Request Tracker/Password reset
The default installation of Request Tracker does not include a method for individuals to recover their passwords. Thus, users are forced to contact the administrator to reset the password for them. The code on this page makes it possible for users to reset their own passwords. This code below was adapted from the University of Oslo, and has been tested and confirmed working on RT 4.4.3.
Adding a form
First, create the directory (replacing rt-base-dir with the path to your RT installation):
user $
mkdir -p rt-base-dir/local/html/Callbacks/Default/Elements/Login
Then, in that directory create a file called AfterForm with the following content:
%# taken from
%# Add template named 'Password Change', with description
%# Automatically generate password for external users who have forgotten their password
<div style="margin: -20px auto 10px auto; text-align: center;">
<p style="font-weight: bold">Forgot Your Password?</p>
% if ($forgotSuccess) {
<p style="color: green; font-weight: bold;"><% $forgotSuccess %></p>
% }
% if ($forgotFail) {
<div class="error" style="text-align: left;">
<div class="titlebox error">
<div class="titlebox-title">
<span class="left">Error</span>
<span class="right-empty"> </span>
<div class="titlebox-content">
<% $forgotFail %>
<hr class="clear" />
% }
<form method="get" style="display: <%$forgotFormDisplay%>;"
action="<% RT->Config->Get('WebPath') %>/NoAuth/Login.html">
<input type="hidden" name="next" value="<% $next %>" />
<% $forgotPrompt %>
<input type="email" name="email" required>
<input type="submit" value='Send New Password'>
my $forgotPrompt = "Enter your email address: ";
my $forgotFail = '';
my $forgotFormDisplay = 'block';
my $forgotSuccess = '';
if ($email) {
$email =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
my $UserObj = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
if (defined($UserObj->Id)) {
my ($val, $str) = $UserObj->ResetPassword();
if ($val == 1) {
$forgotFormDisplay = 'none';
$forgotSuccess = $str;
} else {
$forgotFail = $str;
} else {
$forgotFail = "Sorry, no account in the ticket system has the email address: $email";
$forgotPrompt = "Please enter the email used in one of your existing tickets:";
$email => undef
$next => undef
Finally, you may need to restart your web server for the new template to be included.
Email template
When a user requests a password reset, he or she will receive an email like so:
Subject: [{RT->Config->Get('rtname')}] Password reset
Someone at {$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}} requested a password reset for you on {RT->Config->Get('WebURL')}
Your new password is:
The PasswordChange template can be modified through the Request Tracker UI. It is located at Admin > Global > Templates > Select.