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This page contains a list of previously released, more fully featured LiveDVD images. Some of the following live images were created likewhoa via the loosely affiliated "Gentoo Ten" project (#gentoo-ten (webchat)).

Please do not delete this page, as it is useful for Gentoo history.

During 2011, the DIGESTS files were also expanded to contain hashes other than SHA1 and MD5, to provide more secure validation.
Date Version Announcement Code name Downloads
January 18th, 2017 LiveDVD 20170118 Press release "Crispy Belgian Waffle" nomultilib AMD64
July 4th, 2016 LiveDVD 20160704 Press release "Choice Part Dos" multilib AMD64 and hybrid AMD64/X86
May 14th, 2016 LiveDVD 20160514 Press release "Choice" multilib AMD64 and hybrid AMD64/X86
August 26th, 2014 LiveDVD 20140826 Press release "Iron Penguin" multilib AMD64 and hybrid AMD64/X86
December 21st, 2012 LiveDVD 20121221 Press release "End of World" multilib AMD64 and hybrid AMD64/X86
April 1st, 2012 LiveDVD 12.1 Press release "Put a CoW in Your Boxen" (2) multilib AMD64 and hybrid AMD64/X86
January 1st, 2012 LiveDVD 12.0 Press release "Put a CoW in Your Boxen" multilib AMD64 and hybrid AMD64/X86
August 6th, 2011 LiveDVD 11.2 Press release "The Future is Now" multilib AMD64 and hybrid AMD64/X86
March 8th, 2011 LiveDVD 11.0 Press release "Software in the Making" multilib AMD64 and hybrid AMD64/X86
Oct 23rd, 2009 LiveDVD 10.1 Press release "Happy Tenth Birthday!" (2) multilib AMD64 and hybrid AMD64/X86
October 4th, 2009 LiveDVD 10.0 Press release "Happy Tenth Birthday!" Unavailable