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Az /etc/portage/package.license fájl tartalmazza a csomagonkénti ACCEPT_LICENSE utasítások definícióit. Egyes csomagok csak a licenc elfogadásával telepíthetők. A licencek a /var/db/repos/gentoo/licenses/ könyvtárban vannak tárolva.
root #
emerge -pv linux-firmware
These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! Dependency resolution took 1.14 s. !!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "linux-firmware" have been masked. !!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request: - sys-kernel/linux-firmware-99999999::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s), missing keyword) A copy of the 'linux-fw-redistributable' license is located at '/var/db/repos/gentoo/licenses/linux-fw-redistributable'. - sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20230117::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s)) - sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20221214::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s)) - sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20221109::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s)) - sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20221012-r1::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s)) - sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20221012::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s)) - sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20220913-r2::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s)) - sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20220815::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s)) - sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20220708::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s)) - sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20220610::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s)) - sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20220509::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s)) - sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20220411::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s)) - sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20220310::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s)) - sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20220209::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s)) For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
Ebben az esetben a linux-fw-redistributable licencet kell elfogadni. Hogy ezt megtegye:
Egy package.license linux-firmware példa# Accepting the license for linux-firmware
sys-kernel/linux-firmware linux-fw-redistributable
# Accepting any license that permits redistribution
sys-kernel/linux-firmware @BINARY-REDISTRIBUTABLE
Formátum és példák
- A megjegyzéssorok
karakterekkel kezdődnek (nincs soron belüli megjegyzés). - Soronként egy DEPEND atom, majd további licencek vagy csoportok.
Egy package.license példa# Accepting google-chrome license for www-client/google-chrome for version equal or greater than 42.0.2311.90_p1
>=www-client/google-chrome-42.0.2311.90_p1 google-chrome
# Accepting google-chrome license for any version of www-client/google-chrome
www-client/google-chrome google-chrome
# Accepting google-chrome license for every www-client package at any version
www-client/* google-chrome
# Accepting google-chrome license for every package at any version
*/* google-chrome
# Accepting every license for every package at any version (not a good idea)
*/* *
További olvasnivaló a témában
- Handbook:AMD64/Working/Portage#Licenses
- License groups — enable the system's package manager to allow or disallow the installation of certain categories of software based on license compatibility.
- Project:Licenses — tries to make heads and tails of license terms