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Description The Python project maintains dev-lang/python and most of dev-python/*.
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Packages p.g.o/

IRC channel #gentoo-python (webchat)
Bugs Related bugs
Last elected: 2021-06-05
(and inherited member(s))
Parent Project Gentoo
Project listing

Python 2 end-of-life

By the end of 2019, Python 2.7 has reached end-of-life. Many projects have dropped Python 2 support already, and more are planning to do that. Gentoo is planning to continue providing minimal support for packages that require Python 2 to build, and continue to ship the interpreters for as long as feasible.

The USE flags relevant to selecting Python 2.7 (and PyPy 2.7) have been removed. The few packages that require it at build time will pull the interpreter in automatically.

If you need to run your private projects via Python 2.7 (or PyPy 2.7), you can use dev-python/virtualenv to install the dependencies via pip. Note however that it's strongly discouraged.

While we do our best to backport security fixes from Python 3 to Python 2. At this point, Python 2.7 has unresolved vulnerabilities.


For users

For developers

user $gpy-release-feed-opml dev-python $(git grep -l python@ '*/*/metadata.xml' | cut -d/ -f1-2 | grep -v dev-python) > ~/git/python-site/release-feeds.opml


Adding packages

Anyone may add Python packages to the repository, however there are a couple of requirements if you want the Python project team to maintain them:

  1. The package must be a dependency of an existing package maintained by the Python team in the tree.
  2. The package is a Python library with a significant level of demand from developers or users.

In either case, please ping a member of the Python team before adding the python project to the packages metadata.xml file.

For all added packages, the ebuild must define test phase if the upstream has some tests and they are not thoroughly broken by design.

Stabilizing packages

Stable request bugs may be created if the package already has stable keywords, or upon request.

Please do not stabilize packages with no stable keywords without some reason for doing so. Stabilizing packages increases the workload on both the Python team and arch teams, and this should be weighed against the value of having an ebuild with stable keywords.


Packages which are not platform-dependent may be stabilized according to the ALLARCHES policy, where a single arch tester may stabilize the package for all arches at once without testing on each individually.

Determining if the package is platform-dependent may be tricky, but here are some guidelines:

  • Most pure-Python packages may be considered platform-independent if they do not depend on architecture-specific values or functionality.
  • Packages which compile and install extension modules should be considered platform-dependent since they invoke the system toolchain.

New Python versions

app-portage/gpyutils can be used to find packages that need to be tested with a new version of Python. Please do not file bug reports requesting that a new Python version be added to PYTHON_COMPAT.