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Update for EAPI=6

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I think this needs to be updated for EAPI 6. I am getting this error when trying to update my system. I am not using any patches for this package.

* Running elibtoolize in: rtkit-0.11/
* ERROR: sys-auth/rtkit-0.11-r2::gentoo failed (prepare phase):
*   eapply_user (or default) must be called in src_prepare()!
* Call stack:
*  , line  780:  Called __ebuild_main 'prepare'
*, line 1005:  Called __dyn_prepare
*, line  380:  Called die
* The specific snippet of code:
*   		die "eapply_user (or default) must be called in src_prepare()!"

— The preceding unsigned comment was added by Rypervenche (talkcontribs)

It was a bug in the ebuild, bug #578624. — kensington

bashrc errors

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The /etc/portage/bashrc snippet as given yields the following errors:

/dev/fd/63: line 400: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'

/dev/fd/63: line 400: `fi #_EPATCH_ECLASS' — The preceding unsigned comment was added by PPed72 (talkcontribs) 06:12, 22 November 2017‎

Coding snippet has been removed.--Charles17 (talk) 07:24, 27 December 2019 (UTC)