This article describes the setup of PC-Card (also known as PCMCIA) controllers.
Kernel Configuration
The following kernel options must be activated for PCMCIA controllers:
Device drivers --->
PCCard (PCMCIA/CardBus) support --->
<*> 16-bit PCMCIA support
[*] Load CIS updates from userspace (EXPERIMENTAL)
[*] 32-bit CardBus support
Select a socket driver, e.g.:
[*] CardBus yenta-compatible bridge support (yenta-socket)
Portage Configuration
Portage knows the global USE flag pcmcia
for enabling support for PC-Cards in other packages. Enabling this USE flag will pull in sys-apps/pcmciautils automatically:
USE="... pcmcia ..."
After setting the USE flag in the step above be sure to update the system so the changes take effect:
root #
emerge --ask --changed-use --deep @world
To install pcmciautils manually (if it is not already pulled in):
USE flags for sys-apps/pcmciautils PCMCIA userspace utilities for Linux
Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Quality_Assurance/Backtraces |
Add support for static sockets |
root #
emerge --ask pcmciautils
Software Configuration
Card Information Structure
A PC-Card has a firmware called Card Information Structure (CIS). Some CISs are flawed, but can be patched at boot time. For those types of cards install sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-cis:
root #
emerge --ask pcmcia-cs-cis
Resource database
Some old 16-bit PCMCIA cards works only if a resource database is set up. This effects only some x86 and x86_64 computers; not all are effected. To find out if the database is needed look at the controllers PCI-ID. The lspci tool works nicely for this task:
root #
lspci | egrep --color -i "pcmcia|cardbus"
If the first two numbers are not zeros (here in bold: 03), then no resource database is needed. If they are zeros, then the database will need copied to /etc/pcmcia/config.opts:
root #
cd /var/db/repos/gentoo/sys-apps/pcmciautils
root #
ebuild pcmciautils-017.ebuild unpack
root #
cp -p /var/tmp/portage/sys-apps/pcmciautils-017/work/pcmciautils-017/config/config.opts /etc/pcmcia/
Edit the file as needed.
The pccardctl command (part of the sys-apps/pcmciautils package) can be used to show information about the PC-Card controller and the inserted cards. It can also be used to load and unload PC cards.