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This page is a translated version of the page Kernel and the translation is 4% complete.
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Linux çekirdeği, uygulamaların donanıma erişmesine izin veren bileşen, yani işletim sisteminin kalbidir. Çoğu donanımın sürücüsü çekirdek içerisinde bulunmaktadır.

Gentoo Linux veya FreeBSD çekirdeği üzerinde çalışan bir işletim sistemi olmasına ve FreeBSD'nin kendi çekirdeği olmasına rağmen bu makalede çekirdek (kernel) olarak bahsedilen, Linux çekirdeğidir.

See also
See also the handbook on installing and setting up a kernel.

Gentoo provides a choice of methods to get a kernel up and running, from a standard binary kernel as would be supplied by most distributions to a custom configured and compiled kernel.

When starting out, the gentoo-kernel-bin provides a quick and easy way to get a kernel up and running, while still providing a light, high performance kernel (just like any modern distribution would). Once a system is installed and functioning correctly, a different kernel may be selected if needed. The sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin can be kept around in case of issues booting a custom kernel.


When manually compiling kernel sources or using Genkernel to automate some of the process, Gentoo recommends the sys-kernel/gentoo-sources package for most users. Its stable versions follow the long term stable (LTS) kernels from upstream kernel.org.

Distribution kernels

The distribution kernel project provides packages to install and manage kernels through Portage. These kernels are compiled (if needed) and installed with just an emerge command like any other package, which can lessen the administrative burden. Kernel updates are performed when updating the system (i.e., emerge -avuDN @world), and the only manual step is to have the bootloader use the new kernel.

These kernels come with a default configuration that should "just work" for most systems. For users not interested in configuring their own kernel from scratch, these kernels can get things up and running quicker:


The sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel package provides a kernel that will be compiled and installed when the package is emerged. This comes with a default configuration that should work out of the box on most systems, but allows customization if desired.


The sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin is a binary package containing a precompiled kernel, allowing for faster installation. This package is a precompiled version of the gentoo-kernel package with a default configuration.

Since the gentoo-kernel* packages automate the configuration and compilation process - independently from the usual, manual way of compiling and installing kernels - the rest of this article concerns installation using the sys-kernel/gentoo-sources package. See the distribution kernel project for further information on distribution kernels


Çalışan bir çekirdek elde etmek için, öncelikle kaynak kodlarını sisteme kurmalıyız. Gentoo'nun masaüstü sistemler için önerdiği çekirdeğin kodu sys-kernel/gentoo-sources paketindedir. Bu paketteki kodlarda güvenlik yamaları, işlevsel hataların çözülmesi, uyumluluğun artırılması gibi düzenlemeler Gentoo geliştiricileri tarafından eklenerek hazır olarak sunulmaktadır.

USE bayrakları

USE flags for sys-kernel/gentoo-sources Full sources including the Gentoo patchset for the 6.13 kernel tree

build !!internal use only!! DO NOT SET THIS FLAG YOURSELF!, used for creating build images and the first half of bootstrapping [make stage1]
experimental Apply experimental patches; for more information, see "https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Kernel/Experimental".
symlink Force kernel ebuilds to automatically update the /usr/src/linux symlink


Şimdi sys-kernel/gentoo-sources paketini kuralım:

root #emerge --ask sys-kernel/gentoo-sources

Alternatif çekirdekler

There are many other kernel packages in the Portage tree. For details on many of these, see the Kernel sources overview article. Further help on choosing a kernel can be found in developer Greg Kroah-Hartman's article What Stable Kernel Should I Use?.

Tüm alternatifleri aramak

Repodaki tüm kodlara aşağıdaki şekilde bir emerge araması ile ulaşabilirsiniz:

root #emerge --search sources

Yapılandırma yardımı


Otomatik yapılandırma
Çekirdek ve initramfs oluşturma işlemini otomatize eden genkernel aracı bulunmaktadır.
Elle yapılandırma
Kullanıcı dilerse, biraz çaba göstererek kendi sistemine uygun çekirdeği derleyebilir.
A guide to deblobbing the kernel
Instructions for hardening the kernel.
Modules are object files that contain code to extend the kernel.
Descriptions of various optimizations for the kernel.
Command-line parameters
Descriptions of some commonly useful command-line parameters which can be passed to the kernel at boot time for troubleshooting.


Var olan yapılandırmanızı kullanarak daha yeni bir sürüme geçmek için yardımcı makale.


Eski çekirdekleri sistemden tamamen kaldırmak için yapılması gerekenler.


Kernel configuration support

See the IKCONFIG support sub-article.

Kernel command-line parameters

When booting from a bootloader, the Linux kernel can accept command-line parameters to change its behavior. This can help, for example, in troubleshooting the kernel at boot time, or to blacklist a certain module that should not be loading. See Gentoo's Kernel/Command-line parameters article for more details.

Kernel.org has a nicely formatted list of available kernel command-line parameters in their admin guide.

Ayrıca bkz.

Harici kaynaklar
