Foundation Talk:Main Page

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Broken link

Talk status
This discussion is done.

The link pointing to Foundation status appears to be down permanently (at least since the beginning of this month). I suggest removing it, unless a replacement can be found. --ulm (talk) 12:40, 28 March 2018 (UTC)

Thanks Ulm, fixed dabbott — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Dabbott (talkcontribs) 09:16, 28 March 2018‎

"Gentoo is about choice"

Talk status
This discussion is still ongoing as of 2024-11-22.

There are many places in Gentoo documentation that say something to the effect that "Gentoo is about choice". This page currently says:

Gentoo provides choices. Gentoo is a metadistribution, providing choices to its users. This important idea forms the basis of Gentoo's development: not a single feature will be dismissed in favor of a different one when both can be maintained.

where "when both can be maintained" is a critical modifier. i would perhaps append to it something like "with the resources we have available", which i feel is intended to be implied by "when both can be maintained", but which i feel should be made explicit, as i'll discuss below.

However, there are other places without such a modifier, e.g.:

Choice is another Gentoo design principle.

-- Handbook:AMD64/Installation/About

which people combine with things like drobbin's "philosophy of Gentoo":

If the tool forces the user to do things a particular way, then the tool is working against, rather than for, the user. We have all experienced situations where tools seem to be imposing their respective wills on us. This is backwards, and contrary to the Gentoo philosophy.

-- "The philosophy of Gentoo"

and things like:

everything can be adapted for each use-case from the default installation.

-- FAQ#What_makes_Gentoo_different.3F

to infer that Gentoo basically promises to support every user's use-case(s) regardless of the resources required. Indeed, my experience is that a number of users think that "when both can be maintained" means "if theoretically/technically possible". However, the primary constraint is often not whether something is theoretically or technically possible, it's whether there are volunteers willing and able to commit to maintaining a particular use-case on behalf of a particular group of users.

Hence my comment above that it might be better to say something like "not a single feature will be dismissed in favor of a different one when both can be maintained with the resources we have available."

However, it seems to me there might need to be a broader discussion about the exact way(s) in which Gentoo offers 'choice', with standard 'official' phrasing that can be used consistently across various Gentoo platforms.


(Related: forum discussion from last year.)

-- Flexibeast (talk) 10:12, 22 November 2024 (UTC)

Very well written, good work
I feel we agree the issue is more we aren't being consistent across all pages. I personally take the Foundation's description as the gold standard when discussing with users.
Let's start from there and work out.

Gentoo provides choices. Gentoo is a metadistribution, providing choices to its users. This important idea forms the basis of Gentoo's development: not a single feature will be dismissed in favor of a different one when both can be maintained.

Proposed changes - Please make edits here until a final revision is agreed upon.

Gentoo provides choices. Gentoo is a metadistribution, providing choices to its users. This important idea forms the basis of Gentoo's development: not a single feature will be dismissed in favor of a different one when both can be maintained. Gentoo provides many tools and services to services to aid a user with their goal if it cannot be internally maintained, such as Project:Overlays
This is still a rough draft and of course, feedback and changes are welcomed.
Immolo (talk) 09:46, 25 November 2024 (UTC)