL/TLS ciphers that are considered "weak"


root #emerge --ask app-crypt/efitools
root #emerge --ask app-crypt/sbsigntools
root #emerge --ask dev-libs/openssl

Backing up existing keys

Putting the system into Setup Mode removes all present keys, backups should be made before entering Setup Mode.

The efi-readvar command can be used to view the public contents of the UEFI signature database.

The keys can be saved using:

~/secure_boot/factory_config $for key_type in PK KEK db dbx; do efi-readvar -v $key_type -o ${key_type}.esl; done

Or each var can manually be saved using:

~/secure_boot/factory_config $efi-readvar -v PK -o PK.esl
~/secure_boot/factory_config $efi-readvar -v KEK -o KEK.esl
~/secure_boot/factory_config $efi-readvar -v db -o db.esl
~/secure_boot/factory_config $efi-readvar -v dbx -o dbx.esl
Ensure these keys are stored in a manner which makes the origin of these keys clear. This guide puts them in a separate directory, they will be used later.

Generating new keys

OpenSSL can be used to generate the Secure Boot keys.

At a minimum, the PK, KEK, and db keys must be created. Each of these keys can be created similarly.

When generating keys, ensure they are not being written to unencrypted storage, or to an easily accessible place. Encrypting the private key files is an optional step, but greatly increases security.
Because the process of rekeying Secure Boot is rather cumbersome, an expiry period of 10 years is typically used, it can be reduced or extended, but must be rekeyed when the keys expire.
Entries in EFI Signature Lists must be given a GUID (UUID), it must be unique but can otherwise be anything fitting that format. The chosen UUID does not have to be the same for all components, but this practice can help with organization.

Generating a UUID

To generate a UUID using uuidgen, and write it to uuid.txt:

~/secure_boot/custom_config $uuidgen > uuid.txt
uuidgen uses /dev/random by default if possible.

Batch key creation

By default, openssl will create keys which are individually protected with symmetric encryption. It's possible to use GPG to encrypt keyfiles without letting them touch storage using named pipes, described below.

Symmetrically protected keyfile creation

To create keyfiles protected with openssl:

~/secure_boot/custom_config $for key_type in PK KEK db dbx; do openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=Larry's ${key_type}" -keyout ${key_type}.key -out ${key_type}.crt -days 9999 -sha256; done

This is equivalent to:

~/secure_boot/custom_config $openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=Larry's PK" -keyout PK.key -out PK.crt -days 9999 -sha256
~/secure_boot/custom_config $openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=Larry's KEK" -keyout KEK.key -out KEK.crt -days 9999 -sha256
~/secure_boot/custom_config $openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=Larry's db" -keyout db.key -out db.crt -days 9999 -sha256
~/secure_boot/custom_config $openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=Larry's dbx" -keyout dbx.key -out dbx.crt -days 9999 -sha256

Public key encryption

To create a GPG encrypted file for each key type (PK, KEK, db, dbx):

~/secure_boot/custom_config $mkfifo key_pipe & sleep 1 && for key_type in PK KEK db dbx; do openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=Larry's ${key_type}" -keyout key_pipe -out ${key_type}.crt -days 9999 -noenc -sha256 & gpg --output ${key_type}.key.gpg --recipient --encrypt < key_pipe ; done ; rm key_pipe

This is equivalent to:

~/secure_boot/custom_config $mkfifo key_pipe &
~/secure_boot/custom_config $openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=Larry's PK" -keyout key_pipe -out PK.crt -days 9999 -noenc -sha256 &
~/secure_boot/custom_config $gpg --output PK.key.gpg --recipient --encrypt < key_pipe
~/secure_boot/custom_config $openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=Larry's KEK" -keyout key_pipe -out KEK.crt -days 9999 -noenc -sha256 &
~/secure_boot/custom_config $gpg --output KEK.key.gpg --recipient --encrypt < key_pipe
~/secure_boot/custom_config $openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=Larry's db" -keyout key_pipe -out db.crt -days 9999 -noenc -sha256 &
~/secure_boot/custom_config $gpg --output db.key.gpg --recipient --encrypt < key_pipe
~/secure_boot/custom_config $openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=Larry's dbx" -keyout key_pipe -out dbx.crt -days 9999 -noenc -sha256 &
~/secure_boot/custom_config $gpg --output dbx.key.gpg --recipient --encrypt < key_pipe
~/secure_boot/custom_config $rm key_pipe

Manual key creation

To create key a Platform Key:

~/secure_boot/custom_config $openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=Larry's Platform Key" -keyout PK.key -out PK.crt -days 9999 -sha256
The Common Name selected for the certificate can be anything, but should be descriptive.

Unprotected key creation

If an attacker gains possession of secure boot keys, they can sign images which secure boot will run.

To create key a Platform Key pair without protecting the PKpriv:

~/secure_boot/custom_config $openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=Larry's Platform Key" -keyout PK.key -out PK.crt -days 9999 -noenc -sha256

GPG protected key creation

To immediately GPG encrypt the PKpriv for additional protection, a named pipe can be used:

The recipient must correspond to the key being to encrypt the key files. -c can be used instead to symmetrically encrypt the created files.
~/secure_boot/custom_config $mkfifo key_pipe & sleep 1; openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=Larry's Platform Key" -keyout key_pipe -out PK.crt -days 9999 -noenc -sha256 & gpg --output PK.key.gpg --recipient --encrypt < key_pipe && rm key_pipe
This waits a second, because it forks and there is a chance that the named pipe may not be created by the time openssl attempts to generate keys.

This process can be repeated for the Key Exchange Key (KEK), Signature Database Key (db), and optionally, Forbidden Signature Database Key (dbx).

Preparing the signature lists

Once the secure boot keys have been generated, they can be used to create signature lists which are loaded by the EFI.

Creating the new Signature Lists

cert-to-efi-list can be used to create an .esl file using a .crt file, that signature list can then be signed using sign-efi-sig-list and the private key. To perform these actions on the Platform Key which has been GPG encrypted:

Batch creation

This process can be done in a batch using:

~/secure_boot/custom_config $for key_type in PK KEK db dbx; do cert-to-efi-sig-list -g $(< uuid.txt) ${key_type}.crt ${key_type}.esl; done

Manual creation

The Signature List for the Platform Key can be created using:

~/secure_boot/custom_config $cert-to-efi-sig-list -g $(< uuid.txt) PK.crt PK.esl
This takes PK.crt as an input and outputs PK.esl. In this stage, nothing is signed.
This process should be repeated for every other used key type.

DER file creation (optional)

To create a DER (.cer) file for each of the generated keys:

~/secure_boot/custom_config $for key_type in PK KEK db dbx; do openssl x509 -outform DER -in ${key_type}.crt -out ${key_type}.cer ; done

With the new keys created, they must be combined with existing keys, formatted and signed to be used.

Combining the Signature Lists (optional)

The created Signature Lists are not populated, it often makes sense to use the factory keys as a base; these can later be removed if desired.

Some systems require the loading of GPU drivers signed with factory keys, if Secure Boot is enabled, but validation fails for these files, graphics output will be broken. If this occurs, Secure Boot must be disabled headlessly to recover the system.

Batch concatenation

To concatenate all new and old Signature Lists:

~/secure_boot $for key_type in KEK db dbx; do cat factory_config/${key_type}.esl custom_config/${key_type}.esl > ${key_type}.esl; done

Manual concatenation

The KEK Signature Lists can be concatenated using:

~/secure_boot $cat factory_config/KEK.esl custom_config/KEK.esl > KEK.esl

This process can be repeated for the db and dbx Signature Lists

Copying the signature lists

If the last step was not followed, all esl files from the custom_config directory should be copied to the parent directory:

~/secure_boot $cp custom_config/*.esl .

Copying the Platform Key

If the factory signature list was combined with the custom one, only the PK must be copied:

~/secure_boot $cp custom_config/PK.esl .

Signing the Signature Lists

With the Signature Lists finalized, they must be signed.

The PK and KEK esls are signed with the PK, the db and dbx esls are signed using the KEK.

Platform Key

The signed PK Signature List can be created with:

~/secure_boot/ $sign-efi-sig-list -k custom_config/PK.key -c custom_config/PK.crt PK PK.esl PK.auth

GPG protected PK

If GPG was used to encrypt the keyfiles:

~/secure_boot/ $mkfifo key_pipe & sleep 1 && gpg --decrypt custom_config/PK.key.gpg > key_pipe & sign-efi-sig-list -k key_pipe -c custom_config/PK.crt PK PK.esl PK.auth ; rm key_pipe

Key Exchange Keys

The KEK is signed using the PK.

The signed KEK Signature List can be created with:

~/secure_boot/ $sign-efi-sig-list -k custom_config/PK.key -c custom_config/PK.crt KEK KEK.esl KEK.auth

GPG protected PK

If GPG was used to encrypt the keyfiles:

~/secure_boot/ $mkfifo key_pipe & sleep 1 && gpg --decrypt custom_config/PK.key.gpg > key_pipe & sign-efi-sig-list -k key_pipe -c custom_config/PK.crt KEK KEK.esl KEK.auth ; rm key_pipe

Signature Databases

The db and dbx are signed using the KEK.

Finally, this process must be used with the db and dbx Signature Lists:

~/secure_boot/ $for db_type in db dbx; do sign-efi-sig-list -k custom_config/KEK.key -c custom_config/KEK.crt $db_type ${db_type}.esl ${db_type}.auth ; done

GPG protected KEK

If GPG was used to protect the KEK private key:

~/secure_boot/ $mkfifo key_pipe & sleep 1 && for db_type in db dbx; do gpg --decrypt custom_config/KEK.key.gpg > key_pipe & sign-efi-sig-list -k key_pipe -c custom_config/KEK.crt $db_type ${db_type}.esl ${db_type}.auth ; done ; rm key_pipe

Reset Key

If an empty file is passed as an esl, it creates an auth file which can be leaded into the Platform Key slot, disabling it:

This file is literally an empty file signed with the Platform Key; when it is loaded into the PK slot, as it is validly signed, it erases the contents - disabling Secure Boot.
~/secure_boot/ $rm -f noPK.esl
~/secure_boot/ $touch noPK.esl
~/secure_boot/ $mkfifo key_pipe
~/secure_boot/ $mkfifo nopk_pipe
~/secure_boot/ $gpg --decrypt custom_config/PK.key.gpg > key_pipe & sign-efi-sig-list -k key_pipe -c custom_config/PK.crt PK noPK.esl nopk_pipe &
~/secure_boot/ $gpg --recipient --output noPK.auth.gpg --encrypt < nopk_pipe
~/secure_boot/ $rm nopk_pipe
~/secure_boot/ $rm key_pipe

Installing the keys

On most systems, the keys and signature lists can be installed using efi-updatevar. If this is not possible, the keys must be loaded using the UEFI.

Before installing the keys, the system must be put into Setup Mode. This process differ widely across systems, but generally, there is an option under the Security tab allowing secure boot to be disabled, and for the keys to be cleared/setup mode to be entered.

Setup Mode is exited once the Platform Key has been written. Entering User Mode does not enable Secure Boot.
Entries other than the Platform Key can be installed using the .esl files while in Setup Mode.
When installing esl files, -e must be used.

Installing the Key Exchange Key

While in Setup Mode, the KEK can be installed with either the .auth, or .esl file:

~/secure_boot/ $sudo efi-updatevar -e -f KEK.esl KEK

While in User Mode, the KEK can be installed with a valid KEK.auth:

~/secure_boot/ $sudo efi-updatevar -f KEK.auth KEK

Installing the Database Keys

While in Setup Mode, the db and dbx can be installed with either the .auth, or .esl file:

~/secure_boot/ $for db_type in db dbx; do sudo efi-updatevar -e -f ${db_type}.esl $db_type; done

While in User Mode, the KEK can be installed with a valid KEK.auth:

~/secure_boot/ $for db_type in db dbx; do sudo efi-updatevar -f ${db_type}.auth $db_type; done

Installing the Platform Key

While in Setup Mode, the PK can be installed using:

~/secure_boot/ $sudo efi-updatevar -f PK.auth PK

Successful execution of this command exits Setup Mode and enters User Mode

Signing Boot Files

Before activating secure boot, all boot files must be signed using the db key.

The most straightforward way to Secure Boot is with an EFI stub kernel or Unified kernel image, so only one file needs to be signed.


sys-kernel/installkernel-gentoo installs kernels to /boot, if using an EFI stub, the signed file should be moved to /efi.

Advanced usage, with GPG encrypted keys:

~/secure_boot/ $mkfifo key_pipe & sleep 1 && gpg --decrypt custom_config/db.key.gpg > key_pipe & sudo sbsign --key key_pipe --cert custom_config/db.crt --output /efi/signed-vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz; rm key_pipe
In this case, sudo is only required to write to /boot.

Basic usage with an unencrypted db private key:

~/secure_boot/ $sudo sbsign --key custom_config/db.key --cert custom_config/db.crt --output /efi/signed-vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz
If --output is omitted, the .signed extension will be added to the output file.

efibootmgr can be used to add a boot entry for this new signed file, or this signed kernel image can be moved to /boot/EFI/BOOT/BOOTx64.efi.

Unless CONFIG_CMDLINE_OVERRIDE and CONFIG_CMDLINE are configured, Kernel command line parameters are not validated by Secure Boot. The initramfs is never validated unless embedded using CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE.
See also
For additional security the reader might be interested in Unified Kernel Image.

Creating an EFI Boot Manager entry

To create an EFI boot entry for /efi/vmlinuz-6.3.4-gentoo-r1-initramfs.signed which is under the root of /dev/sda1:

root #efibootmgr --disk /dev/sda --create --label "Signed Gentoo 6.3.4" --loader vmlinuz-6.3.4-gentoo-r1-initramfs.signed
The label is for the user and should be descriptive.

Verifying Signatures

Files signed using this process can be checked using:

~/secure_boot/ $sbverify --cert custom_config/db.crt /efi/vmlinuz-6.3.4-gentoo-r1-initramfs.signed
Signature verification OK

Listing Signatures

Signatures can be listed using:

user $sbverify --list /efi/vmlinuz-6.3.4-gentoo-r1-initramfs.signed
signature 1
image signature issuers:
 - /CN=Larry's db
image signature certificates:
 - subject: /CN=Larry's db
   issuer:  /CN=Larry's db

Checking Secure Boot Status

When Secure Boot is enabled, dmesg should report:

root #dmesg | grep -i "secure"
[    0.010667] Secure boot enabled

od can be used to read the Secure Boot status from /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/:

The UUID may differ, but the parameter should start with SecureBoot-.
user $od --address-radix n --format x1 /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/SecureBoot-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c
06 00 00 00 01

A value of 1 in the last portion indicates that Secure Boot is set to be active in the EFI variables.

--address-radix n removes output formatting, only displaying data. --format x1 formats the output data as hex.


efivar can be used to read and change the values of EFI variables:

Listing variables

The --list parameter can be used to read current EFI variables.

The output format is {UUID}-name" and the UUID essentially be ignored.
user $efivar --list | grep -i secure

Checking Secure Boot Status

The status of secure boot can be checked with:

user $efivar --print --name 8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c-SecureBoot
Name: "SecureBoot"
	Boot Service Access
	Runtime Service Access
00000000  01                                                |.               |

An output of 1 indicates Secure Boot is enabled.

Resetting the Platform Key

Some UEFIs are bugged; resetting the Platform Key using this method may result in a UEFI that can no longer load any custom keys. It is generally safer to reset the PK by entering Setup Mode in the UEFI directly.

Using a noPK.auth, to update the PK disables it:

~/secure_boot/ $mkfifo auth_pipe & sleep 1 && gpg --decrypt noPK.auth.gpg > auth_pipe & sudo efi-updatevar -f auth_pipe PK

See also
