cfg-update is a utility used on Gentoo to manage configuration file updates. It allows system administrators to review then accept or reject upstream configuration changes, which frequently happens when packages are updated. It is has an integrated backup system which does not require an external version control system.
USE flags
USE flags for app-portage/cfg-update Easy to use GUI & CLI alternative for etc-update
Add support for X11 |
root #
emerge --ask app-portage/cfg-update
Configuration is done through /etc/cfg-update.conf. The most common option users need to change is the MERGE_TOOL option to the preferred merge tool of the system. Supported tools include meld, xxdiff, kdiff3, gvimdiff, tkdiff, vimdiff, sdiff and imediff.
cfg-update must be run as the root user. The first time it runs, it creates a portage hook to update its index and will remind of running the update command.
user $
cfg-update --help
USAGE cfg-update [runmode] [options] (version 1.8.2-r1) RUNMODES -l, --list List updates (._cfg0000_* files) including modification state Examples: cfg-update -l : list updates on localhost cfg-update -l -h1 -l : list updates on remote host 1 cfg-update -l -h0-100 : list localhost + remote host 1-100 -u, --update Update the protected configuration files Examples: cfg-update -u : update localhost cfg-update -up : update pretend-only cfg-update -ua : update automatic-only cfg-update -um : update manual-only cfg-update -u -h1 : update remote host 1 cfg-update -u -h0-100 : update localhost + remote host 1-100 -b, --backups List backup files, with numbers for use with the -r option The backups are stored in /var/lib/cfg-update/backups Examples: cfg-update -b : list all backups localhost cfg-update -b -h1 : list all backups remote host 1 -r [x], --restore [x] Restore a backup by using a number [x] from the -b output Examples: cfg-update -r10 : restore backup 10 on localhost cfg-update -r10 -h1 : restore backup 10 on remote host 1 --mount Mounts the remote hosts specified in /etc/cfg-update.hosts --check Checks the remote hosts for problems and shows their status --unmount Unmounts the remote hosts specified in /etc/cfg-update.hosts OPTIONS -a, --automatic-only Skips all manual updates (for use with cronjobs) -m, --manual-only Skips all automatic updates -h [x|x-y], --host [x|x-y] Includes sshfs mounted remote hosts (combine with -u, -l, -b, -r) With this option you can perform updates on multiple remote machines from a single location. Listing updates, updating, listing backups and restoring backups on remote machines are all possible. For configuration info see: /etc/cfg-update.hosts -t [tool], --tool [tool] Set mergetool, overrides the default setting in /etc/cfg-update.conf GUI tools: xxdiff, kdiff3, meld, tkdiff, gtkdiff, gvimdiff CLI tools: vimdiff, sdiff, imediff2 -p, --pretend Pretend, simulate the update session without changing anything -v, --verbose Verbose output, shows all file operations and unhides STDERR messages -d, --debug Debugging mode, unhides STDERR messages and shows subroutine tags SPECIAL OPTIONS -i, --index (--paludis) Creates or updates the checksum-index if neccesary. The index is neccesary for determining which files can be updated automatically. The index needs to be updated before installing new packages. A hook will be created in /etc/portage/bashrc so you don't have to do this manually. When Paludis is installed, cfg-update will add a hook to /usr/share/paludis/hooks/install_all_pre/cfg-update.bash The Portage hook will execute: cfg-update --index The Paludis hook will execute: cfg-update --index --paludis -s, --show-protected-dirs Shows directories protected by the CONFIG_PROTECT system variable cfg-update searches for updates in the CONFIG_PROTECT directories --optimize-backups Backups can be used for automatic 3-way merging. This option creates extra backups to maximize the chances of future automatic updates SETTINGS (from /etc/cfg-update.conf) Stage1 >> Automatic replacing - enabled Stage2 >> Automatic 3-way merging - enabled Stage3 >> Manual 3-way merging - disabled (not supported by imediff2) Stage4 >> Manual 2-way merging - enabled Stage5 >> Manual replacing - enabled USAGE INFORMATION Start (as root) with "cfg-update -l" to list all the ._cfg0000_* files, followed by "cfg-update -u" to update the current config files one by one. You can also use the --pretend mode with "cfg-update -u -p" to see how cfg-update will handle the files without actually updating them. Take a look in the manpage for more usage examples... MERGETOOL INFORMATION /usr/bin/imediff2 (manual 3-way merging is not supported) In imediff2 you select the lines that you want to keep. When done, try saving the merged result as *.merge or save the merged result over the current config file. When you exit imediff2, cfg-update will finish the update... For more info, type "man cfg-update" or visit
To update system files:
root #
cfg-update -u
cfg-update -u Searching for updates... << Stage1 >> 1 files in queue for automatic replacing, starting... (1/1) /etc/wgetrc *Unmodified File This file has not been changed and does not contain custom settings. Replacing it with /etc/._cfg0000_wgetrc Update complete... << Stage2 >> 0 files in queue for automatic 3-way merging, skipping... << Stage3 >> imediff2 does not support 3-way merging, skipping... << Stage4 >> 0 files in queue for manual 2-way merging, skipping... << Stage5 >> 0 files in queue for manual updating, skipping... All files have been updated...
See also
- etc-update (AMD64 Handbook)
- Dispatch-conf — a utility included with Portage, used to safely and conveniently manage configuration files after package updates.