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xa is a high-speed, two-pass portable cross-assembler for the 6502 CPU with a C-like preprocessor. One of several popular 65xx assemblers, xa is written in C and released under the GPL-2. It has been in continuous development since 1989.
Other tools in the xa package are:
- file65 — a tool for printing information about o65 object files.
- ldo65 — a linker for o65 object files.
- printcbm — a simple CBM BASIC detokenizer similar to the far more powerful petcat proviced by VICE.
- reloc65 — a relocator for o65 object files.
- uncpk — a c64 cpk archive manager.
While xa does not currently have a dissassembler as part of its suite, dxa is currently under development separately and will be merged into xa once it becomes stable.
root #
emerge --ask dev-embedded/xa
user $
xa --help
Usage: xa [options] file Cross-assembler for 65xx/R65C02/65816 -v verbose output -C no CMOS-opcodes -W no 65816-opcodes (default) -w allow 65816-opcodes -B show lines with block open/close -c produce `o65' object instead of executable files (i.e. don't link) -o filename sets output filename, default is `a.o65' A filename of `-' sets stdout as output file -e filename sets errorlog filename, default is none -l filename sets labellist filename, default is none -r adds crossreference list to labellist (if `-l' given) -M allow ``:'' to appear in comments for MASM compatibility -R start assembler in relocating mode -Llabel defines `label' as absolute, undefined label even when linking -b? addr set segment base address to integer value addr `?' stands for t(ext), d(ata), b(ss) and z(ero) segment (address can be given more than once, last one is used) -A addr make text segment start at an address that when the _file_ starts at addr, relocation is not necessary. Overrides -bt Other segments must be specified with `-b?' -G suppress list of exported globals -p? set preprocessor character to ?, default is # -DDEF=TEXT defines a preprocessor replacement -Ocharset set output charset (PETSCII, ASCII, etc.), case-sensitive -Idir add directory `dir' to include path (before XAINPUT) --version output version information and exit --help display this help and exit == These options are deprecated and will be removed in 2.4+! == -x old filename behaviour (overrides `-o', `-e', `-l') -S allow preprocessor substitution within strings
root #
emerge --ask --depclean --verbose dev-embedded/xa
See also
- VICE — the VersatIle Commodore Emulator for Commodore computers of the 8-bit era
External resources
- cc65 — a powerful C cross compiler targeting most known 65xx-based computers.
- 64tass — an expressive 6502 assembler with a TASM-like syntax.
- Codebase64 — a wiki devoted to C64 development.
- C64 Wiki — a wiki devoted the Commodore 64 more generally.