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catalyst is a tool to build stage files and live-images for Gentoo. catalyst allows the creation of made-to-measure Gentoo installation files and is used internally to build official Gentoo Linux releases.

catalyst can be used to:

  • Build stage files
  • Build bootable live images
  • Build netboot images
  • Cross-compile for any of the architectures supported by Gentoo Linux

Designed with situations when more advanced features are required in mind, catalyst makes a powerful and versatile tool. It can be used to save time setting up systems, for example, a user wanting to install the testing branch, could use catalyst to create a stage 3 file for that branch, with any optimizations they might require (e.g. LTO). Another use-case could be to create a stage 3 file for an "exotic" system that Gentoo Linux supports but does not release official images for (e.g. a musl stage 3 file for the m68k architecture which has a very low number of users even on the standard Gentoo Linux version).


USE flags

USE flags for dev-util/catalyst Release metatool used for creating releases based on Gentoo Linux

+iso Pulls in the depends for building iso images
ccache Enables ccache support
doc Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
system-bootloader Pulls in the depends needed to setup livecd bootloader from the host system rather than using a cdtar


dev-util/catalyst is ~ARCH keyworded so add dev-util/catalyst atom as below:

FILE /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/catalystpackage.accept_keyword/catalyst

To install catalyst run:

root #emerge --ask dev-util/catalyst



After emerging catalyst, the first (and probably only) configuration step is to edit catalyst.conf.

Controls the runtime behavior of catalyst, details are presented in catalyst.conf file option list section below.
Environment script sourced by catalyst at runtime. It allows users to set options such as HTTP proxies, MAKEOPTS, GENTOO_MIRRORS or any other environment variables needed for building. For example to set $FOO to "bar" the following line needs to be added: export FOO="bar". Location of the environment script can be set with envscript option in the catalyst.conf file, as described below.

catalyst.conf file option list

The following table provides a list of catalyst.conf file options and their descriptions.

Option Description
digests Creates a .DIGESTS file containing the hash output from each of the selected hashes. Example: digests = ["blake2b", "sha512"]
To see the list of the hashes supported by the system, run:
user $$ python3 -c 'import hashlib; print(hashlib.algorithms_available)'
envscript Environment script sourced by catalyst at runtime. Example: envscript = "/etc/catalyst/catalystrc". For more details about this option, please check Files section above.
options options sets the below listed build-time options for catalyst. Example: options = ["ccache", "keepwork"]
Item Description
"autoresume" Attempt to resume a failed build. Autoresume points can be cleared from catalyst command line using one of the following parameters:
  • -a(--clear-autoresume) - just clears autoresume flags
  • -p(--purge) - clears autoresume flags as well as your pkgcache and kerncache
"bindist" Enables the bindist USE flag. The definition of this flag is package specific, please check for each package separately. However, it is suggested to enable this if resulting build is to be redistributed. This optional USE flag is normally cleaned from the make.conf file on completion of the stage. For a non-cleaned version, use also "sticky-config" option (see below)
"ccache" Enables FEATURES=ccache i.e. compiler cache support. See man 5 make.conf for details.
ccache has been known to cause random build failures and bugs reported with ccache enabled may be closed invalid.
"distcc" Enables FEATURES=distcc i.e. tool to distribute compiling tasks across a network of participating hosts. See man 5 make.conf for details.
This option requires distcc_hosts to be set too.
"icecream" Enables FEATURES=icecream i.e. icecream tool, a distributed compiler with a central scheduler to share build load.
"keepwork" Prevents the removal of the working chroot path and any autoresume files or points.
"kerncache" Keeps a tbz2 file of your built kernel and modules (useful if the build stops in livecd-stage2)
"pkgcache" Build and use binary packages
"seedcache" Use the build output of a previous target if it exists rather than the tarball
"sticky-config" Enables the code that will keep any internal 'catalyst_use' flags added to the USE= for building the stage. These are usually added for legal or specific needs in building the the early stage. Mostly it is the 'bindist' USE flag option that is used for legal reasons, please see its specific definition. It will also keep any /etc/portage/package.* files or directories.
port_logdir port_logdir is where all build logs will be kept. This directory will be automatically cleaned of ALL files over 7 days old. If left undefined the logs will remain in the build directory and get cleaned every time a stage build is restarted. Example: port_logdir = "/var/tmp/catalyst/logs"
var_tmpfs_portage var_tmpfs_portage will mount a tmpfs for /var/tmp/portage so building takes place in RAM this feature requires a pretty large tmpfs ({open,libre}office needs ~8 GiB to build) WARNING: If you use too much RAM everything will fail horribly and it is not our fault. Sets size of /var/tmp/portage tmpfs in gigabytes. Example: var_tmpfs_portage = 16
jobs Integral value passed to emerge as the parameter to --jobs and is used to define MAKEOPTS during the target build. Example: jobs = 4
load-average Floating-point value passed to emerge as the parameter to --load-average and is used to define MAKEOPTS during the target build. Example: load-average = 4.0
binhost If you want catalyst to drop a binrepos.conf into /etc/portage, then define the binhost here. This value is concatenated with the configuration option binrepo_path in the spec file to obtain the src-uri. Example: binhost = ""


This section is for general reference to explain how catalyst is used, to learn how to complete particular tasks see Detailed usage examples section.

Seed file

For creating a stage 3 file a seed file is needed. catalyst will chroot into the unpacked seed file's environment and emerge the packages needed for the new stage inside of the chroot environment. This way the packages built for new stage file are isolated from the packages on the host system.

Unless the temporary directory location was modified in the catalyst configuration, seed stage files should be placed in the following path:

root #mkdir -p /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default
If the temporary directory was modified, put your seed files in the appropriate location, for details see the configuration section above.

Any working stage 3 file can be used as the seed, however it is recommended to use current stage 3 files downloaded from one of the official Gentoo Linux mirrors.

Relatively recent amd64 OpenRC stage files can be found here, and their x86 equivalents can be found here.

wget can be used to download those files from the command line. For example, to download amd64 stage file:

root #wget -O /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default/stage3-amd64-openrc-latest.tar.xz


Local generation

From version 4 catalyst uses git to clone the current ::gentoo repo and compresses it as a squash file.

The snapshot will be saved to /var/tmp/catalyst/snapshots/gentoo-<COMMIT>.sqfs

Generally, users would only ever want to use the current repo snapshot, so --snapshot stable is all that is needed to be remembered.

root #catalyst --snapshot stable

This will create a squash file file with the commit reference name like 17e0dbd98931319735970cdb917f7f8b88f647ed, take note of this as it is required when editing spec files.

Older snapshots and manually downloading

Another option is to use one of the ::gentoo squash file repository snapshots available on the mirrors. Current snapshots can be found here.

For example, to download a remote snapshot hosted on a HTTP(S) server using wget:

Spec files

Spec files define parameters which Catalyst uses to create stage files and boot media.

A separate spec file is needed for each stage. Building a stage 3 requires that the associated stage 1 is built first.

The spec files maintained by the Gentoo Release Engineering team can be found in the RelEng git repository.

The rest of this section will explain how to edit and repurpose a standard (OpenRC-based) amd64 stage 3 file using the spec files provided by RelEng team.

Obtaining the spec files

Spec files can be downloaded with wget as follows:

root #wget -O stage1.spec ""
root #wget -O stage3.spec ""

Inside a stage1.spec file

Spec files provided by RelEng contain information wrapped in @'s which must be replaced with the relevant information before being used.

Generally only four parts need to be changed:

  • version_stamp
  • snapshot_treeish
  • source_subpath
  • portage_confdir

Here is a quick overview of how a modified spec file should look like for a user:

FILE stage1.specamd64 stage1 spec file from RelEng.
subarch: amd64
target: stage1
version_stamp: openrc-@TIMESTAMP@
rel_type: 23.0-default
profile: default/linux/amd64/23.0
snapshot_treeish: @TREEISH@
source_subpath: 23.0-default/stage3-amd64-openrc-latest
compression_mode: pixz
update_seed: yes
update_seed_command: --update --deep --newuse @world
portage_confdir: @REPO_DIR@/releases/portage/stages
portage_prefix: releng
FILE stage1.specamd64 stage1 spec file modified for use with a specific snapshot and version.
subarch: amd64
target: stage1
version_stamp: openrc-2024.07.02
rel_type: 23.0-default
profile: default/linux/amd64/23.0
snapshot_treeish: e7b9afdd137f25a545a1f56ce1ca4c1d7be16160
source_subpath: 23.0-default/stage3-amd64-openrc-latest
compression_mode: pixz
update_seed: yes
update_seed_command: --update --deep --newuse @world
portage_confdir: /var/tmp/catalyst/releng/releases/portage/stages
portage_prefix: releng
When using the pixz_x compression mode, as shown in the above examples, be sure app-arch/pixz is installed.

.spec file option list

The following table provides a list of .spec file options and their descriptions.

Option Description
subarch The subarch simply sets the CHOST and CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS accordingly for the system, finer tuning can be achieved by looking in the architecture specific .toml files located in /usr/share/catalyst/arch.
target The target specifies what target Catalyst will build. The example above specifies stage1 as the target to be built. For building a CD, livecd-stage1 should be defied as the target.
version_stamp The version stamp is used as an identifier for the build. On the autobuilds the date is utilized for this setting, however it can be anything the user desires. This parameter will be used on the output stage file, (${target}-${ARCH}-${version_stamp}.tar.bz2), temporary directories, etc...
rel_type rel_type defines what kind of build the system will perform. This is merely another identifier that is available to be used in case (more) differentiation of the builds is needed. If a normal, hardened, and musl stages were to be built these could be defined here. Changing it will change the sub-directory inside /var/tmp/catalyst/builds from default to whatever has been set for this value.
profile This is the system profile to be used by Catalyst to build this target. It is specified as a relative path and must be set to one of the system profiles available at /usr/portage/profiles. In the example above the default profile is used (default/linux/amd64/23.0).
snapshot_treeish This value specifies which snapshot of main Gentoo repository. See the section above on creating a snapshot for more information on snapshots. If 17e0dbd98931319735970cdb917f7f8b88f647ed is used like in the example above, catalyst will look for a snapshot available at /var/tmp/catalyst/snapshots/gentoo-17e0dbd98931319735970cdb917f7f8b88f647ed.sqfs.
source_subpath This is the relative path which specifies where the seed stage comes from for this target. In the example above, it will use /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default/stage3-amd64-latest.tar.xz as the seed stage. The prefix of this filesystem path (/var/tmp/catalyst/builds) is determined by the value contained in the storedir variable the /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf file. The suffix (.tar.bz2) is automatically generated by catalyst at build time.
distcc_hosts These are the hosts used as distcc slaves when distcc is enabled in the /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf file. It follows the same syntax as distcc-config --set-hosts and is entirely optional. This setting is lacking from the example above and generally recommended not to be used.
portage_confdir This is an absolute path where a custom Portage configuration directory can be defined. This comes in handy when desiring to include unstable (~) packages or include a specific make.conf. If this line is left out of the .spec file, then Catalyst will default to using its default configuration. If this line is defined make sure it is defined across all targets (.spec files) to minimize problems. It is recommended to use the defaults set by RelEng and the edit to the desired needs.
repos This option specifies the location to a Portage overlay to use when building the target.
pkgcache_path This allows the optional directory containing the output packages for catalyst. Mainly used as a way for different .spec files to access the same cache directory. Default behavior is for this location to be auto-generated by catalyst based on the .spec file.
kerncache_path This allows the optional directory containing the output packages for kernel builds. Example: /tmp/kernel. It is mainly used as a way for different .spec files to access the same cache directory. Default behavior is for this location to be autogenerated under `$storedir` based on the .spec file.
interpreter This is for telling catalyst to use qemu to emulate a different architecture for cross compiling.
portage_prefix This is the directory name set inside of the portage_confdir which will be wiped after the build is finished so the settings needed to building during Catalyst will be removed from the finished product.

On the stage3.spec file, source_subpath value needs to reference the stage 1 file respectively. In other words, with exception of the first .spec file in the sequence, source_subpath value should be set to the stage file previously built. For example, if 2021.04.17 was used as the version_stamp value, the source_subpath for the stage1 location should be: default/stage1-amd64-2021.04.17.

Portage config

This is the target's /etc/portage which is almost always needed to be set by the user. It's highly recommended that a user uses the RelEng defaults by cloning them with Git.

user $git clone -o upstream

Where this is stored doesn't matter as long as root can access it, the most common locations are in the user home directory or in /var/tmp/catalyst/releng.

Then point the portage_confdir option to the best defaults for the needed usage, below is listed the different types the RelEng commit hosts and when to use them:

When using the RelEng repo in this way the use of a releng directory is used. This directory is wiped at the end of the build so the end-user's install won't have the same options set on their own machine. If your project needs this to be set then moving them up one level will mean they will be left for the end-user. If this is needed though then creating a custom profile and forcing options on in your project may be the better solution.

Cross Compiling

One of the more useful and advance features is the interpreter option in the spec file. This allows the use of QEMU's user mode to emulate a different architect all together (for example, building for a PowerPC on a x86_64 system).

A requirement to use this is to first setup a working qemu-user system, which can be done using the Embedded Handbook/General/Compiling with qemu user chroot article.

Making use of the stage-qemu defaults in the RelEng's github is also required to set all workarounds needed in portage to allow this to work.

In some configurations, such as multilib stages, multiple interpreters may be required. Interpreters can be listed separated by space. For example, to build amd64 on an arm64 host:

FILE stage1.specamd64 spec interpreter definition.
interpreter: /usr/bin/qemu-x86_64 /usr/bin/qemu-i386

Custom profiles

Custom profiles can also be used with catalyst first, a user will need to create the custom profile on their system using the article at Profile_(Portage) and have tested it works.

This section will use local as the repository name but any can be used

Inside the spec file, the following will be required:

FILE stage1-openrc.spec
# Tell catalyst about the repo
repo: /var/db/repos/local

# Tell catalyst about the custom profile
profile: local:my-super-duper-cool-profile


Use catalyst --help to see all available command line options (with short explanations)

root #catalyst --help
                 usage: catalyst [-h] [-V] [--enter-chroot] [-d] [-v]
                [--log-level {critical,error,warning,notice,info,debug}]
                [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--color] [--nocolor] [--trace] [--profile] [-a]
                [-p] [-P] [-T] [--versioned-cachedir] [--unversioned-cachedir] [-F]
                [-c CONFIGS] [-f FILE] [-s SNAPSHOT]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         display version information
  --enter-chroot        Enter chroot before starting the build

Program output options:
  -d, --debug           enable debugging (and default --log-level debug)
  -v, --verbose         verbose output (and default --log-level info)
  --log-level {critical,error,warning,notice,info,debug}
                        set verbosity of output (default: notice)
  --log-file LOG_FILE   write all output to this file (instead of stdout)
  --color               colorize output all the time (default: detect)
  --nocolor             never colorize output all the time (default: detect)

Developer options:
  --trace               trace program output (akin to `sh -x`)
  --profile             profile program execution

Temporary file management:
  -a, --clear-autoresume
                        clear autoresume flags
  -p, --purge           clear tmp dirs, package cache, autoresume flags
  -P, --purgeonly       clear tmp dirs, package cache, autoresume flags and exit
  -T, --purgetmponly    clear tmp dirs and autoresume flags and exit
  --versioned-cachedir  use stage version on cache directory name
                        do not use stage version on cache directory name

Target/config file management:
  -F, --fetchonly       fetch files only
  -c CONFIGS, --configs CONFIGS
                        use specified configuration files
  -f FILE, --file FILE  read specfile
  -s SNAPSHOT, --snapshot SNAPSHOT
                        Make an ebuild repo snapshot

Usage examples:

Using the snapshot option to make a snapshot of the ebuild repo:
$ catalyst --snapshot <git-treeish>

Using the specfile option (-f, --file) to build a stage target:
$ catalyst -f stage1-specfile.spec

Building stages

Distfiles directory

By default, catalyst will download distfiles into the /var/cache/distfiles directory the same way portage does on the host system

Binpkgs directory

Also by default catalyst will create a binary package for each type of build you do (i.e. one for a generic stage3 on amd64 and also one for stage3 tuned for zen3 CPU) on the first build of every new package version, which is very useful to save on build time on the next run. These can be found in /var/tmp/catalyst/packages if using the default location.

For those with space issues then it can be turned off by editing /etc/catalyst/catalyst.confand removing the "pkgcache", line.


If a build fails and it re-run then catalyst will use the existing work directory to continue where it left off from. Sometimes a need arises where a user needs to wipe and start over which is passed with the --clear-autoresume or -a flag. This can also be turned of permanently in /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf.

Jobs and load average

Setting how many job running simultaneously is set in /etc/catalyst.conf

FILE /etc/catalyst/catalyst.confcatalyst.conf
# Integral value passed to emerge as the parameter to --jobs and is used to
# define MAKEOPTS during the target build.
jobs = 4

# Floating-point value passed to emerge as the parameter to --load-average and
# is used to define MAKEOPTS during the target build.
# load-average = 4.0

Start the build

Once the specs have been reviewed, start catalyst by running the following command:

root #catalyst -f stage1.spec && catalyst -f stage3.spec

If everything went as expected a stage3 should be show up in the /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default/ directory.

The .spec files may have portage_confdir value set to specify a list of customizations to emerged packages inside the stage files. The directory structure specified by the portage_confdir variable is equivalent to the same layout as the /etc/portage directory. Files inside this directory (i.e. package.use, package.unmask, package.mask, etc.) will need to be manually maintained and occasionally adjusted as gentoo.git continues to be developed. This is the same practice as maintaining a Gentoo installation.

Detailed usage examples

This section contains links to pages that explain how to use catalyst for specific tasks.

This section needs help with examples of creating netboot images or livegui images. Please link them back here and create the new pages under the Catalyst directory.

Convert QEMU specs to native

Releng use QEMU usermode to build alpha, arm64be, loong, m68k, mips and riscv. If a users wishes to convert these to compile these natively, then all a user would need to do is remove the interpreter: line and remove the -qemu from the portage_confdir line.

This method is untested, however normally poses no issue. if you do run into issues though then help is available when build logs and spec files are provided with the question

See also

  • Project:RelEng — the official Gentoo project focused on coordinating and improving the creation of official media releases of Gentoo Linux and other Gentoo operating systems.
  • Project:Catalyst/FAQ — contains frequently asked questions (FAQs) relating to the Catalyst tool. Note: This should be treated as historic in most cases.
  • Stage file — an archive containing a minimal Gentoo environment, typically serving as a seed for a Gentoo install.