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DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module System) is a distribution agnostic framework for managing out-of-tree kernel modules.

DKMS supports:

  • Dynamically building and installing missing kernel modules at boot, via an init system service.
  • Building and installing out-of-tree kernel modules during installation of a new kernel, via an Installkernel hook.
  • Managing, building and installing out-of-tree kernel modules, via a command line utility.
  • Automatically signing and/or compressing built kernel modules, as well as generating signing keys.


To use DKMS, install the sys-kernel/dkms package:

root #emerge --ask sys-kernel/dkms

USE flags for sys-kernel/dkms Dynamic Kernel Module Support

systemd Enable use of systemd-specific libraries and features like socket activation or session tracking


DKMS is configured via /etc/dkms/framework.conf. Every option is extensively documented in the configuration file, in the subsections below we highlight the options for kernel module signing and compression.

Kernel module signing

DKMS will automatically sign built kernel modules if the target kernel supports this. By default it will use the key and certificate pair at /var/lib/dkms/mok.key and /var/lib/dkms/ respectively. Another key may be used by specifying the mok_signing_key and mok_certificate variables in /etc/dkms/framework.conf as shown below:

FILE /etc/dkms/framework.confconfiguring kernel module signing in DKMS
# Location of the key and certificate files used for Secure boot. $kernelver
# can be used in path to represent the target kernel version.
# NOTE: If any of the files specified by `mok_signing_key` and
# `mok_certificate` are non-existant, dkms will re-create both files.
# mok_signing_key can also be a "pkcs11:..." string for PKCS#11 engine, as
# long as the sign_file program supports it.
# (default: /var/lib/dkms):
As of version 3.1.6 of sys-kernel/dkms, DKMS recognizes and automatically uses Portage's MODULES_SIGN_KEY and MODULES_SIGN_CERT if set in the environment or in /etc/portage/make.conf. If these variables are not set, then DKMS tries to extract the value of CONFIG_MODULE_SIG_KEY from the target kernel configuration. This means that for most cases it is not required to configure kernel module signing for DKMS separately.

Kernel module compression

DKMS will automatically compress kernel modules if the module install tree for the target kernel (/lib/modules/KV_FULL) contains compressed kernel modules. The used compression options can be customized as shown below.

FILE /etc/dkms/framework.confconfiguring kernel module compression in DKMS
# Compression settings DKMS uses when compressing modules. The defaults are
# used, for reasonable compression times. One might instead wish to use
# maximum compression, at the expense of speed when compressing.
compress_xz_opts="--check=crc32 --lzma2=dict=1MiB -6"
compress_zstd_opts="-q -T0 -3"

Integration with Portage

This article is a work in progress; treat its contents with caution - Nowa (talk | contribs).

Integration with portage is provided by the global dkms USE flag. When this flag is enabled, the affected packages will install the sources required to build the kernel module(s) to a subdirectory of /usr/src/, and then register the contained kernel modules with DKMS. Portage will then instruct DKMS to build and install the kernel modules for the currently selected kernel version. To enable the dkms USE flag for all packages containing kernel modules, set the flag in make.conf:

FILE /etc/portage/make.confEnabling DKMS

To trigger a rebuild and reinstallation of a kernel module provided by a dkms-enabled package for the currently running kernel, one can use the --config argument for emerge:

root #emerge --config example/package
When the out-of-tree kernel module management is outsourced to DKMS by enabling the dkms USE flag portage will not itself build and install any kernel modules. As such any generated binary packages will not actually contain any built kernel modules, and will instead contain the kernel module sources and the associated DKMS configuration file(s). An additional consequence of this is that the modules-compress and modules-sign USE flags are ineffective, see the configuration section above for instructions on how to configure kernel module compression and signing with DKMS instead.


DKMS integration with Installkernel is setup automatically. To additionally also build and install missing kernel modules at boot, enable the DKMS init service:

root #systemctl enable --now dkms

To automatically build and install all DKMS registered kernel modules for the currently running kernel:

root #dkms autoinstall

To autoinstall for a different kernel version instead, add the -k argument followed by the target kernel version:

root #dkms autoinstall -k 6.x.y-gentoo-dist