From Gentoo Wiki
KERNEL Включение функций криптографического API
[*] Cryptographic API Search for <code>CONFIG_CRYPTO</code> to find this item. ---> Block ciphers ---> <*> AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) Search for <code>CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES</code> to find this item. <*> AES cipher algorithms (x86_64) Length-preserving ciphers and modes ---> <*> XTS (XOR Encrypt XOR with ciphertext stealing) Search for <code>CONFIG_CRYPTO_XTS</code> to find this item. Hashes, digests, and MACS ---> <*> SHA-224 and SHA-256 Search for <code>CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA256</code> to find this item. Userspace interface ---> <*> Hash algorithms Search for <code>CONFIG_CRYPT_USER_API_HASH</code> to find this item. <*> Symmetric key cipher algorithms Search for <code>CONFIG_CRYPTO_USER_API_SKCIPHER</code> to find this item.