at is a tool for running delayed jobs and batching processes. Processes can be scheduled via 12 or 24 hour time in HH:MM notation. If that time is already passed, the next day is assumed. It's also possible to specify a job's time with a few different aliases, notably: midnight (00:00), noon (12:00), and teatime (16:00). Relative times are also acceptable.
It is also possible to schedule a job contingent upon acceptable system load via the batch command.
USE flags
USE flags for sys-process/at Queues jobs for later execution
root #
emerge --ask sys-process/at
Environment variables
- LOGNAME — if the user is not logged in at the time of the at job's scheduled execution, mail is sent to the user account specified in this variable.
- SHELL — used by at at execution time to determine the appropriate shell.
- /var/spool/at/atjobs — The directory for storing scheduled jobs.
- /var/spool/at/atspool — The directory for storing the output of completed jobs.
- /proc/loadavg — The system's load average.
- /var/run/utmp — Account login records.
- /etc/at/at.allow — The system whitelist for determining who may submit at batch jobs.
- /etc/at/at.deny — The system blacklist for preventing abuse of at batch jobs.
The atd service is required in order for at batch job execution to occur. It can be enabled as follows:
root #
rc-update add atd default
root #
rc-service atd start
root #
ln -s /etc/sv/atd /var/service/
root #
sv up atd
root #
systemctl enable atd
root #
systemctl start atd
List scheduled jobs:
user $
at -l
10 Mon Mar 20 08:15:00 2023 a alice 11 Mon Mar 20 09:45:00 2023 a bob
Pipe a simple command to at and have it run in 5 minutes.
user $
echo -e "testing, testing, 1, 2, 3" | at now +5 minutes
Delete scheduled jobs:
user $
at -r 11
Define the system load below which scheduled jobs are permitted to run. For example, given a 4 core system running batch jobs with a system load of 3.0 might be far more realistic than the 0.8 default.
user $
atrun -l 3.0
List scheduled jobs:
user $
10 Mon Mar 20 08:15:00 2023 a alice 11 Mon Mar 20 09:45:00 2023 a bob
Delete a scheduled job:
user $
atrm 11
The compile time default for batch is a system load of 0.8, which may not be what you want on a modern multi-core system. To override this compile-time default use the atd -l command.
Run pending batch jobs when the current system load drops below a given threshold.
user $
user $
at -h
Usage: at [-V] [-q x] [-f file] [-u username] [-mMlbv] timespec ... at [-V] [-q x] [-f file] [-u username] [-mMlbv] -t time at -c job ... at [-V] -l [-o timeformat] [job ...] atq [-V] [-q x] [-o timeformat] [job ...] at [ -rd ] job ... atrm [-V] job ... batch
root #
emerge --ask --depclean --verbose sys-process/at
See also
- cron — how to setup and use cron daemons in Gentoo Linux
- Systemd#Timer_services