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FluidSynth is a real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications.



root #emerge --ask media-sound/fluidsynth


FluidSynth must be run with a sound font. Two are provided by the media-sound/fluid-soundfont package, FluidR3_GM.sf2 and FluidR3_SM.sf2.

Start FluidSynth with the appropriate sound font:

user $fluidsynth /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2

FluidSynth is now available for use.

Although FluidSynth can be used directly from the command line, GUI front ends are available, such as Qsynth.


On PipeWire-based systems, FluidSynth can be combined with pw-midiplay to play MIDI files.

With FluidSynth running, run pw-midiplay on the MIDI file to be played:

user $pw-midiplay --target 0 track.midi &

Run pw-link to find the node IDs of the FluidSynth input port and the pw-midiplay output port:

user $pw-link -ioI | grep 'FLUID\|midiplay'
124 Midi-Bridge:FLUID Synth (10855):(playback_0) Synth input port (10855:0)
133 pw-midiplay:output_1

Link pw-midiplay's output to FluidSynth's input:

user $pwlink 133 124

The track should now be played.

See also