glFTPd :: We make files transfer!
gLFTPd is a very advanced ftp server with lots of possibilities. One of the main differences between many other ftp servers and glFTPd is that it has its own user database which can be completely maintained online using ftp site commands. Using ftp site commands it is also possible to see stats, view logs, execute scripts and do many more things. glFTPd runs within a chroot environment which makes it relatively safe. The glFTPd team continuously works on improving this free piece of beautiful software.
glFTPd has numerous features making many complex and complicated setups possible. A number of the most important features are:
- Virtual users and groups
- Bandwidth throttling (global and per user)
- Multiple network connections support
- Per IP configuration
- Upload/Download ratio support
- On the fly CRC calculating of files being uploaded
- Script support on almost all commands and operations
- Dupe checking (file existence in any dir)
- Online user management (add/remove/edit users using site commands)
- Group administrators who can manage the groups they are admin for
- Built-in statistics viewable using site commands
- Online log viewing using site commands
- Encryption support through TLS/SSL integration
- ACL Support
- Many more ...
We need some tools to get started, this setup will target users using OpenRC and we will use xinetd for this wiki.
Users who want to use tcpd should enable the tcpd flag on xinetd but this does not cover this wiki at the moment.
root #
emerge --ask app-arch/unzip app-arch/zip dev-libs/openssl sys-apps/xinetd dev-msc/git
root #
cd /tmp
root #
wget -nc -q
root #
tar zxvf glftpd-LNX-2.13a_3.0.8_x64.tgz
root #
rm -v /tmp/glftpd-LNX-2.13a_3.0.8_x64.tgz
root #
cd glftpd-LNX-2.13a_3.0.8_x64
root #
chmod +x
root #
bash /opt/glftpd/
### # ##### ##### #### #### ###
# # # # # # # # # # #
# # ### # # # # # #
# ## # # # #### # # #
# # # # # # # # #
### ##### # # # #### #####
GLFTPD INSTALLER v2.0.12 (linux)
Originally done by jehsom and dn.
Made ready for the new era by turranius and psxc.
Before we begin: If this installer fails on your system, please
let the devs know. You find us on irc (efnet) in #glftpd. Thank you.
Also, any bugs found in glftpd itself should be reported either to
the board @, in the irc channel, or both.
Press <enter> to continue.
Do you wish to use tcpd? If you are not sure then you should not
use it. If you decided to change this at a later time, please
search for tcpd in for the required changes.
Use tcpd? [Y]es [N]o: N
Do you want to run glftpd in a "Jailed" environment? In this
environment a private directory will be created and glftpd will
be installed inside. Regular shell users will not be able to get
inside this private directory. The glftpd.conf is also moved
inside for added security and a new group will be created so
you and other users you specify can access glftpd through the shell.
Use a jailed environment? [Y]es [N]o: Y
Creating the jailed environment.
Please enter the private directory to install glftpd inside [/jail]: /opt/jail
Do you want to create a private group? If you say no then only root will
be able to access glftpd. Otherwise you can add other shell users to the
group so they can access glftpd from the shell.
Use a private group? [Y]es [N]o: Y
What would you like your private group to be called? [glftpd]: siteop
Creating private group . . . Done.
Who should have access to glftpd? (separate with ,): wuseman
Setting permissions on /opt/jail . . . Done.
Please enter the directory inside /opt/jail to install glftpd to [/glftpd]:
Copying glftpd files to /opt/jail/glftpd . . . Done.
Copying required binaries to /opt/jail/glftpd/bin:
All binaries successfully copied.
Making glftpd's /dev/null , /dev/full , /dev/zero & /dev/urandom . . . Done.
Enter a service name for glftpd. This name will be used as the
service name mapped to the port in /etc/services, the name
used in your (x)inetd settings, and the name of your config-file.
NOTE: If you (wish to) have multiple instances of glftpd on the
same box, you *must* to change this.
Press <enter> for the default (glftpd)>
modifying source (/opt/jail/glftpd/bin/sources/glconf.h) ... OK.
Compiling source files in /opt/jail/glftpd/bin/sources to /opt/jail/glftpd/bin:
ansi2gl .. OK.
dirlogclean .. OK.
dirloglist .. OK.
dirlogscanner .. OK.
dirlogsearch .. OK.
dupeadd .. OK.
dupecheck .. OK.
dupediradd .. OK.
dupelist .. OK.
dupescan .. OK.
flysfv .. OK.
ftpwho .. OK.
glupdate .. OK.
killghost .. OK.
nukelogclean .. OK.
nukelogscanner .. OK.
olddirclean2 .. OK.
undupe .. OK.
userstat .. OK.
weektop .. OK.
All source files successfully compiled.
Copying required shared library files: OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
Copying your system's run-time library linker(s):
(NOTE: Searches can take a couple of minutes, please be patient.)
Configuring the shared library cache . . . Done.
Enter the port you would like glftpd to listen on [1337]: 65001
Setting userfile permissions . . . Done.
Setting groupfile permissions . . . Done.
Adding glftpd service to /etc/services (as glftpd) . . . Done.
Copying glftpd.conf to /opt/jail/glftpd.conf . . . Done.
choose superserver: x
Do you wish to use European weeks? European weeks starts with a Monday.
This is for glftpd's 'reset' binary (see docs for more info) [Y/N]: Y
Fixing (potential) localtime problems ...
Creating /opt/jail/glftpd/etc/localtime
Creating /opt/jail/glftpd/usr/lib/zoneinfo
Creating /opt/jail/glftpd/usr/share/zoneinfo
Creating /usr/lib/localtime
We will now create a certificate for SSL/TLS support. This step is
Please specify location, inside /opt/jail/glftpd,
to install the cert (ftpd-ecdsa.pem) [/etc]:
Please specify a generic name for this certificate.
This can be any name but should say something about the ftp server
like the name for it perhaps (press enter for glftpd):
Using servbase: glftpd Using openssl: /usr/bin/openssl
Please wait while creating certificate... (will take time!)
Moving ftpd-ecdsa.pem to /opt/jail/glftpd/etc . . . Done
-> If you get TLS errors of any kind, read instructions in README.TLS
-> included in this package!
Press <ENTER> to continue
Copying /etc/resolv.conf to /opt/jail/glftpd/etc/resolv.conf . . . Done.
Testing entries in resolv.conf (can take time):
Testing . . . OK.
Configuring xinetd for glftpd . . . Done.
Restarting xinetd . . . Failed! You must start xinetd before using glftpd.
Adding crontab entry to tabulate site stats nightly . . . Done.
chmod'ing the site/ dir . . . Done.
Press <ENTER> to continue.
Congratulations, glFtpD has been installed. Scroll up and note any errors
that needs fixing. ./installgl.debug contains a log of the installation process.
To get your site running, you must edit /opt/jail/glftpd.conf according to
the instructions in /opt/jail/glftpd/docs/
For help, visit #glftpd on EFnet AFTER you've read (not skimmed) the docs/faq.
After configuring glftpd, visit the following websites for additional
scripts to give your site some style!:
Turranius -
Jehsoms -
dn's and ip's -
D-ViBE's collection -
The official glftpd homepage is located at
Thanks for your support!
the glFtpD team
You can use any ftp client you want that can send commands to the server since we going to setup users etc on site, I use lftpd - lftp is available in portage
user $
lftp -e open ftp://localhost:65001 -u glftpd:glftpd -e "set ftp:ssl-allow no;site who"200- Users Logged Onto MSN
200- .-------------------------------------------------------------------------.
200- | User Group Unfo Action |
200- |-----------+----------+------------------+-------------------------------|
200- | glftpd | glftpd | Glftpd default u | SITE who |
200- |-----------+----------+------------+-----+-------------------------------|
200- | Total upload speed: 0.0KiB/s | Total download speed: 0.0KiB/s |
200- |-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------|
200- | 1 of 20 User(s) Currently Online |
200- `-------------------------------------------------------------------------'
200 Command Successful.
lftp glftpd@localhost:/>
It is possible to disable ssl cert warning until we solve tihs later by add 'set ssl-allow no' temporarily in ~/.lftprc until we arrange a certificate
user $
echo "set ftp:ssl-allow no" > .lftprc
user $
lftp ftp://localhost:65001 -u glftpd:glftpd
lftp glftpd@localhost:/> site change larry flags +1200 User (larry) successfully added.
lftp glftpd@localhost:/> site change larry flags +1
200 Command Successful.
lftp glftpd@localhost:/> site change larry ratio 0
200 Command Successful.
lftp glftpd@localhost:/> site change larry num_logins 10
200 Command Successful.
lftp glftpd@localhost:/> site change larry max_sim_up 5
200- Changed max simultaneous uploads for larry to 5.
200 Command Successful.
lftp glftpd@localhost:/> site change larry max_sim_down 5
200- Changed max simultaneous downloads for larry to 5.
200 Command Successful.
lftp glftpd@localhost:/> site deluser glftpd
200 Thank you for deleting yourself.
lftp glftpd@localhost:/> site purge glftpd
site: SITE purge glftpd: Login failed: 530- You have been deleted. Goodbye.
And to confirm we really was deleted we can simply try login again
user $
lftp ftp://localhost:65001 -u glftpd:glftpdlftp glftpd@localhost:~> ls
ls: Login failed: 530- You have been deleted. Goodbye
Now log in with the recently added user
xinetd daemon
Start glFTPd
root #
/etc/init.d/xinetd start
* Starting xinetd ...
Stop glFTPd
root #
/etc/init.d/xinetd stop
* Starting xinetd ...
[1] is based on Project-ZS by Dark0n3. It is what is commonly known as a zipscript, or a post check script for file uploads. Its task is, among others, to check the integrity of the files uploaded, and make sure a "release" is complete and not corrupted. PZS-NG is a continuance of the original Project-ZS by Dark0n3, which stopped development in June(?) 2002, and remained stagnant for a long time. Up until now various coders/scripters have made patches to fix bugs or make some enhancements, but the patches have at times been overlapping, or complete replacements of source-files, making it hard for the siteops to implementthem all.
root #
git clone /opt/pzs-ng
root #
cd $_
root #
make -j$(nproc) -j$(($(nproc) + 1))
root #
make install
LibCopy v1.6 (pzs-ng version)
Using glroot: /opt/glftpd
Making sure all bins are present:
sh:COPIED cat:COPIED grep:COPIED egrep:COPIED unzip:COPIED wc:COPIED find:COPIED ls:COPIED bash:COPIED mkdir:COPIED rmdir:COPIED rm:COPIED mv:COPIED cp:COPIED awk:COPIED ln:COPIED basename:COPIED dirname:COPIED head:COPIED tail:COPIED cut:COPIED tr:COPIED wc:COPIED sed:COPIED date:COPIED sleep:COPIED touch:COPIED gzip:COPIED ldconfig:COPIED zipscript-c:OK postdel:OK postunnuke:OK racestats:OK cleanup:OK datacleaner:OK rescan:OK ng-undupe:OK ng-deldir:OK ng-chown:OK audiosort:OK
Copying required shared library files: OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
Copying needed resolv-libs (if needed)... cannot create regular file '/opt/glftpd/lib/': Not a directory
OK cannot create regular file '/opt/glftpd/lib/': Not a directory
resolvconf NOT NEEDED
Copying your system's run-time library linker(s):
(NOTE: Searches can take a couple of minutes, please be patient.) OK
Configuring the shared library cache . . . Done.
If you got errors, please fix them and re-run the program.
If you didn't get any errors - have phun!
Changes in glftpd.conf
It is almost done now. To actually make glftpd use your new zipscript, we need to change/add some settings in your glftpd.conf:
calc_crc *"
This will calculate the crc of all files uploaded on your site, on the fly. If you do not add this line in glftpd.conf, the zipscript will calculate it instead. This is, however, slower than if glftpd does it on the fly. Some will probably react on why we calc crc on everything. Simply put - todays computers and the current version of glftpd does this *real* quick w/o slowing down the computer much, as it's done while the upload occur. Also, almost everything uploaded on sites today uses crc check (sfv). Adding filters to what should be calculated and what shouldn't is totally up to the admin, but our advice is to just calc it for everything.
Next, add:
post_check /bin/zipscript-c *
This will invoke the zipscript after a file is uploaded. For more info on the post_check line, refer to Forget to add this, and the zipscript will not run, and no files are checked.
You should also add the following lines:
cscript DELE post /bin/postdel
cscript RMD post /bin/datacleaner
This will take care of making things right when something is deleted. Like updating the race stats, adding/editing the (in)complete-bar etc. Forget to add this, and you end up with a rather shabby site.
cscript SITE[:space:]NUKE post /bin/cleanup
cscript SITE[:space:]WIPE post /bin/cleanup
cscript SITE[:space:]UNNUKE post /bin/postunnuke
site_cmd RESCAN EXEC /bin/rescan
custom-rescan !8 *
cscript RETR post /bin/dl_speedtest
site_cmd AUDIOSORT EXEC /bin/audiosort
custom-audiosort !8 *
The first two will remove dead symlinks. The next one rechecks a dir and recreates symlinks accordingly. The following two will allow you (and all users except anon users) to rescan a dir. This comes in handy in places the zipscript isn't invoked by default, when you have dirs you wish to check filled before you added the zipscript, and a lot of other occations. Forget to add this and you will hit yourself hard quite a few times. ;) The fifth line add support for speedtesting (ignored in all dirs execpt the ones defined in zsconfig.h). The last allows you to only resort the genres/year/group/artist of an mp3-release. (rescan does the same, but audiosort is faster - it doesn't check the crc and such of the release)
All that's left now is to tie up some loose ends - and installing the bot, of course. As for loose ends:
chmod 666 /path/to/your/glftpd/ftp-data/logs/dupelog
This is needed by the unduper. Without this file being world writable, it will not be able to undupe files.
You might have noticed that we added a dir in ftp-data/ called pzs-ng/. This is the place we keep all racedata - a sort of mirror of the site if you like, without the actual files in them. Over time this can grow and become huge, taking up a great deal of space, even making your system refuse to add more files. Thus, the included 'datacleaner' bin. This will remove all the racedata from dirs that no longer exists on your site. We also have a bin named 'cleanup' which helps clean out dead symlinks - you might have nuked an incomplete release, in which case the incomplete- link will still exist. To the rescue comes crontab :).
Add the following lines in a users crontab if the bins are owned by root and have the setuid bit, or run it in root's crontab if not.
59 23 * * * chroot /glftpd /bin/cleanup >/dev/null 2>&1
29 4 * * * chroot /glftpd /bin/datacleaner >/dev/null 2>&1
This should help keep your site nice and tidy, not burden the hardware too much, and stop crontab from sending you annoying emails ;).
Make sure to use full path to 'chroot' in the above line, or include a PATH variable at the top of the crontab
Example configuration for pzs-ng with skipped years for mp3 and various sample folders
/* zsconfig.h - ZipScript-C config file
* This file only contains overrides of the defaults. If you need to edit/change
* other options, please copy the option from README.ZSCONFIG and place it in
* here.
* The complete list of options availible is found in README.ZSCONFIG.
* Please do not change settings you do not understand!
* The hash char ``#'' does not signify comments! DO NOT REMOVE!
#define sitepath_dir "/site/"
#define group_dirs "/site/groups/"
#define zip_dirs "/site/incoming/software/ /site/incoming/ebooks/ /site/incoming/tutorial/ /site/archive/software/ /site/archive/ebooks/ /site/archive/tutorial/ /site/requests/ /site/archive/emulation/ /site/incoming/emulation/"
#define sfv_dirs "/site/archive/ebooks/ /site/archive/games/_windows/ /site/archive/games/_linux/ /site/archive/tutorial/ /site/incoming/tutorial/ /site/archive/mdvdr/ /site/archive/mp3/ /site/archive/mvids/ /site/archive/software/ /site/archive/tutorial/ /site/archive/x2641080/ /site/archive/x264720/ /site/archive/x264sd/ /site/incoming/ebooks/ /site/incoming/games/_windows/ /site/incoming/games/_linux/ /site/archive/games/_emulator/ /site/incoming/games/_emulator/ /site/incoming/mdvdr/ /site/incoming/mp3/ /site/incoming/mvids/ /site/incoming/software/ /site/incoming/tutorial/ /site/incoming/x2641080/ /site/incoming/x264720/ /site/incoming/x264sd/ /site/requests/ /site/incoming/xxxsd/ /site/archive/xxxsd/ "
#define nocheck_dirs "/site/private/ /site/speedtest/"
#define noforce_sfv_first_dirs "/site/requests/"
#define audio_nocheck_dirs "/site/archive/ebooks/ /site/archive/games/_windows/ /site/archive/games/_linux/ /site/archive/mdvdr/ /site/archive/mvids/ /site/archive/software/ /site/archive/tutorial/ /site/archive/x2641080/ /site/archive/x264720/ /site/archive/x264sd/ /site/incoming/ebooks/ /site/incoming/games/_windows/ /site/incoming/games/_linux/ /site/archive/games/_emulator/ /site/incoming/games/_emulator/ /site/incoming/mdvdr/ /site/incoming/mvids/ /site/incoming/software/ /site/incoming/tutorial/ /site/incoming/x2641080/ /site/incoming/x264720/ /site/incoming/x264sd/ /site/requests/"
#define allowed_types_exemption_dirs "/site/incoming/mvids/"
#define check_for_missing_nfo_dirs "/siite/incoming/software/"
#define cleanupdirs ""
#define cleanupdirs_dated "/site/incoming/software/%m%d/ /site/incoming/mp3/%m%d/"
#define check_for_missing_sample_dirs "/site/archive/mdvdr/ /site/archive/x2641080/ /site/archive/x264720/ /site/archive/x264sd/ /site/incoming/x2641080/ /site/incoming/x264720/ /site/incoming/x264sd/ /site/incoming/xxxsd/ /site/archive/xxxsd/"
#define create_missing_sample_link TRUE
#define short_sitename "OK"
#define debug_mode FALSE
#define debug_altlog TRUE
#define status_bar_type BAR_DIR
#define incompleteislink TRUE
#define ignored_types ",diz,debug,message,imdb,html,url,m3u,metadata,exe,sh"
#define deny_double_sfv FALSE
#define force_sfv_first FALSE
#define audio_genre_path "/site/sorted/mp3/"
#define audio_artist_path "/site/sorted/mp3/"
#define audio_year_path "/site/sorted/mp3/"
#define audio_group_path "/site/sorted/mp3/"
#define audio_language_path "/site/sorted/mp3/"
#define allowed_constant_bitrates "96,160,192,320"
#define allowed_years "1900,1901,1902,1903,1904,1905,1906,1907,1908,1909,1910,1911,1912,1913,1914,1915,1916,1917,1918,1919,1920,1921,1922,1923,1924,1925,1926,1927,1928,1929,1930,1931,1932,1933,1934,1935,1936,1937,1938,1939,1940,1941,1942,1943,1944,1945,1946,1947,1948,1949,1950,1951,1952,1953,1954,1955,1956,1957,1958,1959,1960,1961,1962,1963,1964,1965,1966,1967,1968,1969,1970,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,1980,1981,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022"
#define banned_genres ""
#define allowed_genres "Acid,Acid,Jazz,Acid,Punk,Acoustic,Alternative,AlternRock,Ambient,Anime,Avantgarde,Ballad,Bass,Beat,Bebob,Big,Band,Black,Metal,Bluegrass,Blues,Booty,Bass,BritPop,Cabaret,Celtic,Chamber,Music,Chanson,Chorus,Christian,Gangsta,Rap,Christian,Rap,Christian,Rock,Classic,Rock,Classical,Club,Club,House,Comedy,Contemporary,Christian,Country,Crossover,Cult,Dance,Dance,Hall,Darkwave,Death,Metal,Disco,Dream,Drum,&,Bass,Drum,Solo,Duet,Easy,Listening,Electronic,Ethnic,Euro-House,Euro-Techno,Eurodance,Fast,Fusion,Folk,Folk-Rock,Folklore,Freestyle,Funk,Fusion,Game,Gangsta,Goa,Gospel,Gothic,Gothic,Rock,Grunge,Hard,Rock,Hardcore,Heavy,Metal,Hip-Hop,House,Humour,Indie,Industrial,Instrumental,Instrumental,Pop,Instrumental,Rock,Jazz,Jazz+Funk,JPop,Jungle,Latin,Lo-Fi,Meditative,Merengue,Metal,Musical,National,Folk,Native,American,Negerpunk,New,Age,New,Wave,Noise,Oldies,Opera,Other,Polka,Polsk,Punk,Pop,Pop-Folk,Pop_Funk,Porn,Groove,Power,Ballad,Pranks,Primus,Progressive,Rock,Psychedelic,Psychedelic,Rock,Punk,Punk,Rock,R&B,Rap,Rave,Reggae,Retro,Revival,Rhythmic,Soul,Rock,Rock,&,Roll,Salsa,Samba,Satire,Showtunes,Ska,Slow,Jam,Slow,Rock,Sonata,Soul,Sound,Clip,Soundtrack,Southern,Rock,Space,Speech,Swing,Symphonic,Rock,Symphony,Synthpop,Tango,Techno,Techno-Industrial,Terror,Thrash,Metal,Top,40,Trailer,Trance,Tribal,Trip-Hop,Unknown,Vocal"
#define audio_genre_sort TRUE
#define audio_year_sort TRUE
#define audio_artist_sort TRUE
#define audio_group_sort TRUE
#define audio_language_sort FALSE
#define audio_cbr_check FALSE
#define audio_cbr_warn FALSE
#define audio_year_check FALSE
#define audio_year_warn FALSE
#define audio_banned_genre_check FALSE
#define audio_allowed_genre_check FALSE
#define audio_genre_warn FALSE
#define enable_nfo_script TRUE
#define nfo_script "/bin/"
#define enable_complete_script TRUE
#define complete_script "/bin/"
#define enable_audio_script TRUE
#define audio_script "/bin/ng-chown"
#define audio_script_cookies "0 0 0 1 0 1 - \"%w\" \"%?\""
#define allow_gid_change_in_ng_chown TRUE
#define allow_dir_chown_in_ng_chown TRUE
* Below has been added by wuseman for test purposes
#define write_complete_message FALSE
#define write_complete_message_in_group_dirs FALSE
#define always_scan_audio_syms FALSE
#define SPEEDTEST "BW: %.1fMiB (%.1fMB) @ %.2fMbps (%.2fMB/s)."
#define allow_dir_chown_in_ng_chown TRUE
#define allowed_types "jpg,jpeg,cue,m3u,txt,vob,png,m2ts,ts,log"
#define allowed_types_exemption_dirs "/site/requests/ /site/private/"
#define audio_artist_nosub TRUE
#define audio_artist_sort TRUE
#define audio_types "mp3"
#define create_missing_sfv TRUE
#define create_missing_sfv_link TRUE
#define disable_audio_halfway TRUE
#define disable_audio_newleader TRUE
#define disable_audio_norace_complete FALSE
#define disable_audio_norace_halfway TRUE
The Bot (ngbot.conf)
Must be set in ngBot.conf for eggdrop for announce to be working properly
ngBot - Config
Project Zipscript - Next Generation (
(Based on dZSbot by Dark0n3 -
This file contains overrides only. You may find that some settings are
missing - search in dZSbot.conf.defaults for the settings you need and COPY
THOSE INTO THIS FILE - do not edit the defaults file - it will be changed!
This file, however, will not, which means that when you upgrade your bot, you
can keep this file, replace the defaults file, and be done with it.
Important Settings
set debugmode "TRUE"
set cmdpre "!"
set sitename "OK"
set mainchan "#channel"
set glroot "/glftpd/"
set announce(THEMEFILE) "themes/default.zst"
Bins, Logs & Paths
set location(GROUP) "$glroot/etc/group"
set location(PASSWD) "$glroot/etc/passwd"
set location(USERS) "$glroot/ftp-data/users/"
set location(GLCONF) "/etc/glftpd.conf"
set glftpdlog(NORMAL) "$glroot/ftp-data/logs/glftpd.log"
set loginlog(NORMAL) "$glroot/ftp-data/logs/login.log"
set sysoplog(NORMAL) "$glroot/ftp-data/logs/sysop.log"
set binary(GLFTPD) "$glroot/bin/glftpd"
set binary(INCOMPLETE) "$glroot/bin/"
set binary(PASSCHK) "$glroot/bin/passchk"
set binary(SHOWLOG) "$glroot/bin/showlog"
set binary(STATS) "$glroot/bin/stats"
set binary(WHO) "$glroot/bin/sitewho"
set binary(CURL) "/usr/bin/curl"
set binary(DF) "/bin/df"
set binary(PING) "/usr/bin/ping"
set binary(UPTIME) "/usr/bin/uptime"
Misc. Settings
set bindnopre "FALSE"
set speed(INCOMING) 125000
set speed(OUTGOING) 125000
set device(0) "/dev/mapper/rootfs rootfs"
set device(1) "/dev/mapper/usb archive"
set local_devices_only "TRUE"
set device_size "AUTO"
Stats Settings
set stats(hide_zeros) "TRUE"
set stats(hide_users) "glftpd"
set stats(hide_groups) "glftpd"
set bnc(ENABLED) "FALSE"
set bnc(PING) "TRUE"
set bnc(PINGCOUNT) 1
set bnc(SECURE) "TRUE"
set bnc(LIST) "Sweden:"
set bnc(USER) "bncuser"
set bnc(PASS) "bncpass"
set announcetochan(BNC) 1
set denypost "/site/groups/* /site/private/*"
set sections "android dvdr ebooks games_linux games_windows games_emulator _hacking mbluray mp3 mvids mbluray software tutorial tv x2641080p x264720p x264sd xxxsd x2642160p speedtest requests"
set paths(android) "/site/incoming/android/*"
set paths(dvdr) "/site/incoming/dvdr/*"
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set paths(games_windows) "/site/incoming/games/_windows/*"
set paths(games_emulator) "/site/incoming/games/_emulator/*"
set paths(_hacking) "/site/incoming/__hacking/*"
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set paths(mbluray) "/site/incoming/mbluray/*"
set paths(software) "/site/incoming/software/*"
set paths(tutorial) "/site/incoming/tutorial/*"
set paths(tv) "/site/incoming/tv/*"
set paths(x2641080p) "/site/incoming/x2641080p/*"
set paths(x264720p) "/site/incoming/x264720p/*"
set paths(x264sd) "/site/incoming/x264sd/*"
set paths(xxx2160p) "/site/incoming/xxx2160p/*"
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set paths(dvdr) "/site/archive/dvdr/*"
set paths(ebooks) "/site/archive/ebooks/*"
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set paths(games_windows) "/site/archive/games/_windows/*"
set paths(games_emulator) "/site/archive/games/_emulator/*"
set paths(_hacking) "/site/archive/__hacking/*"
set paths(mbluray) "/site/archive/mbluray/*"
set paths(mp3) "/site/archive/mp3/*"
set paths(mvids) "/site/archive/mvids/*"
set paths(mbluray) "/site/archive/mbluray/*"
set paths(scenenotices) "/site/archive/scenenotices/*"
set paths(software) "/site/archive/software/*"
set paths(tutorial) "/site/archive/tutorial/*"
set paths(tv) "/site/archive/tv/*"
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set paths(x264720p) "/site/archive/x264720p/*"
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set paths(xxxsd) "/site/archive/xxxsd/*"
set paths(requests) "/site/requests/*"
set paths(speedtest) "/site/speedtest/*"
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set chanlist(_hacking) $mainchan
set chanlist(mbluray) $mainchan
set chanlist(mp3) $mainchan
set chanlist(mvids) $mainchan
set chanlist(mbluray) $mainchan
set chanlist(scenenotices) $mainchan
set chanlist(scene_stuff) $mainchan
set chanlist(software) $mainchan
set chanlist(tutorial) $mainchan
set chanlist(tv) $mainchan
set chanlist(x2641080p) $mainchan
set chanlist(x2642160p) $mainchan
set chanlist(x264720p) $mainchan
set chanlist(x264sd) $mainchan
set chanlist(xxx2160p) $mainchan
set chanlist(xxxsd) $mainchan
set chanlist(requests) $mainchan
set chanlist(speedtest) $mainchan
set chanlist(dvdr) $mainchan
set chanlist(ebooks) $mainchan
set chanlist(games_linux) $mainchan
set chanlist(games_windows) $mainchan
set chanlist(games_emulator) $mainchan
set chanlist(requests) $mainchan
set chanlist(speedtest) $mainchan
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# Staff channel announces
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set redirect(WHOIS) $staffchan
# Script announcements
set disable(DEFAULT) 0
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# glFTPd announcements
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# Third party announcements
set disable(IMDB) 0
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set disable(WHOIS) 0
To be updated