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This is how you can install users via ebuilds
- construction: THIS IS A WIP :construction:
# Copyright 2019-2024 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit acct-group ACCT_GROUP_ID=1000
# Copyright 2019-2024 Gentoo Authors # Copyright 2024 Stephen M. Reaves # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit acct-user DESCRIPTION="The all powerful user" ACCT_USER_ID=1000 # Plugdev doesn't exist? #ACCT_USER_GROUPS=( "${PN}" "wheel" "usb" "plugdev" ) ACCT_USER_GROUPS=( "${PN}" "wheel" "usb" ) ACCT_USER_HOME=/home/"${PN}" ACCT_USER_SHELL="/bin/bash" IUSE="containers desktop dev extras laptop games printers virt" acct-user_add_deps # rtkit Needed for pipewire # x11-misc/ly might only be available in the supertux88 overlay RDEPEND=" acct-group/reavessm app-admin/stow app-admin/sudo app-editors/neovim app-misc/fastfetch app-misc/tmux dev-vcs/git dev-vcs/git-credential-manager media-fonts/nerdfonts[daddytimemono,firacode] media-fonts/noto-emoji net-fs/nfs-utils net-misc/keychain sys-apps/ripgrep sys-apps/tuned containers? ( app-containers/crun app-containers/podman ) virt? ( app-emulation/libvirt[pcap,virt-network,numa,nfs,fuse,qemu] app-emulation/qemu[usbredir,spice,nfs,fuse] app-emulation/virt-manager[gui] ) desktop? ( app-admin/bitwarden-desktop-bin app-office/joplin-desktop app-office/libreoffice-bin gui-apps/grim gui-apps/hypridle gui-apps/hyprlock gui-apps/hyprpaper gui-apps/slurp gui-apps/waybar gui-apps/wl-clipboard gui-apps/wofi gui-libs/xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland gui-wm/hyprland media-gfx/imv media-sound/pavucontrol media-video/vlc[bluray,-vaapi] media-video/wireplumber net-misc/dhcpcd net-misc/networkmanager[wifi] sys-auth/rtkit www-client/firefox[hwaccel] www-client/librewolf[hwaccel] x11-misc/ly x11-terms/kitty x11-themes/catppuccin-btop xfce-base/thunar ) laptop? ( dev-libs/light gui-apps/wl-mirror ) games? ( app-emulation/dxvk app-emulation/vkd3d-proton games-util/gamemode games-util/lutris games-util/steam-launcher media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta[ffmpeg] virtual/wine[proton] ) extras? ( media-video/obs-studio[browser] app-text/pandoc-bin dev-texlive/texlive-xetex media-gfx/imagemagick sci-visualization/gnuplot sys-apps/flatpak sys-process/btop ) dev? ( app-editors/vscode dev-debug/valgrind[mpi] dev-lang/elixir dev-lang/go dev-util/rustup net-fs/sshfs net-libs/nodejs[npm] net-vpn/openconnect sys-apps/yarn sys-cluster/openmpi virtual/rust ) printers? ( net-print/gutenprint net-print/hplip[minimal,-qt5] ) " DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" BDEPEND="${RDEPEND}" pkg_setup() { use virt && ACCT_USER_GROUPS+=( kvm libvirt ) use desktop && ACCT_USER_GROUPS+=( pipewire video ) } pkg_postinst() { elog "Setting user to never expire" chage -E -1 "${PN}" ebegin "Setting up dot-files ..." mkdir -pv "${ACCT_USER_HOME}/Src/Personal" pushd "${ACCT_USER_HOME}/Src/Personal" if [[ -d "dot-files" ]] then elog "Pulling in existing directory ..." cd dot-files git -c'*' pull || die else elog "Cloning dot-files ..." git -c'*' clone "${PN}/dot-files" || die cd dot-files fi su "${PN}" "./" || die popd eend "Done!" ebegin "Fixing ownerships ..." chown "${PN}:${PN}" "/home/${PN}" eend "Done!" if use containers then elog "Make sure to check https://wiki dot gentoo dot org/wiki/Podman" fi if use virt then elog "Make sure to check https://wiki dot gentoo dot org/wiki/Libvirt and https://wiki dot gentoo dot org/wiki/Virt-manager and https://wiki dot gentoo dot org/wiki/QEMU" fi if use games then elog "Make sure to check https://wiki dot gentoo dot org/wiki/Steam" fi } pkg_prerm() { # Don't remove system user : }