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To comprehensively run all tests, you need to first install:
- dev-perl/Date-Simple
- dev-perl/DBD-mysql
- dev-perl/DBD-Pg
- dev-perl/DBD-SQLite
- dev-perl/Time-Piece-MySQL
You then need an accessible database on mysql:
dbname = test
username = ""
passsword = ""
And then run install with:
FEATURES="test" DIST_TEST_OVERRIDE="do verbose" emerge -va1 dev-perl/Class-DBI
And look carefully for any notices about skipped tests.
The following message typically means MySQL did not connect:
skipped: Need MySQL for this test
Currently this happens, but it still needs to be worked out why:
ok 1 # skip Can't insert new Binary: Cannot bind param 2: unknown sql_type -2 at /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Class-DBI-3.0.17-r2/work/Class-DBI-v3.0.17/blib/lib/Class/ line 646.
# at t/17-data_type.t line 29.