IPsec L2TP VPN server

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IPsec/L2TP is considered a legacy VPN protocol. For modern clients, (Windows since Windows 7, Android since 11, macOS since 10.11, iOS since 9) consider IPsec IKEv2 MSCHAPv2 VPN server instead. Note strongSwan can simultaneously handle legacy IKEv1/L2TP clients and modern pure IKEv2/MSCHAPv2 clients, if both need to be supported

Many operating systems support an L2TP/IPsec VPN out-of-the-box. By combining the confidentiality- and authentication services of IPsec (Internet Protocol security), the network tunneling of the Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol (L2TP) and the user authentication through pppd, administrators can define VPN networks across multiple, heterogeneous systems. This allows setting up a VPN across Android, Windows, Linux, MacOS and other operating systems without any commercial software requirements.


IPsec/L2TP is a commonly used VPN protocol used in Windows and other operating systems. All version of Windows since Windows 2000 have support built-in, not requiring an external client (like OpenVPN does) making it very convenient. However, it is significantly harder to set up on the server side on Linux, as there's at least 3 layers involved: IPsec, L2TP, and PPP.

  1. The IPsec setup provides the confidentiality of the network communication and the client (system) authentication
  2. With L2TP a tunnel is set up so that the VPN traffic goes over IPsec in a transparent manner
  3. The PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) setup manages the authentication of the users

This guide will not cover setting up DHCP, RADIUS, Samba or a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). It also does not really cover how to configure Linux clients, although the step to do so can be derived from the guide pretty easily. It does cover some Windows client configuration for the purpose of troubleshooting the server setup.

Assumptions and example settings

For the purpose of this guide, the following assumptions (or sample settings) are used:

  • Domain is example.com
  • Server name is vpn.example.com
  • CA file is called ca.crt
  • Server cert is vpn.example.com.crt
  • Server key is vpn.example.com.key
  • Client cert is client.example.com.crt
  • Client key is client.example.com.key


The first layer to set up is IPsec. Note IPsec is peer-to-peer, so in IPsec terminology, the client is called the initiator and the server is called the responder.

There are 2 implementations of IPsec in Portage: LibreSwan and strongswan. Both have NAT traversal enabled by default, but if the VPN server is behind NAT and the client is Windows, special client configuration is required.

In the next sections, the different configurations are explained. For each option, document

  • how to use PSK for authentication, and
  • how to use certificates for authentication

Make sure to pick one (either PSK or certificates). Note there is no provision within the IKEv1 protocol to negotiate PSKs. The only information available to choose which key to use is based on the source and destination IP addresses. Since, in the usual scenario, the responder won't know the initiator's IP in advance, everyone must use the same pre-shared key. Therefore, certificates (PKI) are highly recommended over pre-shared keys (PSK), even for only a single user. However generating certificates and creating a PKI is a rather complex process and out of scope of this document, but the app-crypt/easy-rsa package can make it less painful.

For this tutorial, when using certificate based authentication, the necessary certificates are already available.

Option 1: LibreSwan

LibreSwan is a fork of Openswan (which itself a fork of FreeS/WAN). It is actually forked by the remaining original developers of Openswan, however after the original developers left Xelerance, a dispute about the "Openswan" name escalated to a lawsuit, after which the name LibreSwan was taken.

PSK setup for LibreSwan

A shared key must be created. It may either be specified by a quoted string or by a hex number. Based on the next example, PUT_VPN_SERVER_IP should be replaced by the server's IP address. The domain name can be used, but it is not recommended by the LibreSwan developers. The %any setting allows any client to use this PSK.

FILE /etc/ipsec.d/vpn.example.com.secret
PUT_VPN_SERVER_IP %any : PSK 0x87839cfdab5f74bc211de156d2902d128bec3243
# Or to use a plain text key instead of hex:
# PUT_VPN_SERVER_IP %any : PSK "password_pass"

Then create /etc/ipsec.d/vpn.example.com.conf:

FILE /etc/ipsec.d/vpn.example.com.conf
conn vpnserver

Certificate based setup for LibreSwan

LibreSwan requires Network Security Services (NSS) to be properly configured and used for the certificate management. To make things easy, a PKCS#12 bundle should be created containing the server's secret key, the server's certificate and the CA certificate.

user $openssl pkcs12 -export -certfile ca.crt -inkey vpn.example.com.key -in vpn.example.com.crt -out /etc/ipsec.d/vpn.example.com.p12 -passout pass:

The bundle can then be imported into the NSS database:

root #pk12util -i vpn.example.com.p12 -d /var/lib/ipsec/nss

The LibreSwan configuration files will refer to the nickname for the imported objects. Use certutil -L -d /var/lib/ipsec/nss and certutil -K -d /var/lib/ipsec/nss to see what they are.

Above, vpn.example.com is used for the nickname obtained through the certutil -K -d . command.

FILE /etc/ipsec.d/vpn.example.com.conf
conn vpnserver

Here, vpn.example.com was the nickname obtained via the certutil -L -d . command.

Option 2: strongSwan

strongSwan is a fork of FreeS/WAN (although much code has been replaced).

While strongSwan supports the legacy (stroke) ipsec.conf configuration mechanism, it introduces a new kind of config file for a new interface: the Versatile IKE Control Interface (VICI).

To use it, a few directories need to be defined:

root #( umask 007 ;\
mkdir /etc/swanctl/{bliss,conf.d,ecsda,pkcs12,pkcs8,private,pubkey,rsa};\
mkdir /etc/swanctl/x509{,aa,ac,ca,crl,ocsp};\
mkdir /etc/ipsec.d;\
mkdir /etc/ipsec.d/{private,certs,crls,ocspcerts,aacerts,acerts,reqs}; )

PSK setup for strongSwan

A shared key must be created. It may either be specified by a quoted string or by a hex number.

FILE /etc/swanctl/conf.d/vpn.example.com.conf
connections {
	linuxvpn {
		local-1 {
			id = @vpn.example.com
		remote-1 {
		children {
			only {
pools {
secrets {
	ike-1 {
		secret = "password_pass"
authorities {

The proposals=aes128-sha1-modp1024,default is for Windows 7 and Android. Without it, they will be unable to connected. See the client notes below.

Certificate based setup for strongSwan

The files must be copied to the correct place:

root #cp ca.crt /etc/swanctl/x509ca
root #cp server.example.com.crt /etc/swanctl/x509
root #cp server.example.com.key /etc/swanctl/private

Finally update the /etc/swanctl/conf.d/vpn.example.com.conf file as follows:

FILE /etc/swanctl/conf.d/vpn.example.com.conf
connections {
	linuxvpn {
		local-1 {
			auth = pubkey
			certs = vpn.example.com.crt
			id = @vpn.example.com
		remote-1 {
			auth = pubkey
		children {
			only {
pools {
secrets {
authorities {

The proposals=aes128-sha1-modp1024,default is for Windows 7 and Android. Without it, they will be unable to connected. See the client notes below.


The second layer, Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), is much easier to setup. Like IPsec, L2TP is a peer-to-peer protocol. The client side is called the L2TP Access Concentrator or LAC and the server side is called the L2TP Network Server or LNS.

Restricting L2TP to the IPsec tunnel

L2TP is insecure, and should not be accessible outside the IPsec connection


When using iptables, use the following rules to block all L2TP connection outside the ipsec layer:

root #iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p udp -m policy --dir in --pol ipsec -m udp --dport l2tp -j ACCEPT
root #iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport l2tp -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
root #iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p udp -m policy --dir out --pol ipsec -m udp --sport l2tp -j ACCEPT
root #iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p udp -m udp --sport l2tp -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable


When using nftables, use the following script to block all L2TP connection outside the ipsec layer:

#!/sbin/nft -f
table ip l2tp-ipsec {
        chain INPUT {
                type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
                meta ipsec exists udp dport 1701 counter accept
                udp dport 1701 counter reject
	chain OUTPUT {
                type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;
                rt ipsec exists udp sport 1701 counter accept
                udp sport 1701 counter reject


Firewalld only blocks incoming connection, not outgoing, and even "rich" rules are not expressive enough to state what is needed for inbound. However, firewalld is designed to live with nftables tables, so the nftables solution above will work and not interfere with it.

Using xl2tpd

Unlike other L2TP servers, xl2tpd can maintain an IP address pool without a DHCP or RADIUS server. This is a layering violation, but for a small setup it is extremely convenient:

FILE /etc/xl2tpd/xl2tpd.conf
port = 1701
access control = no
[lns default]
ip range =
local ip =
require authentication = yes
name = LinuxVPN
pppoptfile = /etc/ppp/options.xl2tpd

To use a RADIUS or DHCP server, leave off the ip range and local ip parts.

Create the options file as well:

FILE /etc/ppp/options.xl2tpd

This line is for Windows's benefit. Without it, (at least as of Windows 10) Windows will send EAP probes, which pppd rejects, but Windows will insist, rather then fall back. Manual configuration of the VPN connection will be for Windows to use MSCHAPv2 instead of EAP. By limiting Windows's choice, it will work "out of the box".

If more flexibility is desired and Windows client configuration is not an issue, this line can be dropped.


The final layer to configure is the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) layer. The package to install here is net-dialup/pppd.

root #emerge --ask net-dialup/pppd


PPP is used to perform authentication. Unlike the certificate based or PSK authentication, the PPP layer is more for authenticating (and authorizing) the end users' access to the VPN.

Authentication via chap.secrets

For small users (typically, those wanting to connect their home network from elsewhere), authentication can be done through the chap.secrets file:

FILE /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
# Secrets for authentication using CHAP
# client        server  secret                  IP addresses
avatar          *       unontainium              *
When authenticating with domains, the client name will need to be mangled appropriately, in this case, EXAMPLE\\avatar.
/etc/ppp/chap-secrets contains unencrypted passwords, so make sure only root can read or write it

Authentication via Samba

When the machine is part of (or hosting) an MS Domain or AD forest, and the clients are using winbind, then Samba can do the authentication. Add plugin winbind.so to the ppp options. Setting up Samba and pppd to do this is beyond the scope of this document.

Authentication via RADIUS

pppd can use RADIUS. Ensure the radius USE flag is set on net-dialup/ppp. Then add plugin radius.so and plugin radattr.so to the PPP options. Setting up RADIUS is beyond the scope of this document.

Authentication via EAP-TLS

If individual users have certificates (which is not the same as the machine certificate above), then setup pppd to authenticate via EAP-TLS. Ensure the eap-tls USE flag is set on net-dialup/ppp. The require-eap option might need to be included in the PPP options file as well. Setting up pppd to do this is beyond the scope of this document.

Server Notes

Server behind NAT

When the server is behind NAT (Network Address Translation), which is usually the case when the server is hosted after a home router, some specific attention pointers can help in ensuring the IPsec connection is stable and working.

Opening ports

2 ports need to be open:

  • UDP port 500 (for ISAKMP)
  • UDP port 4500 (for NAT Traversal)

Make sure to forward those to the VPN server.

Also the following Internet Protocols (not ports) need to be allowed as well:

  • 50 (ESP)
  • 51 (AH)

This might need to be configured on the router side if the router has protocol specific settings (most don't though).

Client Notes


Creating the PKCS12 file

The certificate should be packaged in a PKCS12 package. This can be done through openssl or gnutls:

user $openssl pkcs12 -export -certfile ca.crt -inkey client.example.com.key -in client.example.com.crt -out client.example.com.p12
user $certtool --load-ca-certificate /home/salahx/easy-rsa/pki/ca.crt --load-certificate /home/salahx/easy-rsa/pki/issued/client.example.com.crt --load-privkey /home/salahx/easy-rsa/pki/private/client.example.com.key --to-p12 --p12-name=client.example.com.crt --outder --outfile client.example.com.p12

Be sure to set a password. Some clients (like MacOS) will not open a passwordless p12 file. Some legacy clients can only handle DER encoded p12 files (default for openssl, certtool defaults to PEM). Also remember the certificate belongs to the machine/system, not the user.


RRAS Error 809: The network connection between your computer and VPN could not be established because the remote server is not responding...

When importing, it's important to choose "Local Machine" to import to, NOT "Current User". Otherwise, Windows can't find the certificate and just times out without ever contacting the IPSec server.

Weak proposals

Unlike other clients, Windows prefers the weakest proposal. So if 3des-sha1-modp1024 is offered, it will take it over a better option. On strongSwan, the added proposal aes128-sha1-modp1024 is added for the benefit of legacy clients (Windows 7 and earlier). Older version of Windows won't offer anything stronger than modp1024 by default. It is possible to allow or force Windows to accept a better proposal through a registry hack. Set DWORD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Rasman\Parameters\NegotiateDH2048_AES256 to 1 to enable Windows to accept aes256-sha1-modp2048, set it to 2 to not allow anything weaker.

If there are no legacy clients (see Android section below), and all Windows clients are at least Windows 10 21H2 (might work with earlier versions) OR have the above registry hack applies, and the server is running strongSwan, the proposal=aes128-sha1-modp1024 may be removed or adjusted.

Enabling split tunneling

By default, Windows connects via full tunnel mode (everything is routed over the VPN), however it's possible to enable split tunnel in Windows.

Enable split tunneling via the GUI

Go to "Change adapter options" to show the adapters. Right-click the VPN connection, choose Properties, then Networking, then Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), then Properties, then Advanced, then uncheck "Use default gateway on remote network".

Via PowerShell
Set-VPNconnection -name vpn.example.com -SplitTunneling $true

Substitute vpn.example.com with the given VPN connection name

Server behind NAT

Windows does not automatically support IPsec/L2TP servers behind NAT. See Configure a L2TP/IPsec server behind a NAT-T device to enable support.

RRAS Error 835: The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer could not authenticate the remote computer...

The subjectAltName of the server certificate MUST match the server name being connected to. (When connecting by IP address, Windows skips this check).

Mac OS X

MacOS X client require several steps:

  1. The CA and client certificates must be imported into the System keychain, not the Login keychain.
  2. In the Keychain app, the new CA is untrusted by default, so it must be marked trusted
  3. Also note that if corrected after the VPN connection is created, it is necessary to re-select the certificate under Authentication Settings to clear the error.

The "Account Name" should be the PPP username.

Note that Mac OS also checks the subjectAltName vs DNS, if it does not match, it will refuse to connect.


As of Android 12, Android no longer supports IPsec/L2TP. Like Windows, Android won't offer anything stronger than modp1024, so strongSwan config has an added proposal of aes128-sha1-modp1024. This works even on very old version of Android (at least 4.2). If there are no Android client or other legacy clients (see Windows above), the proposal=aes128-sha1-modp1024 may be removed or adjusted.


iOS does not support certificate-based authentication for IPSec/L2TP, only pre-shared keys (PSK). (It does support certificate for IPSec/XAuth, however).

External resources