Recursos do portage
O portage tem vários recursos adicionais que faz a experiência com o Gentoo ainda melhor. Muitos desses recursos dependem de ferramentas de software que melhoram o desempenho, confiabilidade, segurança, ...
To enable or disable certain Portage features, edit /etc/portage/make.conf and update or set the FEATURES variable which contains the various feature keywords, separated by white space. In several cases it will also be necessary to install the additional tool on which the feature relies.
Not all features that Portage supports are listed here. For a full overview, please consult the make.conf man page:
user $
man make.conf
To find out what FEATURES are set by default, run emerge --info and search for the FEATURES variable or grep it out:
user $
emerge --info | grep ^FEATURES=
Distributed compiling
Usando o distcc
distcc is a program to distribute compilations across several, not necessarily identical, machines on a network. The distcc client sends all necessary information to the available distcc servers (running distccd) so they can compile pieces of source code for the client. The net result is a faster compilation time.
Maiores informações sobre o distcc (e como fazê-lo funcionar com o Gentoo) podem ser encontradas no artigo do Distcc.
Instalando o distcc
O distcc contém um monitor gráfico para monitorar as tarefas que estão sendo enviadas para compilação. Essa ferramenta é instalada automaticamente se USE=gnome
ou USE=gtk
estiver habilitada.
root #
emerge --ask sys-devel/distcc
Ativando o suporte do Portage ao distcc
Add distcc
to the FEATURES variable inside /etc/portage/make.conf. Next, edit the MAKEOPTS variable and increase the number of parallel build jobs that the system allows. A known guideline is to fill in -jN
where N
is the number of CPUs that run distccd (including the current host) plus one, but that is just a guideline.
Now run distcc-config and enter the list of available distcc servers. For a simple example assume that the available DistCC servers are (the current host), and (two "remote" hosts):
root #
distcc-config --set-hosts ""
Não se esqueça de executar também o daemon distcc:
root #
rc-update add distccd default
root #
/etc/init.d/distccd start
Caching compilation objects
Sobre o ccache
ccache is a fast compiler cache. Whenever an application is compiled, it will cache intermediate results so that, whenever the same program and version is recompiled, the compilation time is greatly reduced. The first time ccache is run, it will be much slower than a normal compilation. Subsequent recompiles however should be faster. ccache is only helpful if the same application version will be recompiled many times; thus it is mostly only useful for software developers.
Para maiores informações sobre o ccache, por favor visite sua homepage.
ccache is known to cause numerous compilation failures. Sometimes ccache will retain stale code objects or corrupted files, which can lead to packages that cannot be emerged. If this happens (errors like "File not recognized: File truncated" come up in build logs), try recompiling the application with ccache disabled (
in /etc/portage/make.conf or one-shot from the commandline with the following) before reporting a bug:
root #
FEATURES="-ccache" emerge --oneshot <category/package>
Instalando o ccache
To install ccache run the following command:
root #
emerge --ask dev-util/ccache
Activating Portage ccache support
Open /etc/portage/make.conf and add ccache
to any values defined in the FEATURES variable. If FEATURES does not exist, then create it. Next, add a new variable called CCACHE_SIZE and set it to 2G
To check if ccache functions, ask ccache to provide its statistics. Because Portage uses a different ccache home directory, it is necessary to temporarily set the CCACHE_DIR variable:
root #
CCACHE_DIR="/var/tmp/ccache" ccache -s
The /var/tmp/ccache/ location is Portage' default ccache home directory; it can be changed by setting the CCACHE_DIR variable in /etc/portage/make.conf.
When running ccache standalone, it would use the default location of ${HOME}/.ccache/, which is why the CCACHE_DIR variable needs to be set when asking for the (Portage) ccache statistics.
Using ccache outside Portage
To use ccache for non-Portage compilations, add /usr/lib/ccache/bin/ to the beginning of the PATH variable (before /usr/bin). This can be accomplished by editing ~/.bash_profile in the user's home directory. Using ~/.bash_profile is one way to define PATH variables.
Binary package support
Creating prebuilt packages
Portage supports the installation of prebuilt packages.
To create a prebuilt package use the quickpkg command if the package is already installed on the system, or emerge with the --buildpkg
or --buildpkgonly
To have Portage create prebuilt packages of every single package that gets installed, add buildpkg
to the FEATURES variable.
More extended support for creating prebuilt package sets can be obtained with catalyst. For more information on catalyst please read the Catalyst FAQ.
Installing prebuilt packages
Although Gentoo doesn't provide one, it is possible to create a central repository where prebuilt packages are stored. In order to use this repository, it is necessary to make Portage aware of it by having the PORTAGE_BINHOST variable point to it. For instance, if the prebuilt packages are on ftp://buildhost/gentoo:
To install a prebuilt package, add the --getbinpkg
option to the emerge command alongside of the --usepkg
option. The former tells emerge to download the prebuilt package from the previously defined server while the latter asks emerge to try to install the prebuilt package first before fetching the sources and compiling it.
For instance, to install gnumeric with prebuilt packages:
root #
emerge --usepkg --getbinpkg gnumeric
More information about emerge's prebuilt package options can be found in the emerge man page:
user $
man emerge
Distributing prebuilt packages to others
If prebuilt packages are to be distributed to others, then make sure that this is permitted. Check the distribution terms of the upstream package for this. For example, for a package released under the GNU GPL, sources must be made available along with the binaries.
Ebuilds may define a bindist
restriction in their RESTRICT variable if built binaries are not distributable. Sometimes this restriction is conditional on one or more USE flags.
By default, Portage will not mask any packages because of restrictions. This can be changed globally by setting the ACCEPT_RESTRICT variable in /etc/portage/make.conf. For example, to mask packages that have a bindist
restriction, add the following line to make.conf:
ACCEPT_RESTRICT="* -bindist"
It is also possible to override the ACCEPT_RESTRICT variable by passing the --accept-restrict
option to the emerge command. For example, --accept-restrict=-bindist
will temporarily mask packages with a bindist
Also consider setting the ACCEPT_LICENSE variable when distributing packages. See the Licenses section for this.
It is entirely the responsibility of each user to comply with packages' license terms and with laws of each user's country. The metadata variables defined by ebuilds (RESTRICT or LICENSE) can provide guidance when distribution of binaries is not permitted, however output from Portage or questions answered by the Gentoo developers are not legal statements and should not be relied upon as such. Be cautious to abide by the law of your physical location.
Fetching files
Verify distfiles
To re-verify the integrity and (potentially) re-download previously removed/corrupted distfiles for all currently installed packages, run:
root #
emerge --ask --fetchonly --emptytree @world