Warning: Display title "CONFIG_PROTECT" overrides earlier display title "CONFIG PROTECT".
CONFIG_PROTECT 变量包含用空格分隔的目录列表,Portage不会盲目的拷贝新版本的文件到这些目录中,而是将这些目录中的文件当做配置文件,由用户手动检查更新是否需要和正确。可以通过 CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK 变量排除列出目录的子目录。
A current list of presently protected locations can be displayed with portageq:
user $
portageq envvar CONFIG_PROTECT
/etc /usr/share/config /usr/share/gnupg/qualified.txt
Using portageq is a short hand alternative to running a regular expression search on verbose, informational output from the emerge command:
user $
emerge --verbose --info | grep -E '^CONFIG_PROTECT='
CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/share/config /usr/share/gnupg/qualified.txt"
Files or subdirectories defined within the CONFIG_PROTECT can be excluded from protection through the CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK variable. Masking is useful when a parent directory should be protected, but a certain child directory beneath it.
该变量有一个合理的默认设置,该设置由 Portage 安装处理,并包含用户的 Gentoo profile。它可以通过系统环境(通过/etc/env.d文件更新的变量,通常用于应用程序)以及用户/etc/portage/make.conf 中设定中的条目来扩展。
另请参考 Gentoo 手册中的 环境变量 章节。
See also
- CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK — contains a list of files or subdirectories which will be excluded from the overwrite protection offered by the CONFIG_PROTECT variable.
- savedconfig — a USE flag that preserves the saved configuration files upon package updates.
- /etc/portage/make.conf — 是在全局级别自定义 Portage 环境的主要配置文件。