Project Talk:Gentoo-keys/gkeys

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Main help

gkeys -h

usage: gkeys [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-D {WARNING,INFO,FATAL,NOTSET,WARN,DEBUG,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [subcommand] [subcommand-option,...]

Gentoo-keys manager program

optional arguments:

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                       The path to an alternate config file
                       The logging level to set for the logfile


 Valid subcommands
                       Additional help
   ---general---       -----< general actions >------
   sign                Sign a file
   verify              File verification action
   ----keys-----       -------< key actions >--------
   check-key           Check keys actions
   import-key          Add a specified key to a specified keyring
   installed           Lists the installed key directories
   install-key         Install a key from the seed(s)
   search-key          Search for a key's seed field in the installed keys db
   send-key            Uploads the selected openpgp key
   list-key            Pretty-print the selected seed file or nick
   move-key            Rename an installed key
   refresh-key         Calls gpg with the --refresh-keys option
   remove-key          Remove an installed key
   spec-check          Check keys actions
   ----seeds----       ------< seed actions >-------
   add-seed            Add or replace a key in the selected seed file(s)
   fetch-seed          Download the selected seed file(s)
   list-cats           List seed file definitions found in the config
   list-seed           Pretty-print the selected seed file(s)
   list-seedfiles      List seed files found in the configured seed directory
   move-seed           Move keys between seed files
   remove-seed         Remove a key from the selected seed file(s)
   update-seed         Update the selected seed file(s) or all categories if
                       no arguments are given

CAUTION: adding UNTRUSTED keys can be HAZARDOUS to your system!

General Actions

gkeys send-key -h

usage: gkeys send-key [-h] [-C CATEGORY] [-n NICK] [-N [NAME [NAME ...]]][-f FINGERPRINT [FINGERPRINT ...]][-i KEYID [KEYID ...]] [-K [KEYS [KEYS ...]]][-r KEYDIR] [-k KEYRING]

Uploads the selected OpenPGP key to the server. The server can be changed from the config file.

optional arguments:

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                       The key or seed directory category to use or update
 -n NICK, --nick NICK  The nick associated with the the key
 -N [NAME [NAME ...]], --name [NAME [NAME ...]]
                       The name of the the key
                       The fingerprint(s) of the the key or subkey
 -i KEYID [KEYID ...], --keyid KEYID [KEYID ...]
                       The long keyid of the gpg key to search for
 -K [KEYS [KEYS ...]], --keys [KEYS [KEYS ...]]
                       The fingerprint(s) of the primary keys in the keyring.
 -r KEYDIR, --keydir KEYDIR
                       The keydir to use, update or search for/in
 -k KEYRING, --keyring KEYRING
                       The name of the keyring to use for verification, etc.

gkeys spec-check -h

usage: gkeys spec-check [-h] [-n NICK] [-N [NAME [NAME ...]]] [-r KEYDIR] [-K [KEYS [KEYS ...]]] [-f FINGERPRINT [FINGERPRINT ...]] [-C CATEGORY] [-k KEYRING] [-i KEYID [KEYID ...]] [--email EMAIL] [--user USER]

Check if keys meet specifications requirements. If an email argument is given, it also sends email reminders according to the email type. Login by selecting a user from the config file or leaving it blank to login as Gentoo, if the config file is edited correctly.

optional arguments:

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -n NICK, --nick NICK  The nick associated with the the key
 -N [NAME [NAME ...]], --name [NAME [NAME ...]]
                       The name of the the key
 -r KEYDIR, --keydir KEYDIR
                       The keydir to use, update or search for/in
 -K [KEYS [KEYS ...]], --keys [KEYS [KEYS ...]]
                       The name of the keyring to use for verification, etc.
                       The fingerprint of the the key
                       The key or seed directory category to use or update
 -k KEYRING, --keyring KEYRING
                       The name of the keyring to use for verification, etc.
 -i KEYID [KEYID ...], --keyid KEYID [KEYID ...]
                       The long keyid of the gpg key to search for
 -E EMAIL, --email EMAIL
                       The type of email reminder to send. (Use only to send emails)
 -U USER, --user USER  The login name of the user in config. (Leave blank for the Gentoo default)

Seed specific actions

gkeys update-seed -h

usage: gkeys update-seed [-h] [-C CATEGORY] [-n NICK] [-F FILENAME][-d DESTINATION] [-s SIGNATURE] [-t]

Update the selected seed file(s) or all categories if no arguments are given. It downloads the selected seed files and install them. If no arguments are given, all available categories will be updated.

optional arguments:

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                       The key or seed directory category to use or update
 -n NICK, --nick NICK  The nick associated with the the key
                       The path/URL to use for the (signed) file
                       The destination for move, copy, create operations
 -s SIGNATURE, --signature SIGNATURE
                       The path/URL to use for the signature
 -t, --timestamp       Turn on timestamp use