Mdev/Automount USB/automount
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The following file is the ash script /lib/mdev/autousb/automount that is called at least once by the hotplug handler (/lib/mdev) for every insertion/deletion of any peripheral whose devicename matches the pattern /dev/sd[a-z].* . This script is called once for the main device, and once for each partition. E.g. assuming that /dev/sda and /dev/sdb already exist, a USB stick or external drive that has 2 partitions will generate 3 calls...
- one for /dev/sdc
- one for /dev/sdc1
- one for /dev/sdc2
#!/bin/busybox ash
remove_action () {
# Unmount the device. The user should really unmount it before
# disconnecting
umount ${1}
# Delete the directory in ${mountdir}
rm -rf ${2}
# At bootup, "mdev -s" is called. It does not pass any environmental
# variables other than MDEV. If no ACTION variable is passed, exit
# the script.
# Execute only if the device already exists; otherwise exit
if [ ! -b ${MDEV} ] ; then exit 0 ; fi
# Make mountdir a var in case the pmount default directory ever changes
# Flag for whether or not we have a partition. 0=no, 1=yes, default no
# File descriptors 0, 1, and 2 are closed before launching this script.
# Many linux utilities are hard-coded to work with these file descriptors.
# So we need to manually open them.
0< /dev/fd0
1> /dev/fd1
# Note that the redirect of stderr to a temporary logfile in /dev/shm in
# append mode is commented out. Uncomment if you want to debug problems.
# 2>> /dev/shm/mdev_err.txt
# Uncomment next line for debug data dump to /dev/shm/mdevlog.txt.
# env >> /dev/shm/mdevlog.txt
# Check for various conditions during an "add" operation
if [ "X${ACTION}" == "Xadd" ] ; then
# Flag for mounting if it's a regular partition
if [ "X${DEVTYPE}" == "Xpartition" ] ; then
partition=1 ;
# Further checks if DEVTYPE is disk; looking for weird setup where the
# entire USB key is formatted as one partition, without the standard
# partition table.
elif [ "X${DEVTYPE}" == "Xdisk" ] ; then
# If it's "disk", check for string "FAT" in first 512 bytes of device.
# Flag as a partition if the string is found.
if dd if=${MDEV} bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | grep "FAT" 1>/dev/null ; then
# check for various conditions during a "remove" operation
if [ "X${ACTION}" == "Xremove" ] ; then
# Check for a disk or regular partition
if [ "X${DEVTYPE}" == "Xpartition" ] || [ "X${DEVTYPE}" == "Xdisk" ] ; then
# Flag for unmounting if device exists in /proc/mounts mounted somewhere
# under the ${mountdir} directory (currently hardcoded as "/media"). It
# really should be unmounted manually by the user before removal, but
# people don't always remember.
if grep "^/dev/${MDEV} ${mountdir}/" /proc/mounts 1>/dev/null ; then
# If the user has manually unmounted a device before disconnecting it, the
# directory is no longer listed in /proc/mounts. This makes things more
# difficult. The script has to walk through ${mountdir} and remove all
# directories that don't show up in /proc/mounts
for dir in $( ls ${mountdir} )
if [ -d ${mountdir}/${dir} ]; then
if ! grep " ${mountdir}/${dir} " /proc/mounts ; then
rm -rf ${mountdir}/${dir}
# If not flagged as a partition, bail out.
if [ ${partition} -ne 1 ] ; then exit 0 ; fi
# The "add" action.
if [ "X${ACTION}" == "Xadd" ] ; then
# Create the directory in ${mountdir}
mkdir -p ${mountdir}/${MDEV}
# Mount the directory in ${mountdir}
pmount --umask 007 --noatime /dev/${MDEV}
# The "remove" action.
elif [ "X${ACTION}" == "Xremove" ] ; then
# Get info from /proc/mounts, and call remove_action to unmount the
# device and remove the associated directory
procmounts=$(grep "^/dev/${MDEV} ${mountdir}/" /proc/mounts)
remove_action ${procmounts}