User:Alicef/Gentoo Edison/Performance/Gentoo4Edison

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sysbench cpu test

General statistics:
	total time:                          10.0339s
	total number of events:              452
Threads fairness:
	events (avg/stddev):           226.0000/0.00
	execution time (avg/stddev):   10.0292/0.00
General statistics:
	total time:                          10.0395s
	total number of events:              404
Threads fairness:
	events (avg/stddev):           202.0000/1.00
	execution time (avg/stddev):   10.0309/0.00

sysbench threads test

General statistics:
	total time:                          10.0038s
	total number of events:              2158

Latency (ms):
		 min:                                  4.55
		 avg:                                  4.63
		 max:                                  5.15
		 95th percentile:                      4.65
		 sum:                               9987.66

Threads fairness:
	events (avg/stddev):           2158.0000/0.00
	execution time (avg/stddev):   9.9877/0.00

General statistics:
	total time:                          10.0042s
	total number of events:              1739

Latency (ms):
		 min:                                  5.59
		 avg:                                  5.74
		 max:                                  6.52
		 95th percentile:                      5.99
		 sum:                               9988.16

Threads fairness:
	events (avg/stddev):           1739.0000/0.00
	execution time (avg/stddev):   9.9882/0.00

sysbench memory test
Operations performed: 2886147 (288247.74 ops/sec)

2818.50 MiB transferred (281.49 MiB/sec)

General statistics:
	total time:                          10.0003s
	total number of events:              2886147

Latency (ms):
		 min:                                  0.00
		 avg:                                  0.01
		 max:                                 14.51
		 95th percentile:                      0.00
		 sum:                              14673.33

Threads fairness:
	events (avg/stddev):           721536.7500/532.29
	execution time (avg/stddev):   3.6683/0.08

Total operations: 2225837 (222574.16 per second)

2173.67 MiB transferred (217.36 MiB/sec)

General statistics:
	total time:                          10.0004s
	total number of events:              2225837

Latency (ms):
		 min:                                  0.00
		 avg:                                  0.01
		 max:                                 20.20
		 95th percentile:                      0.00
		 sum:                              17167.30

Threads fairness:
	events (avg/stddev):           556459.2500/11955.73
	execution time (avg/stddev):   4.2918/0.06

localhost ~ # python2.7 -m timeit "a = lambda:None; [a() for i in range(100)]"
10000 loops, best of 3: 165 usec per loop
root@edison:~# python2.7 -m timeit "a = lambda:None; [a() for i in range(100)]"
10000 loops, best of 3: 184 usec per loop
0)]"lhost ~ # python2.7 -m timeit "A = type('A', (), {}); [A() for i in range(10 
1000 loops, best of 3: 387 usec per loop
00)]"edison:~# python2.7 -m timeit "A = type('A', (), {}); [A() for i in range(100)]"
1000 loops, best of 3: 422 usec per loop
localhost ~ # python2.7 -m timeit "A = type('A', (), {'a':lambda x:None}); a = A(); [a.a() for i in range(100)]"                     
1000 loops, best of 3: 458 usec per loop
root@edison:~# python2.7 -m timeit "A = type('A', (), {'a':lambda x:None}); a = A(); [a.a() for i in range(100)]"                                                                                             
1000 loops, best of 3: 511 usec per loop
localhost ~ # python2.7 -m timeit "A = type('A', (), {}); A.a = lambda x:None; a = A(); [a.a() for i in range(100)]"  
1000 loops, best of 3: 458 usec per loop
root@edison:~# python2.7 -m timeit "A = type('A', (), {}); A.a = lambda x:None; a = A(); [a.a() for i in range(100)]"                                                                                                                           
1000 loops, best of 3: 504 usec per loop 

localhost ~ # python2.7
Parallel processing with 2 cores
Sum of primes below 100000 is 454396537
Sum of primes below 200000 is 1709600813
Sum of primes below 300000 is 3709507114
Sum of primes below 400000 is 6458901531
Sum of primes below 500000 is 9914236195
Sum of primes below 600000 is 14071826345
Sum of primes below 700000 is 18910286312
Sum of primes below 800000 is 24465663438
Sum of primes below 900000 is 30689332265
Time elapsed:  220.860478044 s
Parallel processing with 2 cores
Sum of primes below 100000 is 454396537
Sum of primes below 200000 is 1709600813
Sum of primes below 300000 is 3709507114
Sum of primes below 400000 is 6458901531
Sum of primes below 500000 is 9914236195
Sum of primes below 600000 is 14071826345
Sum of primes below 700000 is 18910286312
Sum of primes below 800000 is 24465663438
Sum of primes below 900000 is 30689332265
Time elapsed:  221.499526978 s