User:Maffblaster/Completed tasks

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This page tracks a running history of my milestone task completion here on the wiki. It does not often include general editing, as they are rarely 'milestone' achievements.



Add project file hosting URL to Project template/form

Projects that have related files hosted at project.g.o should have a separate URL field on project pages. Projects may have code hosted on gitweb.g.o and files hosts at projects.g.o, therefore both should be available. Essentially just clone the work done for adding code....

For example, Release Engineering has repos in both locations:



Add optional repository link and external homepage fields to projects form and template

Artwork project gitweb site has existed since 2020-08-22:

Add support for projects to link their related gitweb.g.o or gitlab.g.o via Property:Has Repository Link in the form and template.

Also add Property:Has External Homepage field as well.

Protect Council and Trustee election forms, properties, and templates

It would be wise to protect council elections forms, properties, and templates:


Add IRC web chat links to www.g.o "All IRC channels" page

Currently the IRC protocol handle (irc://) is used on www.g.o for the All IRC channels page. Many in our community may not prefer to use IRC clients and/or would prefer to use IRC via web chat instead of a desktop or CLI client. Offering web chat links to the "All IRC channels" page on www.g.o page in addition to the IRC protocol handle will lower the barrier of entry for community members to receive real time chat support.[1] In particular, a few users on Reddit were struggling with ebuild development and had questions about the devmanual. It would be great to help them attain better accessibility to help via browser based real time web chat. The wiki already has a solution for this using the IRC template. [2]



Fix www.g.o link in retired devs developer profile

On the wiki developer profile userspace page, when the Is Active property is set to No (which means the Is active? checkbox is unchecked), the link to www.g.o is broken. For example: Max Magorsch (Arzano) . This should be fixed in the Developer template to adjust the link to the retired page when a dev is not active. Use the #ifeq parser function. The following code worked nicely:

{{#ifeq: {{{Active|}}} | Yes | <small>[{{{Nickname|}}} www.g.o link]</small> | <small>[{{{Nickname|}}} www.g.o link]</small> }}

Follow workflow instructions from Developer and project 'profile' changes and test with the Developer profile test‎‎ page.

Repo template

The following template creation was 'assigned' to P.Fox (ris) as part of his on boarding process bug #888113.

The GURU community ebuild repository is official and should be supported by a template here on the wiki... in fact, the wiki should be able to support "easy linking" for any ebuild repo that the Gentoo project officially references via repos.g.o site.

Task: Create an {{Repo}} template that can link to the repositories available on

The unnamed parameter 1= can default to the repository name. Also, there should be associated "named" parameters that will do the same thing as the unnamed parameter: repo= and repository= should work. The repos.g.o does support linking to the exact location via HTML ID attributes, like this:

Another parameter that should be supported by the template should be raw=. This parameter should support arbitrary links (likely to repos that the Gentoo project has no 'official' knowledge of - meaning it's not downloaded with eselect repository list on GitHub, GitLab, or privately hosted).

Finally, a parameter of text=can be supported in order to change the link text returned by the {{Repo}} template.

Invocation would look something like:

Future enhancements could add a site= parameter that would adjust the URL for popular overlay sites, but does not seem to have much value add over simply using raw=:

Also, repos.g.o needs to be updated to current terminology. Layman is no longer the ebuild repository management tool of choice and is largely unmaintained...


Add bugs.g.o link to wiki project pages

Projects will need to enable the checkbox if they want the link to Bugzilla.

  • Review the project GLEP specification to see if every project gets an email address.
    • Looks like there is no formal rule that each project get an email address, however if they do define an email address it's safe to presume it will be the bug-assignment attribute, which should link to bugzilla.g.o.
  • If so, then we can autolink to bugs.g.o See bug #686264.

URL for linkage:


  • Close out lots of discussions in the Handbook: and Main: namespaces.
  • Merge block level command template click enhancement (Special:Diff/1043406/1046741).
    • Being implemented via template level CSS should make it possible for avid NoScript users to use the functionality.
    • Still considering something like clipboard.js for similar functionality.

Auto link from the wiki developer profile to www.g.o entry

Automatically link from the nickname field in the developer's wiki page to their entry on www.g.o:

Add a "Fund me" link to developer and community wiki pages

Add a optional field to the developer template and form that will enable a "fund me" link on wiki profiles. Link can point to an arbitrary location (GitHub, Patreon, etc.). Consider also adding crypo wallet endpoints as well.

For example, as of 2022-01-17 marcan still uses Gentoo as a developer environment as he hacks on getting the Linux kernel to run on Apple's M1 Mac hardware. His links are as follows:

Donation link

Todo steps:

  • Create new property of URL type. Done! (Property:DeveloperDonationLink)
  • Modify {{Developer}} to accept new parameter.
  • Modify Form:Developer to accept new parameter.
  • News announcement with improvement on the Main Page - Pending...

Block level command template click enhancement

The goal of this improvement is to make possible a triple-click easy click-to-select for commands, which will make it easier and more efficient to copy/paste commands from the wiki. If only part of the command is needed, then the command can be edited on the command-line itself (after the copy/paste action).

It also would be in the best interest of the reader to add a hover tool tip to the templates that will warn the reader to not blindly trust commands that are displayed on the wiki, since there is risk some code could be malicious. A tool tip can be added later.

maff's custom staging templates

GenericCmd and Line:

btrfs subvolume list /
A whole bunch...
     ...a whole whole bunch...
     ...of formatting output.


user $btrfs subvolume list /
A whole bunch...
     ...a whole whole bunch...
     ...of formatting output.


root #btrfs subvolume list /
A whole bunch...
     ...a whole whole bunch...
     ...of formatting output.
Production templates

{{GenericCmd}} and {{GenericCmd/Line}}:

btrfs subvolume list /
A whole bunch...
     ...a whole whole bunch...
     ...of formatting output.


user $btrfs subvolume list /
A whole bunch...
     ...a whole whole bunch...
     ...of formatting output.


root #btrfs subvolume list /
A whole bunch...
     ...a whole whole bunch...
     ...of formatting output.




Created Festive Larry image

Added a festive Larry image to main page for the holiday season.



Todo template created

Wiki needs a pretty primitive todo template for block section todo lists...

Perhaps something like:

{{Todo|1=First todo item.2=Second todo item.3=Third todo item.}}

{{InfoBox todo}} already exists, so really we should just have an block style template to use in different areas around the wiki (user space / user profile).


  • Item 1.
  • Item 2.
  • Item 3.

See {{Todo}}.


Created archive landing page for Gentoo wiki news items

Create curated list of historical wiki news items. Will enable people to see a better history of the wiki over time: Gentoo Wiki:News - Done!

Link PGP key ID field on wiki Developer page to keys.g.o service

Transition to PGP fingerprint to GPG key ID for Template:Developer to make keys searchable on - Done!

Here's the link to a search for PGP key ID:

Pages touched: Template:Developer, Property:Has PGP key ID, Property:PGP key ID (removed as of 2022-06-22), Form:Developer.

Packages maintained for project pages

Added link to packages maintained in project's wiki page (links to to

Packages maintained for developer user profiles

Added link to packages maintained in developer's wiki 'profile' user page (links to to



I personally did not get a lot done around the wiki because I worked a full time job during the full year of COVID-19. There has been LOTS of great progress in other places around the Gentoo ecosystem.



  • Made it impossible for non-developers to use the Developer template and impossible for the same template to apply outside of User: (2) namespace.
    • Non-developers should not have access to committing {{Developer}} to articles. This was managed with the Abuse filter. See bug #683658.
  • Create community user wiki profile helper form.




Merge accounts:


  • Adjust {{U}} template to use real name if it exists.
    • Make {{U}} more like {{Dev}} template. It should display the real name if it exists in the user's profile.
  • Review channel flags on channels that I have @ permissions in on Freenode.
    • Verify each channel by messaging chanserv with flags #channel
    • Set the +r channel mode in #gentoo-pr (webchat) to prevent unregistered users from spamming messages via: /mode #gentoo-pr +r
    • Set +iR on myself so that unregistered users cannot spam me in the global user list or spam me with messages via: /mode maffblaster +iR
  • Add 'Developer bug' link to {{Developer}} template.
  • Reword {{User}} template and Form:User to aid new user page creation (base on the {{Developer}} template).
  • Allowed GPG fingerprints to be added to user/community pages (via reworked {{User}} template).


  • Create VMs for wikitest.



  • Found documentation: I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING variable. This can can be set to a value of 1 (or any defined value) to skip pre-merge safety checks. This allows machines with below minimum mounts of disk space or memory (RAM) try to emerge an ebuild.
user $grep -r I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING /usr/portage/eclass



Foundation articles

Wikified most of the articles in the Foundation namespace. Meetings may still need some tender love and care but I'll probably never get to them; they're not important.


  • Added ebuild repository URI the {{Developer}} template (for developer profiles).


Joined the Gentoo Foundation

Joined the Gentoo foundation as a "Foundation wiki editor".

Having a developer template for referencing Ebuild repositories would be good a nice way to make our developers personal repositories more accessible.


Blog InfoBox template

Created the {{InfoBox blog}} template for articles that reference a project's blog:

{{InfoBox stack |{{InfoBox blog|}} }}

RootInvocation template

Created the {{RootInvocation}} template to be exclusively used to display root command invocation options.

This template can provide people with a web-based reference that can be expanded or contracted based on a single click by the user. Helpful for online command referencing and convenient so that editors do not have to specify a custom prompt and color when a root prompt is necessary to invoke the command.

Invocation template

Created the {{Invocation}} template to be exclusively used to display command invocation options.

This template can provide people with a web-based reference that can be expanded or contracted based on a single click by the user. Helpful for online command referencing.

Deprecate gdoc Infobox, replace with project Infobox

{{InfoBox project}} is really the term that should be used as the InfoBox link to Gentoo projects. Not {{InfoBox gdoc}}. :P

Article blueprints 1.1

Added Devices and Meta article blueprints.

SourceForge InfoBox template

Created the {{InfoBox sourceforge}} template for articles that have their upstream hosted by (pretty much now depreated) SourceForge:

{{InfoBox stack |{{InfoBox sourceforge|}} }}

Unmerge template

Created the {{Unmerge}} template for articles that reference software removal (NEVER DO THE FOLLOWING!):


Dirty article template

Created the {{Dirty}} template for articles that need cleaned up:

{{Dirty|paragraph|date=Jan 18, 2016|author=maffblaster}}

Embedded Handbook migration

Migrated the Embedded Handbook from wwwold.g.o.


Developer Handbook migration

Migrated the Developer Handbook from wwwold.g.o.

Security Handbook migration

Migrated the Security Handbook from wwwold.g.o.

Overlay InfoBox template

Created the {{InfoBox overlay}} template:

Move (old) Project pages

Finish moving old project pages from old site to the wiki:

Generic InfoBox template

Created the {{InfoBox generic}} template:

Facebook InfoBox template

Created the {{InfoBox facebook}} template:

Google+ InfoBox template

Created the InfoBox google+ template:

Google+ is now defunct.

Twitter InfoBox template

Created the {{InfoBox twitter}} template:

Manpage template

Created the {{Manpage}} template:

Man page

Article blueprints

I have created some resources found in the Gentoo Wiki: namespace that others may find helpful to speed up article creation:

Command/Concept template

Created the {{c}} template:


Bugs InfoBox template

Created the {{InfoBox bugs}} template:

Official documentation InfoBox template

Created the {{InfoBox odoc}} template:

IRC InfoBox template

Created the {{InfoBox irc}} template:

Deprecated (article) template

Created the {{Deprecated}} template:

As of June 19th, 2015, the information in this article has been deprecated. It may or may not be relevant for contemporary usage. Handle with care!

Guide InfoBox template

Created the {{InfoBox guide}} template:

Wiki rewards

I have created a reward set (Wiki rewards) for various levels of contributions. I will be personally handing these out as I see fit.

Man page InfoBox template

Created the {{InfoBox manpage}} template:

GitHub InfoBox template

Created the {{InfoBox github}} template:

GitWeb InfoBox template

Created the {{InfoBox gitweb}} template:

IRC template

Created the {{IRC}} template:

{{IRC|gentoo}}#gentoo (webchat)

Test for non-Gentoo IRC channels:

Tip template

After a discussion on IRC with a3li, I will create a another message box for a {{Tip}} MessageBox.

I really appreciated the themes in the older GuideXML format. The notes were green instead of blue there, and I miss the old color.

This is a tip.
This is a note.
This is an important message.
This is a warning message.

HOWTO article renaming

This discussion currently is ongoing on the suggestions page. Some of these articles would be better suited to have "Guide" as the sub-article.

Articles with "Configuration" in their titles

GNOME/ConfigurationGNOME/Guide - Done! A redirect has been created.

Xorg/ConfigurationXorg/Guide - Done! A redirect has been created.

Articles with "HOWTO" in their titles

Bugzilla_HOWTOBugzilla/Guide - Done! A redirect has been created. The main site needs text updated to "Bugzilla guide".

[[Conky/HOWTO]]Conky/Guide - Done! A redirect has been created.

Initramfs/HOWTOInitramfs/Guide - Done! A redirect has not been created.

Hardened/HOWTO_locate_and_fix_textrelsHardened/Textrels Guide - Done! A redirect has been created.

LiveUSB/HOWTOLiveUSB/Guide - Done! A redirect has been created.

USB/HOWTOUSB/Guide - Done! A redirect has been created.

Localization/HOWTOLocalization/Guide - Done! A redirect has been created.

Nagios/HOWTONagios/Guide - Done! A redirect has been created.

Openbox/HOWTOOpenbox/Guide - Done! A redirect has been created.

[[Project:Translation/Translation_HOWTO]]Project:Translation/Guide - Done! A redirect has been created.

[[Samba4 Migrating/HOWTO]]Samba/Samba 4 Migration - Done!

[[Samba_AD_Centralized_authentication/HOWTO]] - Removed from the wiki. Nothing linked here and the page was empty.

[[Centralized authentication with Samba AD /HOWTO]]Samba/Active Directory Guide - Done!

Xfce/HOWTOXfce/Guide - Done! A redirect has been created.

Zsh/HOWTOZsh/Guide - Done! A redirect has been created.