Logitech G15
This article is written for the Logitech G15 but it should work with other keyboards in the G-series produced by Logitech.
g15daemon requires user level driver support.
Device Drivers --->
Input Device support --->
[*] Miscellaneous devices --->
<*> User level driver support
To get other applications to know about the G15 keyboard, add the following to /etc/portage/make.conf.
USE="g15 lcd"
Install app-misc/g15daemon for the multimedia keys and LCD display, and app-misc/g15macro for the M^ and G^ keys.
root #
emerge --ask app-misc/g15daemon app-misc/g15macro
After installing g15daemon and g15macro, check the g15daemon configuration file before starting the service. Normally the default values should work.
Note the 24-hour clock format in /etc/g15daemon.conf
# G15Daemon Configuration File
# any items entered before a [section] header
# will be in the Global config space
# comments you wish to keep should start with a semicolon';'
Use MR as Cycle Key: Off
0: g15plugin_uinput.so
1: g15plugin_clock.so
2: g15plugin_tcpserver.so
TotalPlugins: 3
Linux UINPUT Keyboard Output: Load
Clock: Load
LCDServer: Load
[Keyboard OS Mapping (uinput)]
device: /dev/input/uinput
Lkeys.mapped: 0
24hrFormat: On
ShowDate: On
Digital: On
Optionally add the following to /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
Option "XkbModel" "logitech_g15"
Configure the g15daemon service configuration file:
# Key to switch the client-screens. Default is the MR key,
# Set to "yes" to use L1 key instead (black round key below the LCD, above the multimedia keys).
# Set to "yes" to switch off the lcd backlight when stopping g15daemon.
To start g15daemon:
root #
rc-service g15daemon start
To start g15daemon at boot:
root #
rc-update add g15daemon default
If everything worked correctly a clock should be visible on the G15 LCD display.
Multimedia keys
To have the new keys working in X11, create a specific xmodmap in your home directory or edit an existing one.
Create the xmodmap:
user $
cp /usr/share/g15daemon/contrib/xmodmaprc ~/.Xmodmap
Adding keycodes to an existing xmodmap:
user $
cat /usr/share/g15daemon/contrib/xmodmaprc >> ~/.Xmodmap
To get the new keys you might need to restart your session or run:
user $
xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
To check if your keys have been mapped correctly you can test them with x11-apps/xev.
G & M keys
To get your G^ and M^ keys to work you need to start up g15macro, preferably you should make it start automatically with the rest of your desktop.
user $
/usr/bin/g15macro &
Your extra keys should now be working and you should be able to record macro keys by pushing the MR key.
See also
Sidewinderd — a user space daemon that enables special keys and macro recording for various Logitech and Microsoft gaming peripherals.