Project Talk:Virtualization

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Talk status
This discussion is still ongoing.

Hi all,

I hope this helps a little:

This includes (combination of) the following techniques: KVM, Qemu, Lguest, Xen, VMWare, VirtualBox, vServer, OpenVZ, Linux Containers, Solaris Zones, FreeBSD Jails

Should be

This includes (combination of) the following techniques: KVM, Qemu, Lguest, Xen, VMware, VirtualBox, vServer, OpenVZ, Linux Containers, Solaris Zones, FreeBSD Jails

--Benedikt (talk) 22:01, 16 February 2021 (UTC)

New Outline

Talk status
This discussion is still ongoing.

After perusing the entire Gentoo Wiki on Virtualization/QEMU/Virt-manager/Guest/Linux setup wiki, I find that the continuity between components to be rather quirky and lacking suitable jump points to where a reader wants to go next.

To minimize the jumble, I am submitting a propsal on the granularity of the breakdown on virtualization and generically organized into nestable computer architecture:

  • Virtualization
    • Virtualizer Engines (QEMU/Xen/VMware)
      • Front-End to Virtualizer Engines (GUI and CLI)
        • Front-End Networking
          • Creating guest using a Front-End
            • Installing an OS into the guest

Within in my User:Egberts/Drafts, I've done a bit of reorganizing by outline and started to move things toward a common thread as outlined above.

The following pages are being roughly reorganized so that we can be able to take on multiple variants of guest target (Windows/Linux/BSD) as well as different virtualization engines (Docker/QEMU/LXD/Xen/Podman).

As a demonstration of fluidity of nested computer virtualization, I'm starting my outline with just the QEMU/KVM/virt-manager/Linux guest/Gentoo OS.

Wiki pages are:

Of course, my objective is more about trying to decide what to choose and where to go next.

Warning: I am still grappling on some finer nuances of Gentoo Wiki here. (be nice to see a compressable outline)[/quote] Egberts (talk) 04:43, 9 August 2022 (UTC)