package.accept_keywords and package.keywords are files or directories of files containing definitions for per-package ACCEPT_KEYWORDS statements. They are useful for mixing unstable packages in with a normally stable system packages or vice versa.
These two locations allow ACCEPT_KEYWORDS to be augmented for single packages. If both package.accept_keywords and package.keywords are present, both will be used; values from package.accept_keywords will override values from package.keywords. The package.accept_keywords location is intended to replace the package.keywords location, since profiles support a different form of package.keywords which modifies effective KEYWORDS (rather than ACCEPT_KEYWORDS).
Format and examples
- Comment lines begin with
(no inline comments). - One DEPEND atom per line followed by additional KEYWORDS.
- Lines without any KEYWORDS imply unstable host arch.
package.accept_keywords example# Always use unstable libgd
media-libs/libgd ~amd64
# Only use stable (LTS) kernel
sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel -~amd64
# Always use unstable netcat
When adding a USE flag or keyword, it is always helpful to leave a comment to why it was set in the first place.
p.a_k example# Using ~amd64 package due to bug XXXX
It is generally good practice to use the testing package until the stable version becomes greater than the testing version; then the system would switch back over to tracking the stable package.
Explicitly setting version example# engrampa 1.28.1 has issues with extracting encrypted zip files
~ARCH system-wide
A common trap new and experienced users fall into, is mixing too many stable and testing packages on their system.
If a user has over 100 packages in their /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords, then it's time to think if the user is managing their system correctly or not. One of the main issues of running such a large /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords is that Portage is much more likely to run into conflicts.
Once a system has been switched to testing, a user cannot simply just downgrade back to stable. Although this can be done, it is highly recommend to reinstall instead.
Some examples:
1. A user is running a stable system where they always want the latest GNOME, Firefox, LibreOffice and Kernel.
In this case, the user would most likely be better off by switching to a full ~ARCH system.
2. A user is running a stable system and notice the next version of the desktop environment MATE has a fix to an issue they are currently having.
In this example, the user would pin the MATE dependencies in /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/mate (i.e. =mate-base/mate-1.30). This would mean the system would pull all the 1.30 versions from testing and once stable catches up, portage will start tracking the stable branch again.
3. A user has lots of ~ARCH keywords for games or Haskell
These packages rarely get stable keyword so are fine to run with a stable system in most cases.
Use stable packages on testing systems
Sometimes a user will want a few packages to be stable only. The normally usage case for this is using the kernel with out of tree modules, such as ZFS, where it is recommended to stick to the LTS releases. To do this see the below example:
package.accept_keywords example# Only use stable (LTS) kernel
sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel -~amd64
Additional information
Note: In addition to the normal values from ACCEPT_KEYWORDS package.keywords supports three special tokens:
- Package is visible if it is stable on any architecture.~*
- Package is visible if it is in testing on any architecture.**
- Package is always visible (KEYWORDS are ignored completely).
Additional note: If you encounter the -* KEYWORD
, this indicates that the package is known to be broken on all systems which are not otherwise listed in KEYWORDS. For example, a binary only package which is built for amd64 will look like:
Broken on all but amd64 exampleKEYWORDS="-* amd64"
To accept this package anyway, use one of the other keywords in package.accept_keywords like this:
Accept anyways examplegames-fps/quake3-demo amd64
Find obsolete entries
Using eix
Using app-portage/eix:
user $
Redundant in /etc/portage/package.{,accept_}keywords: ... considered as REDUNDANT_IF_NO_CHANGE [I] app-text/pdftk (3.0.0@09/06/2018): gcj-free version of pdftk written in Java [I] dev-java/commons-lang (3.6(3.6)@03/30/2018): Commons components to manipulate core java classes Found 2 matches
Using portpeek
Using app-portage/portpeek:
user $
portpeek --keyword
See also
- ACCEPT KEYWORDS — informs the package manager which ebuilds' KEYWORDS values it is allowed to accept.
- Accepting a keyword for a single package
- Cleaning /etc/portage/package.* from unused entries