Gentoo Wiki:Developer Central
Developer central
This page is a landing that provides resources for official Gentoo developers. Official developers have a email address.
All developers should link their Gentoo Infra LDAP record to their developer account here on the wiki:
New projects can be quickly created on the wiki via the Project form:
File hosting for things that will not fit on the wiki (code, meeting notes, etc.) is provided via projects.g.o:
According to Semantic Mediawiki data, Gentoo currently has:
- 113 active devs
- 147 retired or inactive devs
- 169 active projects
Getting started
The wiki has the contributor's guide for getting started, as well as its own extensive help pages for learning more about syntax and formatting and a Guidelines article that outlines the formatting standards for our wiki. Those who want to take a deep dive on how MediaWiki software works can swim upstream to the MediaWiki User's Guide.
For any questions related to the wiki, join the #gentoo-wiki (webchat) IRC channel, or send an email to If there is something to improve, please let us know on the Feedback page!
August 04, 2022: More updates to developer and project wiki forms
Wiki admins would like to formally announce more quality of life enhancements to developer and project 'pages' here on the wiki. Enhancements include:
- Links to related bugs on bugs.g.o can now be activated on Gentoo project boxes (closes bug #686264. Individual projects can opt-in with the checkbox on each respective project page.
- A new field for developers to post a 'fund me' link directly on their developer 'profile'. None of our developers are paid by the Gentoo Foundation; the vast majority of our devs freely volunteer their time to maintain and improve Gentoo. Please consider donating to our devs who have listed their fund me info.