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Gentoo user since 2003
Contact info
immolo (IRC)

This is my little world of guides before being merged into the main wiki pages to help the next person not have to struggle to get the solution they need.

I have a strong interest in keep Gentoo and in turn, Linux working on older hardware so feel free to contact me on IRC if help with testing is required as it will help both of us. I prefer doing the testing myself however SSH access might be possible.

If you see an issue in any page then feel free to correct or ask for help in the Discussion page.



Toshiba i486DX 75mhz 24mb RAM Compaq Pentium MMX (i586) 64mb RAM Thinkpad Pentium 2 512mb RAM Fujitsu Pentium 3 128mb RAM


PowerMac G5 dual core 2GHz 10gb RAM


PS2 - mipsel3 R5900 32mb RAM CI40 - 4 core MIPS32EL 256mb RAM


PowerMac 190CS

Immolo's Guides

These are completed articles which are ready for community to use and improve on.

GRUB on NewWorld Macs


Building MUSL Stage3 with Catalyst


Old Kernel Install


Stage4 Creation


Rust on non-sse2 machines

User:Immolo/rust i686

Catalyst Live Media Creation


Systemwide LTO


ZFS Root Install


Troubleshooting Fixes

User:Immolo/Fix broken compiler

In progress Drafts

These are not complete guides however may help others so they are here for reference only!

Gentoo on the PlayStation 2


Catalyst FAQ Rewrite


Low Memory LiveCD Creation

User:Immolo/Low Memory LiveCD

RPI zero with clang+musl


LTO notes

Below is a collection of issues and my solutions for using LTO and GCC with Gentoo on the main tree. Feel free to add to this.

FILE /etc/portage/make.confFixes for LTO and Gentoo
GRAPHITE="-fgraphite-identity -floop-nest-optimize"
COMMON_FLAGS="-march=native -O2 -pipe ${GRAPHITE} -flto"
USE="pgo lto graphite"

These are the only cflags which get shared around the Internet that I've found don't cause user many paper cuts or have negative effects on performance , Noting that graphite shows little improvement but doesn't seem to cause any negative ones either.


Letting GCC compile LLVM and CLANG with -flto causes an ICE (Internal Compiler Error) in some builds using that clang binary so, it's recommend to disable compiling with LTO now until this is fixed upstream. See bug #873670


LTO can cause issues with your cross compiler so I recommend adding 'cross-*/* nolto.conf' in your package.env.

Gentoo support common issues tracker

It's common to find yourself repeating the same answers over and over in Gentoo while doing support. When you are finding a pattern that it's being asked enough times that you notice how many times you said the same thing, then Gentoo likely has a doc problem that needs to be looked into.

The article linked below is a trial project to allow IRC, forum and silo users that do support in Gentoo to record the question asked and give rough notes on how they solve it. It does not need to be formatted correctly nor confirmed, even an IRC log will do!
