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A comment [[User:Larry|Larry]] 13:52, 13 May 2024 (UTC)
: A reply [[User:Sally|Sally]] 01:12, 1 March 2025 (UTC)
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Well, I follow this page to install FlightGear but when I started the command: fgfs --show-aircraft I get these lines and segmentation fault: Available aircraft:

  777-200                      Boeing 777-200
  777-200ER                    Boeing 777-200ER
  777-200LR                    Boeing 777-200LR
  777-300                      Boeing 777-300
  777-300ER                    Boeing 777-300ER
  A6M2                         A6M2 Zero
  A6M2-jsbsim                  A6M2 Zero (JSBSim)
  ask13                        Schleicher ASK 13 Glider
  ask13-passenger              ASK 13 Passenger View
  b1900d                       Beechcraft b1900d
  b1900d-ysm                   Beechcraft b1900d
  bo105                        Eurocopter Bo105
  c172p                        Cessna 172P Skyhawk (1981 model)
  c172p-2dpanel                Cessna 172P Skyhawk (1981 model), 2D panel
  c172p-canvas                 Cessna 172P - Canvas Demo
  c172p-panel-only             Panel only for IFR-training (Cessna 172P)
  CitationX                    Cessna Citation-X
  Cub                          Piper J-3 Cub (J3C-65, 1946 model)
  dhc2F                        de Havilland Beaver - Floats
  dhc2W                        de Havilland Beaver - Wheels
  Dragonfly                    Moyes Dragonfly
  f-14a                        Grumman F-14B GE JSBSim
  f-14b                        Grumman F-14B (yasim)
  f-14b-bs                     Grumman F-14B back-seater (multiplayer)
  mibs                         FG video assistant
  SenecaII                     PA34-200T Seneca II
  SenecaII-panelonly           PA34-200T Seneca II (no 3d model, 2d panel only)
  sopwithCamel                 Sopwith Camel 1F.1 (uiuc)
  sopwithCamel-v1-nl-uiuc      Sopwith Camel (larcsim)
  sopwithCamel-YASim           Sopwith Camel 1F.1 (YASim)
  ufo                          UFO from the 'White Project' of the UNESCO
  ZLT-NT                       Zeppelin NT07 airship
  ZLT-NT-copilot               Zeppelin NT07 multiplayer copilot

Segmentation fault Sorry, I forgot my subscription: --Best, Pál (talk) 19:04, 28 March 2016 (UTC)