Eclass testing
From Gentoo Wiki
This is a basic guide to write tests for Gentoo Eclasses.
Testing framework
In order to test eclasses, you need to source the eclass/tests/ file in the Gentoo ebuild repository. It sets up a testing environment, provides replacements for commonly used functions and adds helpers for running tests.
Tests are bash scripts that can be located in any directory, although in this guide eclass/tests will be assumed.
In the ::gentoo repo, it's as simple as:
source || exit
Always exit if sourcing failed, otherwise terrible things like bug #833342 could happen!
Always exit if sourcing failed, otherwise terrible things like bug #833342 could happen!
In other repositories, use portageq to locate the file:
GENTOO_REPO=$(portageq get_repo_path / gentoo) || exit
source "${GENTOO_REPO}"/eclass/tests/ || exit
Note the TESTS_ECLASS_SEARCH_PATHS variable. Without it you won't be able to inherit Gentoo eclasses.
Overview of helpers
Function | Description | Example use |
tbegin message | ebegin wrapper for a test case. |
CODE tbegin "dependency strings"
t cmd | Run cmd and set the suite's exit status to non-zero if it failed. |
CODE t test "${RDEPEND}" == "app-foo/bar"
tend status | eend wrapper for a test case. |
CODE tend $?
texit | Clean up and set the suite's exit status. Call it at the end of your test suite. |
CODE texit