Google Summer of Code/2022/Ideas/Musl support expansion
Musl support expansion
The alternative libc musl is strict about standards compliance. This project is to work in improving the number of packages, especially popular and important ones, which build and work correctly (including test suites passing) on musl systems.
We already have a substantial list (bug #430702) of packages which need porting to musl, but there will inevitably be more not yet found by our automated testing. The work for this project can be scoped as necessary.
Students would be asked to work on a musl porting guide to aid future work and other Gentoo developers based on their experiences and knowledge developed during the project, building on existing stub/draft work.
Contacts | Required Skills |
| |
Expected Project Size | Expected Outcomes |
175 hours |
Any subset of the following items, as long as it matches the project size:
Project Difficulty | |
Easy to medium depending on which bugs are worked on. There are enough which are easy but experienced candidates will have the opportunity to take on harder bugs if interested. |