Handbook Talk:AMD64/Networking/Advanced

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General suggestions

Talk status
This discussion is still ongoing as of 2024-10-02.

The "Network interface naming" section could perhaps be combined with the relevant section of the udev page to create a Part that can be transcluded on both pages. This would, of course, mean that it couldn't be edited by regular users when transcluded on the 'udev' page; off the top of my head, this doesn't seem to me like a problem?

-- Flexibeast (talk) 11:59, 2 October 2024 (UTC)

Suggested rephrasings

"Advanced configuration" section

Proposed changes - Please make edits here until a final revision is agreed upon.

The config_{interface} variable - where {interface} is an interface name, e.g. eth0 - is the heart of an interface configuration. The variable's value is a high-level instruction list for configuring the specified interface.
Proposed changes - Please make edits here until a final revision is agreed upon.

For example, dhcp will run a module that provides DHCP (e.g. via dhcpcd, dhclient, etc.).

(pump has been removed in the rephrasing as it's not currently in the main repo.)

Proposed changes - Please make edits here until a final revision is agreed upon.

To handle command failure, a corresponding fallback value can be specified via the fallback_{interface} variable. The value has to exactly match the structure of the corresponding config_{interface} variable.

Also suggest moving the Important template in this section to before the Note it currently follows.

"Network dependencies" section

Proposed changes - Please make edits here until a final revision is agreed upon.

For a more detailed discussion about dependencies, consult the section on writing initscripts in the Gentoo Handbook.

Also suggest using Path template for things like net.eth0, net.br0, etc.

"Variable names and values" section

Proposed changes - Please make edits here until a final revision is agreed upon.

They normally follow the structure: {variable}_{interface|mac|essid|apmac}.
Proposed changes - Please make edits here until a final revision is agreed upon.

However, there is no rule that states interface names must be of the form ethx. For example, by default the kernel will give wireless interfaces names like wlanx.
Proposed changes - Please make edits here until a final revision is agreed upon.

However, Gentoo uses Bash variables for networking, and variable names in Bash cannot contain anything other than English alpha-numerics. To get around this limitation we change every character that is not an English alpha-numeric into an _ (underscore) character.
Proposed changes - Please make edits here until a final revision is agreed upon.

Additionally, some values for Bash variables require certain characters to be escaped: " (double quote), ' (single quote) and \ (backslash). This can be achieved by placing the '\' (backslash) character in front of the character that needs to be escaped. For example, to specify the ESSID My "\ NET: