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ejabberd is an open source, multi-platform, XMPP application server and MQTT broker, written mainly in Erlang.


USE flags

USE flags for net-im/ejabberd Robust, scalable and extensible XMPP server

+stun Enable STUN/TURN support
captcha Support for CAPTCHA Forms (XEP-158) on registration
debug Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Quality_Assurance/Backtraces
full-xml Use XML features in XMPP stream (ex: CDATA), requires XML compliant clients
ldap Add LDAP support (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
mssql Enable Microsoft SQL Server support (via ODBC) for data storage
mysql Enable MySQL support for data storage
odbc Enable ODBC support to access data storage
pam Add support for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) - DANGEROUS to arbitrarily flip
postgres Enable PostgreSQL support for data storage
redis Enable Redis support for transient data
roster-gw Turn on workaround for processing gateway subscriptions
selinux !!internal use only!! Security Enhanced Linux support, this must be set by the selinux profile or breakage will occur
sip Enable SIP support
sqlite Enable SQLite database support
zlib Enable Stream Compression (XEP-0138) using zlib


Install ejabberd:

root #emerge --ask net-im/ejabberd

Adding various modules through USE flags will trigger things like: dev-lang/erlang, net-im/ejabberd, etc. to be installed with ejabberd.



The information in this section is probably outdated. You can help the Gentoo community by verifying and updating this section.
ejabberd.cfg has been superseded by ejabberd.yml, which is formatted in a completely different way. For old .cfg config files, "man ejabberdctl" for an automatic conversion script, see convert_to_yaml.

In /etc/jabber/ejabberd.cfg put:

FILE /etc/jabber/ejabberd.cfg
:{acl, admin, {user, "bob", "süpercomputer"}}.


FILE /etc/jabber/ejabberd.cfg
:{hosts, ["foo.bar"]}.

Where foo.bar is what is required for the accounts, like bob@foo.bar (so the server should be available at foo.bar. If not, clientside configuration needs extra server parameter).

In /etc/jabber/ejabberctl.cfg put:

FILE /etc/jabber/ejabberctl.cfg

So the node will be called ejabberd@süpercomputer while süpercomputer is the one configured in /etc/conf.d/hostname If this is changed, remember to issue:

root #rc-service hostname restart



Then start:

root #rc-service ejabberd start

Then create users:

user $ejabberdctl register {name} {domain} {password}

For example:

user $ejabberdctl register bob foo.bar süpersecret

Set up a jabber server using ejabberd

This often fails at first try, because the whole ejabberd-erlang-mnesia thing can be really picky sometimes. So, one hint may be to not initialize/start/test anything until the final hostname selections are in every config file. Changing hostname afterwards can cause problems, at least before becoming familiar with the above mentioned tools.

Second hint: If errors are encountered when restarting here, Erlang nodes might have to be stopped, which unfortunately are not called 'erlang' or something, but 'beam', so this might be found useful:

user $killall beam -9