CVMFS is a FUSE module which implements an HTTP read-only filesystem.
CVMFS server setup
To get an cvmfs server system working you will need the following steps.
Kernel with aufs options enabled
The sys-kernel/aufs-sources contains Linux Kernel with the aufs support module. First, you must install this package:
root #
emerge -av sys-kernel/aufs-sources
Note that in order to use genkernel to generate Linux kernel and initramfs, with aufs-sources-3.10.25 as an example, you must:
root #
eselect kernel set linux-3.10.25-aufs
root #
genkernel --menuconfig all
linux is a symbolic link to the real kernel source.
File systems --->
[*] FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) support
[*] miscellaneous filesystems --->
[*] Aufs (Advanced multi layered unification filesystem) support
[*] Detect direct branch access (bypassing aufs)
[*] NFS-exportable aufs
[*] Readdir in userspace
[*] Show whiteouts
[*] Ramfs (initramfs/rootfs) as an aufs branch
[*] Fuse fs as aufs branch
[ ] Debug aufs
Apache server configuration
The cvmfs server utility will use /srv/cvmfs as storage location. Therefore, the DocumentRoot
should be config to the /srv
DocumentRoot "/srv"
<Directory "/srv">
root #
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Create CVMFS repository
1. Build and install cvmfs
Download cvmfs code from github cvmfs.
The cvmfs build system uses cmake. In order to compile and install, run from the source directory.
root #
mkdir -p build
root #
cd build
root #
cmake ../
root #
root #
make install
2. Create the two directories and ensure adequate space.
- /cvmfs
- /srv
3. Create a new cvmfs server "file system" and repository structure:
root #
cvmfs_server mkfs my.test.repo
If there is an error in creation, remove the repository:
root #
cvmfs_server rmfs my.test.repo
Repository update
In cvmfs server, switch repo to a copy-on-write enabled cvmfs volume.
root #
cvmfs_server tansaction
Then, make the necessary changes to the repository.
Run cvmfs_server publish to finalize your new repository revision, or run cvmfs_server abort to clear all changes and start over again.
root #
cvmfs_server publish
CVMFS client setup
Install the cvmfs package from cvmfs. See the above section.
Install the AutoFS. Typically, mounting of cvmfs repositories is handled by AutoFS. For Gentoo, you must both install autofs utility and open kernel option.
Check the /etc/auto.master has contains /cvmfs /etc/auto.cvmfs
. Then, do the base setup:
root #
cvmfs_config setup
Create /etc/cvmfs/default.local to set base options of cvmfs client:
minimal sample of configCVMFS_REPOSITORIES=your.cvmfs.repo
CVMFS_CACHE_BASE = /path/to/your/cache
CVMFS_RELOAD_SOCKETS = /path/to/your/cache
Then, use the cvmfs2 command line to mount cvmfs to local for example:
root #
cvmfs2 -o config=/etc/cvmfs/default.local your.cvmfs.repo path/to/mount/cvmfs
At last, check if cvmfs mounts correctly.
root #
cvmfs_config probe
Reload the updated repository
Internally cvmfs checks for file system updates once per hour by default. You can certainly configure a lower update interval. In order to force frequent catalog updates, you can set the configuration variable CVMFS_MAX_TTL
to a value in seconds. But be warned, that a very short TTL might result in high load on your server infrastructure.
if you want to invest a bit of scripting, you can also use cvmfs_talk remount or cvmfs_config reload to trigger a reload of the newest snapshot (without service interruption).