Project:Rust/Rust bump

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Main Bump

  1. check the needed LLVM version in upstream (search for "src/llvm-project") - this is the correct value for LLVM_COMPAT
  2. bump dev-lang/rust-common
  3. bump dev-lang/rust-bin, update date in MY_SRC_URI, update LLVM_COMPAT, comment out tarballs for niche arches (don't remove).
  4. bump dev-lang/rust, update LLVM_COMPAT
  5. bump dev-lang/rust-std
  6. add version to _RUST_LLVM_MAP and _RUST_SLOTS_ORDERED in eclass/rust.eclass
  7. add force matching llvm USE flag in profiles/base/package.use.force

Building tarballs for niche arches

Wait for the main bump to sync into metadata ::gentoo repo.

user $ssh
root (amd64) #machinectl start rust-builder
root (amd64) #systemd-run -M rust-builder -E RUST_VERSION=${PV} /usr/local/bin/
root (amd64) #for rust_dist in /var/lib/machines/rust-builder/usr/*/usr/lib/rust/*/dist; do pushd "${rust_dist}"; curl -L "" | bash ; popd; done
root (amd64) #systemd-run -M rust-builder /usr/local/bin/

Now use the tarballs located in /tmp/rust-*, copy to devspace and update rust-bin ebuild by uncommenting the lines. You can use my Makefile

Useful links

Supported targets with official tarball

Rust triplets support