Catalyst/New Musl Stages Creation

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This guide is intended for those that wish to build Musl stages on architectures that don't have them built by the official Gentoo build server. Throughout the guide it will be showing the process to build for a MIPS64 target but you can replace the tuple with what is required for that machine.

Create Musl stage 3 files


Install sys-devel/crossdev to allow building of MIPS environment:

root #emerge --ask sys-devel/crossdev

Now, create the cross compiler:

root #crossdev -s4 -t mips64-unknown-linux-musl

If no errors were reported, move on to the next section.

Building a stage file

Set the system profile

For this example, the target machine is using profile 18:

root #PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT=/usr/mips64-unknown-linux-musl eselect profile list
  [1]   default/linux/mips/17.0/o32 (exp)
  [2]   default/linux/mips/17.0/n32 (exp)
  [3]   default/linux/mips/17.0/n64 (exp)
  [4]   default/linux/mips/17.0/multilib/o32 (exp)
  [5]   default/linux/mips/17.0/multilib/n32 (exp)
  [6]   default/linux/mips/17.0/multilib/n64 (exp)
  [7]   default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/o32 (exp)
  [8]   default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/n32 (exp)
  [9]   default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/n64 (exp)
  [10]  default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/n64/systemd (exp)
  [11]  default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/n64/systemd/merged-usr (exp)
  [12]  default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/multilib/o32 (exp)
  [13]  default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/multilib/n32 (exp)
  [14]  default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/multilib/n64 (exp)
  [15]  default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/multilib/n64/systemd (exp)
  [16]  default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/multilib/n64/systemd/merged-usr (exp)
  [17]  default/linux/mips/17.0/musl/o32 (exp)
  [18]  default/linux/mips/17.0/musl/n64 (exp)
  [19]  default/linux/mips/17.0/musl/mipsel/o32 (exp)
  [20]  default/linux/mips/17.0/musl/mipsel/n64 (exp)

Because of the experimental flag, profile 18 in this example must be set with the --force flag.

root #PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT=/usr/mips64-unknown-linux-musl eselect profile set --force 18


To stop errors, the following USE flags and unmask need to be set:

root #mkdir /usr/mips64-unknown-linux-musl/etc/portage/package.use
FILE /usr/mips64-unknown-linux-musl/etc/portage/package.use/system
sys-apps/util-linux -su

Emerge the system

root #mips64-unknown-linux-musl-emerge -va1 @system --keep-going

Stage file creation

Create a tar.xz of the system files created ready for use later on.

root #cd /usr/mips64-unknown-musl/
root #tar -cvJf /home/USER/mips64-musl-seed.tar.xz *

Change the /home/USER part to wherever is a suitable location to store this stage file.

QEMU user mode

Use the guide located at Embedded Handbook/General/Compiling with Buildingemu user chroot

Test stage

This is the time to confirm the stage can rebuild itself to look for early issue, begin by chrooting into the system created setup earlier.

Unpack the stage file into a new directory.

root #cd /home/user/chroot/mips64-seed
root #tar xvf mips64-musl-seed.tar.xz

Mount the required directories:

root #mount --types proc none proc
root #mount --rbind /dev dev
root #mount --rbind /sys sys
root #mount --bind /run run

Copy in your resolv.conf so that DNS will work in the chroot:

root #cp /etc/resolv.conf etc/

It's now possible to load the qemu binary we built in the previous section to allow chrooting in.

root #ROOT=$PWD/ emerge --usepkgonly --oneshot --nodeps qemu

Chroot in:

root #chroot . /bin/bash --login

Assuming everything was setup correctly previously then this will allowing a working chroot on a different architecture. If this is no the case then return to the previous section and retrace the steps to fix what was missed.


The make.conf will still have crossdev settings applied to it so this needs to be changed to a more standard version as shown below.

FILE /etc/portage/make.confmake.conf example
COMMON_FLAGS="-Os -march=mips3"



Qemu chroot also need some sandbox features disabled, so add these to the make.conf also:

FILE /etc/portage/make.confmake.conf example
FEATURES="-pid-sandbox -network-sandbox"

Emerge sync

Run an emerge --sync:

chroot #emerge --sync

Rebuild world

chroot #emerge -e @world --keep-going

Once this stage is completed then a user can be sure it will work with catalyst so can move on to the next section.


Install catalyst:

root #emerge --ask catalyst

Configure the build

First, create some directories to work in:

root #mkdir -p /var/tmp/catalyst/builds

Then, move the seed stage:

root #mv /home/USER/mips64-musl-seed.tar.xz /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/

Next, build a portage snapshot:

root #emerge --sync
root #catalyst -s $(date +%Y.%m.%d)

Next, create the spec files

root #cd /var/tmp/catalyst
FILE stage1-mips64-musl-n64-openrc.spec
subarch: mips64_n64
target: stage1
version_stamp: musl-openrc-20221019
interpreter: /usr/bin/qemu-mips64
rel_type: default
profile: default/linux/mips/17.0/musl/n64
snapshot: 2022.10.19
source_subpath: mips64-musl-seed
compression_mode: pixz
decompressor_search_order: xz bzip2
update_seed: yes
update_seed_command: -uDN @world
FILE stage3-mips64-musl-n64-openrc.spec
subarch: mips64_n64
target: stage3
version_stamp: openrc-2022-10-19
interpreter: /usr/bin/qemu-mips64
rel_type: default
profile: default/linux/mips/17.0/musl/n64
snapshot: 2022.10.19
source_subpath: default/stage1-mips64_n64-openrc-20221019
compression_mode: pixz
decompressor_search_order: xz bzip2

Start the build

Finally, build the stage:

root #catalyst -f stage1-mips64-musl-n64-openrc.spec
root #catalyst -f stage3-mips64-musl-n64-openrc.spec

If this builds without error, then the stage 3 file is found at /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default


Some hints to push past some issues which can be encountered.


The auto-resume function in Catalyst can be a blessing and a curse so removing the line autoresume from options in /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf can allow to start from a fresh slate at the cost of undoing all previous progress.

MIPS 2GB limit

When building for a 32bit MIPS environment in QEMU user mode, there is hard limit of 2GB RAM usage. Removing -pipe from the build environment's make.conf will allow big programs like GCC to build.

qemu: qemu_thread_create: Invalid argument

Add FEATURES="-pid-sandbox" to the chroot build environment's make.conf.

CHOST changing part way through the build

You can force the CHOST inside the spec file by setting something like chost: mipsel-unknown-linux-musl if you find it has changed earlier in the build.

See also

  • Project:RelEng — the official Gentoo project focused on coordinating and improving the creation of official media releases of Gentoo Linux and other Gentoo operating systems.
  • Project:Catalyst/FAQ — contains frequently asked questions (FAQs) relating to the Catalyst tool.
  • Stage file — an archive containing a minimal Gentoo environment, typically serving as a seed for a Gentoo install.
  • Catalyst — a tool to build stage files and live-images for Gentoo