- 2012-03-25
- 1300 UTC
- #gentoo-meetings on Freenode
1. Qt5
What are our plans wrt the alpha? Do we want to change anything from our current Qt4 setup?
2. qt4.eclass deprecation
The old qt4.eclass has now been deprecated for 18 months. Which steps can we take to move the deprecation process forward?
3. Unmaintained/obsolete packages
- dev-embedded/qvfb
- x11-themes/qgtkstyle
4. Get eclass translation handling into official tree
We have had translation handling in qt4-edge.eclass for a long time now, and it seems to function well. We should get this into the eclass in the official tree or make a separate eclass to do translation handling. Ideas on which way is best? And what steps needs to be taken to make it happen?
5. Open bugs
- [#398885]( _qdoc3 broken on arm & ppc_
This bug is blocking Qt 4.7.4 stabilization on arm. Might be related to [#401615](
- [#367583]( _qt-dbus doesn't build on hppa_
Upstream doesn't care, but we have two candidate patches.
- [#401557]( _add an ewarn to recompile cairo after updating to qt 4.8_
yes or no?
- [#398497]( _gentoo-qconfig.h should be under package manager control_
Anyone knows any reasons why it shouldn't be?
- [#372721]( _x11-libs/libmeegotouch-9999 doesn't compile_
This bug has been open for 9 months... if nobody cares about this package, we should remove it.
- [#388551]( _qt-gui[gtkstyle] gnome dependencies_
During our last meeting we decided to add an elog message, but nobody actually did it.
- [#285743]( _new "webkit" global USE flag_
yes or no?
- [#404283]( undefined symbol: _ZN11QMetaObject11removeGuardEPP7QObject_