LVM (Logical Volume Manager) е софтуер който позволява физически устройства PVs (Physical Volumes) да бъдат обединени в една или повече групи VGs (Volume Groups). Под физическо устройство може да се разбира част от диск или цял диск или всякакво друго устройство за което кернела предоставя начин за записване и четене на данни. Устройствата могат да бъдат обединени по различни начини от просто набор от дискове до пълен RAID.
За да можете да ползвате LVM трябва да имате позволена device mapper поддръжката в кернела:
Device Drivers --->
Multiple devices driver support (RAID and LVM) --->
<*> Device mapper support
<M> Crypt target support
<M> Snapshot target
<M> Mirror target
<M> Multipath target
<M> I/O Path Selector based on the number of in-flight I/Os
<M> I/O Path Selector based on the service time
Какви модули ще изберете зависи от това какво смятате да ползвате някой от модулите са необходими за #LVM2_Snapshots, #LVM2_MIRROR, #LVM2_Stripeset и криптиране.
sys-fs/lvm2 се поддържа от Gentoo Linux и има следните use флагове:
- clvm = Позволява създаването на lvm2 клъстари.
- cman = Cman поддръжка на lvm клъстари.
- lvm1 = Включва поддръката на lvm1.
- static = Инсталира статично свързан lvm2, за да бъде използван в initramfs.
- readline = Включва поддръжката на libreadline, билиотекана на GNU за четене на ред. Най-вероятно искате това.
- selinux = Включва поддръжка на Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) support.
- static-libs = Инсталира статични библиотеки.
За да инсталирате lvm2 изпълнете следната команда:
root #
emerge lvm2
Също трябва да добавите init скрипта на пакета в boot нивото:
root #
/etc/init.d/lvm start && rc-update add lvm boot
Конфигурационния файл се намира:
LVM организира дисковото пространство в 3 нива:
- цели дискове, дискови дялове, RAID системи и други се инициализират като физически устройства PV (Physical Volume)
- Физическите устройства (PV) се групират в групи от устройства Volume Groups (VG)
- Групите от устройства VG се разделят на логически устройства Logical Volumes (LV)
PV (Физически устройства)
Физическите устройства са истинския хардуер или система за съхранение на данни които LVM ползва за съхраняване на данните.
Типа на дисковия дял за LVM e 8e(Linux LVM):
root #
fdisk /dev/sdX
С fdisk, можете да създадете дял с клавиша n и след това да смените типа му с t на 8e. Предишното ще създаде първичен дял от тип 8e (Linux LVM) на диск /dev/sdX.
Тази стъпка не е необходима, тъй като LVM може да работи директно с целия диск. Всъщност поради някой ограничения на MBR и GPT таблиците се препоръчва да използвате целия диск а не да създавате дял
Създаване на PV
Следната команда ще създаде физическо устройство (PV) на дискове /dev/sdX и /dev/sdY:
root #
pvcreate /dev/sd[X-Y]1
Показване на PV
Следната команда ще покаже всички активни PV в системата:
root #
Можете да сканирате за PV, при евентуални проблеми с инициализацията:
root #
Премахване на PV
LVM автоматично разпределя данните върху всички PV, освен ако експлицитно не е зададено друго. За да преместите данните които може би са на физическото устройство изпълнете:
root #
pvmove -v /dev/sdX1
Тази операция може да отнеме много време и след края ѝ всички данни върху /dev/sdX1 трябва да са преместени по други физически устройства. Първо трябва да изключите PV от групата (VG) и след това да го премахнете:
root #
vgreduce vg0 /dev/sdX1 && pvremove /dev/sdX1
Ако сте ползвали цял диск, за да може да създадете таблица с дялове задължително трябва да го премахнете PV от диска
VG (Група)
Групата (VG) се състои от едно или повече физически устройства (PV) и се вижда като /dev/<VG name>/ в файловата система с устройстата.
Създаване на VG
Следната команда ще създаде Група (VG) с име vg0 на двете предварително създадени физически устройства (PV) /dev/sdX1 и /dev/sdY1:
root #
vgcreate vg0 /dev/sd[X-Y]1
Показване на Групите VG
Следната команда показва всички активни Групи в системата:
root #
Също може да сканирате за Групи:
root #
Разширяване на Група (VG)
Със следната команда можете да добавите физическо устройство (PV) към съществуваща група. vg0 е името на групата /dev/sdZ1 на устройството което ще се добави:
root #
vgextend vg0 /dev/sdZ1
Намаляване на Група (VG)
Преди да изключите Физическо устройство (PV) от групата трябва да преместите данните му по други устройства със следната команда:
root #
pvmove -v /dev/sdX1
След като горната команда приключи можете да изключите устройството от Групата:
root #
vgreduce vg0 /dev/sdX1
Премахване на Група (VG)
Преди да можете да премахнете Групата трябва да премахнете всички Логически устройства (LV) и Snapshots. В Групата може да има само едно Физическо устройство. Следната команда ще премахне Групата vg0:
root #
vgremove vg0
LV (Logical Volume)
Logical Volumes (LV) are created and managed in Volume Groups (VG), once created they show up as /dev/<VG name>/<LV name> and can be used like normal partitions.
Create LV
With the following command, we create a Logical Volume (LV) named lvol1 in Volume Group (VG) vg0 with a size of 150MB:
root #
lvcreate -L 150M -n lvol1 vg0
There are other useful options to set the size of a new LV like:
- -l 100%FREE = maximum size of the LV within the VG
- -l 50%VG = 50% size of the whole VG
List LV
The folloing command lists all Logical Volumes (LV) in the system:
root #
You can scan for LV in the system, to troubleshoot not properly created or lost LVs:
root #
Extend LV
With the following command, we can extend the Logical Volume (LV) named lvol1 in Volume Group (VG) vg0 to 500MB:
root #
lvextend -L500M /dev/vg0/lvol1
use -L+350M to increase the current size of a LV by 350MB
Once the LV is extended, we need to grow the file system as well (in this example we used ext4 and the LV is mounted to /mnt/data):
Some file systems do support online-resizing, like ext4 otherwise you have to umount the file system first
root #
resize2fs /mnt/data 500M
Reduce LV
Before we can reduce the size of our Logical Volume (LV) without corrupting existing data, we have to shrink the file system on it. In this example we used ext4, the LV needs to be unmounted to shrink the file system:
root #
umount /mnt/data
root #
e2fsck -f /dev/vg0/lvol1
root #
resize2fs /dev/vg0/lvol1 150M
Now we are ready to reduce the size of our LV:
root #
lvreduce -L150M /dev/vg0/lvol1
use -L-350M to reduce the current size of a LV by 350MB
LV Permissions
Logical Volumes (LV) can be set to be read only storage devices.
root #
lvchange -p r /dev/vg0/lvol1
The LV needs to be remounted for the changes to take affect:
root #
mount -o remount /dev/vg0/lvol1
To set the LV to be read/write again:
root #
lvchange -p rw /dev/vg0/lvol1 && mount -o remount /dev/vg0/lvol1
Remove LV
Before we remove a Logical Volume (LV) we should unmount and deactivate, so no further write activity can take place:
root #
umount /dev/vg0/lvol1 && lvchange -a n /dev/vg0/lvol1
The following command removes the LV named lvol1 from VG named vg0:
root #
lvremove /dev/vg0/lvol1
We can create some scenarios using loopback devices, so no real storage devices are used.
First we need to make sure the loopback module is loaded. If you want to play around with partitions, use the following option:
root #
modprobe -r loop && modprobe loop max_part=63
you cannot reload the module, if it is built into the kernel
Now we need to either tell LVM to not use udev to scan for devices or change the filters in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf. In this case we just temporarely do not use udev:
obtain_device_list_from_udev = 0
this is for testing only, you want to change the setting back when dealing with real devices since it is much faster
We create some image files, that will become our storage devices (uses ~6GB of real hard drive space):
root #
mkdir /var/lib/lvm_img
root #
dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/lib/lvm_img/lvm0.img bs=1024 count=2097152
root #
dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/lib/lvm_img/lvm1.img bs=1024 count=2097152
root #
dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/lib/lvm_img/lvm2.img bs=1024 count=2097152
Check which loopback devices are available:
root #
losetup -a
We assume all loopback devices are available and create our hard drives:
root #
losetup /dev/loop0 /var/lib/lvm_img/lvm0.img
root #
losetup /dev/loop1 /var/lib/lvm_img/lvm1.img
root #
losetup /dev/loop2 /var/lib/lvm_img/lvm2.img
Now we can use /dev/loop[0-2] as we would use any other hard drive in the system.
On the next reboot, all the loopback devices will be released and the folder /var/lib/lvm_img can be deleted
Two Hard Drives
In this example, we will initialize two hard drive as PV and then create the VG vg0:
root #
pvcreate /dev/loop[0-1]
root #
vgcreate vg0 /dev/loop[0-1]
Now lets create the LV lvol1 in our VG vg0 and take the maximum space available:
root #
lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n lvol1 vg0
Create the file system and mount it to /mnt/data:
root #
mkfs.ext4 /dev/vg0/lvol1
root #
mount /dev/vg0/lvol1 /mnt/data
Now we have the capacity of 2GB from each hard drive available in /mnt/data as one 4GB device.
The same applies to RAID systems, if you want to create one VG use /dev/md[X-Y] instead
Here is an example of an entry in /etc/fstab (using ext4):
/dev/vg0/lvol1 /mnt/data ext4 noatime 0 2
We use two hard drives and create our LV lvol1 like in the first example. This time we use 40% of the size of our VG vg0, because we need some space in the VG for the MIRROR and log files:
root #
pvcreate /dev/loop[0-1]
root #
vgcreate vg0 /dev/loop[0-1]
root #
lvcreate -l 40%VG -n lvol1 vg0
root #
mkfs.ext4 /dev/vg0/lvol1
root #
mount /dev/vg0/lvol1 /mnt/data
To create our copy of /dev/vg0/lvol1 on the PV /dev/loop1, use the following command:
root #
lvconvert -m1 /dev/vg0/lvol1 --corelog /dev/loop1
LVM will now ensure that a full copy (MIRROR) of /dev/vg0/lvol1 exists on /dev/loop1 and is not distributed between other PVs.
this is very I/O intensive, --corelog writes the log files for the conversion into memory
To remove the MIRROR:
root #
lvconvert -m0 /dev/vg0/lvol1
If one half of the MIRROR fails, the other one will be automatically converted into a not mirrored LV (loose the mirror atribute). LVM is different from Linux RAID1 that it doesn't read/write from both mirrored images, there is no performace increase.
LVM2 Snapshots
A snapshot is an LV as copy of another LV, which takes in all the changes that were made in the original LV to show the content of that LV in a different state. We once again use our two hard drives and create LV lvol1 this time with 60% of VG vg0:
root #
pvcreate /dev/loop[0-1]
root #
vgcreate vg0 /dev/loop[0-1]
root #
lvcreate -l 60%VG -n lvol1 vg0
root #
mkfs.ext4 /dev/vg0/lvol1
root #
mount /dev/vg0/lvol1 /mnt/data
Now we create a snapshot of lvol1 named 08092011_lvol1 and give it 10% of VG vg0:
root #
lvcreate -l 10%VG -s -n 08092011_lvol1 /dev/vg0/lvol1
if a snapshot exceeds it's maximum size, it disappears
Mount our snapshot somewhere else:
root #
mkdir /mnt/08092011_data
root #
mount /dev/vg0/08092011_lvol1 /mnt/08092011_data
We could now access data in lvol1 from a previous state.
LVM2 snapshots are writeable LV, we could use them to let a project go on into two different directions:
root #
lvcreate -l 10%VG -s -n project1_lvol1 /dev/vg0/lvol1
root #
lvcreate -l 10%VG -s -n project2_lvol1 /dev/vg0/lvol1
root #
mkdir /mnt/project1 /mnt/project2
root #
mount /dev/vg0/project1_lvol1 /mnt/project1
root #
mount /dev/vg0/project2_lvol1 /mnt/project2
Now we have three different versions of LV lvol1, the original and two snapshots which can be used parallel and changes are written to the snapshots.
the original LV lvol1 cannot be reduced in size or removed if snapshots of it exist. Snapshots can be increased in size without growing the file system on them, but they cannot exceed the size of the original LV
LVM2 Stripeset
The STRIPSET is the same as RAID0, data is written to several devices at the same time to increase performance. In LVM2 it is possible to distribute LV over several PV for the same effect. We create three PV and then VG vg0:
root #
pvcreate /dev/loop[0-2]
root #
vgcreate vg0 /dev/loop[0-2]
VG vg0 consists of three different hard drives and now we can create our LV and spread it over them:
root #
lvcreate -i 3 -l 20%VG -n lvm_stripe vg0
The option -i 3 indicates that we want to spread it over 3 PV in out VG vg0:
root #
Logging initialised at Thu Sep 8 22:19:27 2011 Set umask from 0022 to 0077 Wiping cache of LVM-capable devices Wiping internal VG cache Walking through all physical volumes PV /dev/loop0 VG vg0 lvm2 [2.00 GiB / 1.60 GiB free] PV /dev/loop1 VG vg0 lvm2 [2.00 GiB / 1.60 GiB free] PV /dev/loop2 VG vg0 lvm2 [2.00 GiB / 1.60 GiB free] Total: 3 [5.99 GiB] / in use: 3 [5.99 GiB] / in no VG: 0 [0 ] Wiping internal VG cache
On each PV 400MB got reserved for our LV lvm_stripe in VG vg0
LVM2 can use its internal mechanism to create stripesets with parity in a similar way as RAID5 does, but in this case you need at least 3 different PV
root #
pvcreate /dev/loop[0-2]
root #
vgcreate vg0 /dev/loop[0-2]
VG vg0 consists of three different hard drives and now we can create our LV and spread it over them:
root #
lvcreate --type raid5 -l 20%VG -i 2 -I 64 -n lvm_raid5 vg0
The option -i 2 indicates that we want create 2 stripes + 1 parity stripe (so we need at least 3 devices)
root #
Logging initialised at Thu Sep 8 22:19:27 2011 Set umask from 0022 to 0077 Wiping cache of LVM-capable devices Wiping internal VG cache Walking through all physical volumes PV /dev/loop0 VG vg0 lvm2 [2,00 GiB / 1,39 GiB free] PV /dev/loop1 VG vg0 lvm2 [2,00 GiB / 1,39 GiB free] PV /dev/loop2 VG vg0 lvm2 [2,00 GiB / 1,39 GiB free] Total: 3 [5.99 GiB] / in use: 3 [5.99 GiB] / in no VG: 0 [0 ] Wiping internal VG cache
On each PV 600MB got reserved for our LV lvm_raid5 in VG vg0
LVM has only MIRROR and snapshots to provide some level of redundancy. However there are certain situations where one might be able to restore lost PV or LV.
In /etc/lvm/archive and /etc/lvm/backup are files which contain logs about metadata changes in LVM. To see what states of the VG are available to be restored:
root #
vgcfgrestore --list vg0
File: /etc/lvm/archive/ VG name: vg0 Description: Created *before* executing 'lvremove /dev/vg0/lvol1' Backup Time: Sat Sep 10 20:02:05 2011 File: /etc/lvm/backup/vg0 VG name: vg0 Description: Created *after* executing 'lvremove /dev/vg0/lvol1' Backup Time: Sat Sep 10 20:02:05 2011
In this example we removed the LV lvol1 by accident and want it back in our VG vg0:
root #
vgcfgrestore -f /etc/archive/ vg0
This is not the data in the LV itself that will be restored, just the LV is recreated as it was distributed on the PV before and you have a good chance that the files are still on the PV if they weren't overwritten yet
Replace PV
We want to replace a PV and then restore the metadata to a new one, so that we reach the same state as before the device stopped working. To display all PV in a VG (even lost ones) use the following command:
root #
vgdisplay --partial --verbose
In this example I let /dev/loop1 (unknown device) fail:
root #
vgdisplay --partial --verbose
--- Physical volumes --- PV Name unknown device PV UUID 3B0yFN-zKDY-yICo-fT0M-nJwS-3wZf-UEjvd1 PV Status allocatable Total PE / Free PE 511 / 0 PV Name /dev/loop2 PV UUID 4AuFVX-PWnX-qpWl-fpoS-euCV-SISW-IX6ceF PV Status allocatable Total PE / Free PE 511 / 511
Using the UUID, we can tell LVM to restore new hardware and be implemented within the VG as the old one was.
root #
pvcreate --restorefile /etc/archive/<METADATA-FILE> --uuid <UUID> /dev/loop3
Then we restore the VG to the state before the PV failed:
root #
vgcfgrestore -f /etc/archive/<METADATA-FILE> vg0
Now you can replay your file backup if you haven't already restored the PV itself.
Deactivate LV
You can deactivat a LV with the following command:
root #
umount /dev/vg0/lvol1
root #
lvchange -a n /dev/vg0/lvol1
You will not be able to mount the LV anywhere before it got reactivated:
root #
lvchange -a y /dev/vg0/lvol1