From Gentoo Wiki
Kexec (kernel execute) is a system call that enables the kernel to load and boot into another kernel from the currently running kernel. This is useful for kernel developers or other people who need to reboot very quickly without waiting for the whole BIOS boot process to finish.
Note that kexec may not work correctly due to devices not fully re-initializing when using this method, however that's rare occasion
Note that kexec may not work correctly due to devices not fully re-initializing when using this method, however that's rare occasion
KERNEL Configuring the kernel for Kexec
General setup ---> Kexec and crash features ---> [*] Enable kexec system call Search for <code>CONFIG_KEXEC</code> to find this item. [*] Enable kexec file based system call Search for <code>CONFIG_KEXEC_FILE</code> to find this item.
kexec is set by default in the Distribution Kernel project.
kexec is set by default in the Distribution Kernel project.
kexec is not set by default when using hardened variants of the distkernel.
kexec is not set by default when using hardened variants of the distkernel.
After installing old (which are loaded already) and new (which will be loaded) kernel, next install sys-apps/kexec-tools userspace tools:
root #
emerge --ask --verbose sys-apps/kexec-tools
kexec can now be called either with a manual (kexec -l) or automatic (with kexec openrc/systemd service) methods.
Manual kernel reloading
kexec -e or kexec --exec may corrupt the system because it does not stop services and does not unmount partitions properly. Instead use the reboot -k to gracefully reboot with kexec loading.
kexec -e or kexec --exec may corrupt the system because it does not stop services and does not unmount partitions properly. Instead use the reboot -k to gracefully reboot with kexec loading.
Kexec utility documentation:
user $
man kexec
Quick steps
Stage 1: load the new kernel image:
root #
kexec -l path_to_kernel_image --initrd=path_to_initrd_image --append=command-line-options
Stage 2: reboot to new kernel:
root #
reboot -k
Automatically kernel reloading with openrc
Edit openrc config with the following options:
to load the new kernel when system rebooting instead of loading old kernel when system started when planning to use it with the autolaunch service.FILE
# Load kexec kernel image into memory during shutdown instead of bootup
# (default: yes)
# Additional arguments passed to kexec (8)
# Kernel image partition. Mounted automatically if not.
# (default: /boot)
# Root partition (should be autodetected)
# Kernel image pathname, relative from BOOTPART.
# If it's one of
# {kernel-genkernel,bzImage,vmlinuz,kernel}-<currently running kernel version>,
# or bzImage, vmlinuz (without suffix),
# then it's automaticaly detected.
# Setting it to "-" will disable kexec.
# Initrd
# Same automatic detection restriction as for KNAME apply.
# initramfs-genkernel-<currently running kernel version>,
# initrd{,.img}-<currently running kernel version>{,.img}
# will be detected.
# Kernel parameters (should be autodetected)
#KPARAM="initrd=intel-uc.img rootfstype=f2fs init=/sbin/openrc-init"
# Do not try to mount /boot
Then start the service:
root #
rc-service kexec start
And reboot to new kernel:
root #
reboot -k