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- Date: June 2
- Time: 08:00-09:30 UTC (see this page for local times)
- Place: #gentoo-meetings on Freenode IRC
When you are done with your task, please un-bold the TODO item and change it into {{done}}.
When you are done with your task, please un-bold the TODO item and change it into {{done}}.
0. Roll call
- Present: pinkbyte, yngwin
- Absent: hwoarang (announced), kensington (announced), pesa (announced), wired (unannounced)
1. Qt5 status
- Tracker bug: bug #454132
- Tentative target for main tree inclusion is Qt 5.1.x
- bug #328689: Split 4.8 ebuilds for designer and linguist are implemented in qt overlay.
- Revdeps auditing status(who will be in charge of that?)
- create list of packages, that are already reviewed for dependencies?
- move splitted ebuild to gentoo-x86(resolution: wait for 4.8.5, which hits unstable)
- Other things to split from current 4.8 ebuilds(resolution: wait for 4.8.5 too):
- assistant application from qthelp
- qdbusviewer from qtgui
- various utilities from qtdeclarative
- qt5 USE flag has been proposed and will be added soon (masked). Done flag was added to main portage tree by kensington
2. Remaining TODO items from last time
- The biggest remaining blocker is bug 451456
- Bug 465874: app-text/goldendict-9999 fails to build → just forward-port goldendict-1.0.1-gcc-4.7.patch TODO by pinkbyte
- Bug 464690: net-im/qutim-0.3.1 fails to connect TODO
- We still need to move the wiki pages from gitorious to our project space on TODO by yngwin
3. Open bugs
bug #467712: qt5.eclass addition request
- Use suggested eclass, very similar to the existing qt4.eclass
- Create a new qt5 eclass based on multilib eclasses
- Create a two new eclasses, a minimal one with just eqmake{4,5} and one that inherits it and provides phase functions, multilib etc.
- Create a minimal eclass with just eqmake{4,5}, and allow ebuilds to use a compatible eclass like multilib-minimal if they want those features Done by pesa
4. Open floor
- nothing came up