Project:Chromium/How to make a Chromium tarball

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We've automated this process and now generate our own tarballs as a matter of course. See the Chromium Tarballs Repo

Sometimes upstream's CI breaks and it's up to us to create our very own Chromium tarball for a given release.


While this seems daunting it's not _that_ bad.

  1. First get a copy of Depot Tools and add it to $PATH.
  2. Then create a quick gclient config and modify it to only include the OSes we want (hint: we only want linux, but there are other options)
  3. Check out the sources
  4. Then run some post-checkout commands
  5. touch a file required for tests
  6. Grab the appropriate PGO profiles
  7. Then generate some tarballs
git clone
export PATH="$(pwd)/depot_tools:${PATH}"

glient config --name src
echo "target_os = [ 'linux' ]" >> .gclient
gclient sync --nohooks --no-history

src/build/util/ -o src/build/util/LASTCHANGE
src/build/util/ -m GPU_LISTS_VERSION --revision-id-only --header src/gpu/config/gpu_lists_version.h
src/build/util/ -m SKIA_COMMIT_HASH -s src/third_party/skia --header src/skia/ext/skia_commit_hash.h
src/build/util/ -s src/third_party/dawn --revision src/gpu/webgpu/DAWN_VERSION

touch src/chrome/test/data/webui/i18n_process_css_test.html

src/tools/ '--target=linux' update '--gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles'

./ --version --xz --test-data --remove-nonessential-files chromium-130.0.6723.91 --progress --src-dir src/
mv chromium-130.0.6723.91.tar.xz chromium-130.0.6723.91-testdata.tar.xz
./ --version --xz --remove-nonessential-files chromium-130.0.6723.91 --progress --src-dir src/