Project:Perl/How to version-bump dev-perl
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Here's a recipe for version-bumping dev-perl packages, with reasonable time expenditure. Please improve.
- Add typical dependencies to your installation (i.e., world)
dev-perl/CGI dev-perl/File-ShareDir-Install dev-perl/Module-Build-Tiny dev-perl/Test-Base dev-perl/Test-Differences dev-perl/Test-Exception dev-perl/Test-Fatal dev-perl/Test-MockObject dev-perl/Test-NoWarnings dev-perl/Test-Pod dev-perl/Test-Requires dev-perl/Test-Warn dev-perl/Test-Warnings
- If you're on stable, update all your perl packages to ~arch
- enable tests for perl-core, dev-perl, and dev-lang/perl:
perl-core/* tests
dev-perl/* tests
dev-lang/perl tests
# Foo::Bar has a broken test, but we need it
dev-perl/Foo-Bar -tests
Bumping a package
- Pick a package to be bumped, say dev-perl/foo-bar
- Search on CPAN for it (foo::bar), and open the corresponding page of the latest version, say 1.05
- Copy latest existing ebuild version to new version, i.e. foo-bar-1.50.0.ebuild (use if you're not sure about the conversion)
- ekeyword ~all foo-bar-1.50.0.ebuild
- Open foo-bar-1.50.0.ebuild in an editor.
- Set EAPI=8
- In the CPAN tab, open META.json or META.yml
- Compare the contents there with the specified dependencies. Add whatever is missing (always convert the version numbers). corelist and CPAN search help.
- ...
(This is so far very vague. Needs a lot more text...)
First, install our handy package:
root #
emerge --ask dev-perl/Gentoo-PerlMod-Version
Then setup pkgcheck:
checks = +PerlCheck
This will give warnings on incorrect DIST_VERSION values in ebuilds.