This article provides an overview of puzzle games available in the ::gentoo ebuild repository.
GNOME Sudoku
This is an application for playing the popular sudoku logic puzzle game, in which one must fill a 9 by 9 square with the correct digits. GNOME Sudoku is meant to have as simple, unobtrusive an interface as possible while still providing features that make playing difficult Sudoku more fun.
root #
emerge --ask games-puzzle/gnome-sudoku
Me and My Shadow

Me and My Shadow is a free libre puzzle/platform game in which you try to reach the exit by solving puzzles. Spikes, moving blocks, fragile blocks and much more stand between you and the exit. Record your moves and let your shadow mimic them to reach blocks you couldn't reach alone. It features over 40 levels and 18 different block types and also comes with an in-game map editor. View a YouTube demo here.
root #
emerge --ask games-puzzle/meandmyshadow

Tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course before time runs out. Neverball is part puzzle game, part action game, and entirely a test of skill. View a YouTube demo here.
root #
emerge --ask games-puzzle/neverball
Pingus is a free clone of the popular Lemmings game. Your goal is to guide a horde of penguins through a world full of obstacles and penguin traps to safety. Although penguins (unlike lemmings) are rather smart, they sometimes lack the necessary overview and now rely on you to save them. View a YouTube demo here.
root #
emerge --ask games-puzzle/pingus