Chrome is Google's proprietary (closed source) web browser. Much of the source code is released in parallel as Chromium, however there are binary blobs present in Chrome including a Pepper-based version PPAPI of the Adobe Flash Player.[1]
Currently there are several versions of Google Chrome available in the main Gentoo repository:
- www-client/google-chrome - A stable version of the web browser from Google.
- www-client/google-chrome-beta - A beta version of the web browser of Google.
- www-client/google-chrome-unstable - An unstable version of the web browser from Google.
USE flags
Each of the packages listed above contains the following USE flags:
USE flags for www-client/google-chrome The web browser from Google
Accept License
In order to install Google Chrome, the user needs to accept the 'google-chrome' license agreement. A copy of the license can be found at '/var/db/repos/gentoo/licenses/google-chrome'. Read with:
user $
less /var/db/repos/gentoo/licenses/google-chrome
And to agree:
root #
echo "www-client/google-chrome google-chrome" >> /etc/portage/package.license
Select one of the Chrome packages to emerge above. Here the primary stable Chrome package will be installed:
root #
emerge --ask www-client/google-chrome
Most configuration aspects can be found in the Chromium article. Head over there for configuration information.
Screensharing with Pipewire
Change 'WebRTC PipeWire support' to 'Enabled' in chrome://flags
Using Wayland backend
Change 'Preferred Ozone platform' to 'Wayland' in chrome://flags
Using IM
Chrome needs to be instructed to use gtk4 in order to use IM such as fcitx5.
user $
google-chrome-stable --gtk-version=4
To configure custom policies in Chrome, the policy section in the Chromium article can be used: Chromium#Policies.
However, please note that the directory where Google Chrome looks for policies can be slightly different. According to the documentation the lookup path for installed policies should be: /etc/opt/chrome/policies[2]
No emojis?
Emerge media-fonts/noto-emoji.