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A comment [[User:Larry|Larry]] 13:52, 13 May 2024 (UTC) : A reply [[User:Sally|Sally]] 04:12, 1 March 2025 (UTC) :: Your reply ~~~~
euse -a output
euse -a In the output there is sometimes the letter F instead of G . Reader cannot find the meaning even in "man euse". — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Jaaf (talk • contribs) 04:33, 22 December 2013
- Whats Reader? Post an example, capital F is usually FORCE under most nix based systems. - Killerc (talk) 03:51, 15 June 2014 (UTC)
This needs updating on the euse side i believe.
X [+ C ] X [+ C ] (svg) ads [+ C ] alsa [+ C ] apache2 [+ C ] apache2 [+ C ] (berkdb) berkdb [+ D ] berkdb [+ D ] (berkdb) berkdb [+ D ] (berkdb) berkdb [+ D ] (berkdb) big-tables [- ] (berkdb) bzip2 [+ D ] bzip2 [+ D ] (berkdb) bzip2 [+ D ] (bzip2) bzip2 [+ D ] (bzip2) bzip2 [+ D ] (bzip2) calendar [- ] (berkdb) calendar [- ] (xmlrpc) calendar [- ] (xmlrpc) caps [- ] (bzip2) cdb [- ] (berkdb) cdb [- ] (ipv6) cdr [+ C ] cgi [- ] (berkdb) cgi [- ] (xmlrpc) cgi [- ] (xmlrpc) cjk [- ] (berkdb) cjk [- ] (xmlrpc) cjk [- ] (xmlrpc) cli [+ D ] cli [+ D ] (berkdb) cluster [- ] (berkdb) collectd_plugins_df [- ] collectd_plugins_interface[- ] collectd_plugins_irq[- ] collectd_plugins_load[- ] collectd_plugins_memory[- ] collectd_plugins_rrdtool[- ] collectd_plugins_swap[- ] collectd_plugins_syslog[- ] community [- ] (berkdb) consolekit [+ C ] cracklib [+ D ] crypt [+ D ] crypt [+ D ] (berkdb) crypt [+ D ] (crypt) ctype [- ] (berkdb) cups [+ C ] curl [- ] (berkdb) curl [- ] (xmlrpc) curl [- ] (xmlrpc) curlwrappers [- ] (berkdb) curlwrappers [- ] (xmlrpc) cxx [+ D ] dbus [+ C ] dbus [+ C ] (dbus) dbus [+ C ] (svg) dbus [+ C ] (dbus) declarative [- ] (svg) dkim [- ] (dkim) doc [- ] (berkdb) doc [- ] (nls) doc [- ] (berkdb) doc [- ] (bzip2) doc [- ] (ssl) dovecot-sasl [- ] (ipv6) dri [+ D ] dvd [+ C ] examples [- ] (examples) exif [+ C ] fileinfo [- ] (berkdb) filter [- ] (berkdb) flatfile [- ] (berkdb) flatfile [- ] (xmlrpc) flatfile [- ] (xmlrpc) fontconfig [+ C ] fortran [+ D ] fpm [+ C ] fpm [+ C ] (berkdb) ftp [- ] (berkdb) ftp [- ] (xmlrpc) ftp [- ] (xmlrpc) gd [- ] (berkdb) gd [- ] (xmlrpc) gd [- ] (xmlrpc) gdbm [+ D ] gmp [- ] (berkdb) gmp [- ] (xmlrpc) gmp [- ] (xmlrpc) growl [+ C ] gudev [+ C ] gudev [+ C ] (gudev) hardened [- ] (ipv6) hash [- ] (berkdb) hwdb [+ C ] i18n [- ] (examples) iconv [+ D ] iconv [+ D ] (berkdb) iconv [+ D ] (bzip2) imap [- ] (berkdb) imap [- ] (xmlrpc) imap [- ] (xmlrpc) inifile [- ] (berkdb) inifile [- ] (xmlrpc) inifile [- ] (xmlrpc) intl [- ] (berkdb) intl [- ] (xmlrpc) intl [- ] (xmlrpc) ipv6 [+ D ] ipv6 [+ D ] (berkdb) ipv6 [+ D ] (ipv6) ipv6 [+ D ] (berkdb) ipv6 [+ D ] (ipv6) ipv6 [+ D ] (bzip2) ipv6 [+ D ] (bzip2) ipv6 [+ D ] (crypt) jpeg [+ C ] json [- ] (berkdb) kde [+ C ] kerberos [- ] (berkdb) kerberos [- ] (bzip2) kerberos [- ] (xmlrpc) kerberos [- ] (xmlrpc) keymap [+ C ] ldap [+ C ] ldap [+ C ] (berkdb) ldap [+ C ] (dkim) ldap [+ C ] (berkdb) ldap [+ C ] (ipv6) ldap [+ C ] (bzip2) ldap [+ C ] (ssl) ldap-bind [- ] (ipv6) ldap-sasl [- ] (berkdb) ldap-sasl [- ] (xmlrpc) ldap-sasl [- ] (xmlrpc) linguas_ru [- ] (-linguas_ja) lm_sensors [+ C ] maildir [- ] (bzip2) managesieve [- ] (bzip2) math [- ] (mysql) mbox [- ] (ipv6) mbox [- ] (bzip2) mdbox [- ] (bzip2) mhash [- ] (berkdb) mhash [- ] (xmlrpc) mhash [- ] (xmlrpc) minizip [+ C ] mmx [+ CD ] modules [+ D ] multilib [+ CD ] multiuser [+ C ] mysql [+ C ] mysql [+ C ] (berkdb) mysql [+ C ] (dkim) mysql [+ C ] (mysql) mysql [+ C ] (mysql) mysql [+ C ] (berkdb) mysql [+ C ] (ipv6) mysql [+ C ] (bzip2) mysqli [- ] (berkdb) mysqli [- ] (xmlrpc) mysqli [- ] (xmlrpc) mysqlnd [- ] (berkdb) mysqlnd [- ] (xmlrpc) ncurses [+ D ] nls [+ D ] nls [+ D ] (berkdb) nls [+ D ] (nls) nptl [+ D ] odbc [- ] (berkdb) odbc [- ] (xmlrpc) odbc [- ] (xmlrpc) ogg [- ] (ogg) opengl [+ C ] openmp [+ D ] openssl [+ C ] overlays [- ] (crypt) pam [+ D ] pam [+ D ] (nls) pam [+ D ] (ipv6) pam [+ D ] (bzip2) pcre [+ D ] pdo [- ] (berkdb) pdo [- ] (xmlrpc) pdo [- ] (xmlrpc) perl [- ] (berkdb) perl [- ] (nls) perl [- ] (crypt) phar [- ] (berkdb) policykit [+ C ] posix [- ] (berkdb) postgres [- ] (berkdb) postgres [- ] (dkim) postgres [- ] (berkdb) postgres [- ] (ipv6) postgres [- ] (bzip2) postgres [- ] (xmlrpc) postgres [- ] (xmlrpc) python [+ C ] python [+ C ] (nls) python2 [+ C ] python3 [+ C ] qt3support [+ C ] qt4 [+ C ] razor [- ] (dkim) readline [+ D ] readline [+ D ] (berkdb) sasl [- ] (crypt) sdbox [- ] (bzip2) semantic-desktop [+ C ] server [+ C ] session [+ D ] session [+ D ] (berkdb) sieve [- ] (bzip2) simplexml [- ] (berkdb) snmp [- ] (berkdb) snmp [- ] (dkim) snmp [- ] (xmlrpc) snmp [- ] (xmlrpc) soap [- ] (berkdb) soap [- ] (xmlrpc) soap [- ] (xmlrpc) sockets [- ] (berkdb) sockets [- ] (xmlrpc) sockets [- ] (xmlrpc) spell [- ] (berkdb) sql [- ] (svg) sqlite [- ] (berkdb) sqlite [- ] (bzip2) sqlite [- ] (xmlrpc) sqlite [- ] (xmlrpc) sqlite3 [- ] (berkdb) sse [+ CD ] sse2 [+ CD ] ssl [+ D ] ssl [+ D ] (berkdb) ssl [+ D ] (berkdb) ssl [+ D ] (berkdb) ssl [+ D ] (ipv6) ssl [+ D ] (bzip2) ssl [+ D ] (bzip2) ssl [+ D ] (ssl) ssl [+ D ] (crypt) svg [- ] (svg) swat [+ C ] tcpd [+ D ] tcpd [+ D ] (bzip2) tcpd [+ D ] (crypt) tidy [- ] (berkdb) tidy [- ] (xmlrpc) tidy [- ] (xmlrpc) tokenizer [- ] (berkdb) truetype [+ C ] truetype [+ C ] (berkdb) udev [+ C ] unicode [+ D ] unicode [+ D ] (berkdb) vorbis [- ] (vorbis) wddx [- ] (berkdb) wddx [- ] (xmlrpc) wddx [- ] (xmlrpc) webkit [- ] (svg) winbind [+ C ] wxwidgets [+ C ] xml [- ] (berkdb) xml [- ] (mysql) xmlreader [- ] (berkdb) xmlreader [- ] (xmlrpc) xmlreader [- ] (xmlrpc) xmlrpc [- ] (berkdb) xmlrpc [- ] (xmlrpc) xmlrpc [- ] (xmlrpc) xmlwriter [- ] (berkdb) xmlwriter [- ] (xmlrpc) xmlwriter [- ] (xmlrpc) xmp [+ C ] xpm [- ] (berkdb) xpm [- ] (xmlrpc) xpm [- ] (xmlrpc) xsl [- ] (berkdb) xvfb [+ C ] zip [- ] (xmlrpc) zip [- ] (xmlrpc) zlib [+ D ] zlib [+ D ] (berkdb) zlib [+ D ] (bzip2) zlib [+ D ] (bzip2)
(Don't question why i use this i know its a mess but this is why its a good example)
Most of these are set globally, but the final column; berkdb xmlrpc, bzip2 etc is not explained. Also some things are listed twice, i very very rarely use the - flag on anything as its not needed for my installed system, yet things like:
xmlrpc [- ] (xmlrpc) xmlrpc [- ] (xmlrpc)
are listed twice, without any explanation as to why other than its a -, its obviously listed in 2 different files/locations where the flags are set but which? - Killerc (talk) 03:52, 15 June 2014 (UTC)
Shouldn't the whole section about equery be moved to equery (merge the info into the page dedicated to it)? Same with the other invocations. Augustin (talk) 14:30, 27 February 2015 (UTC)
- Hi Augustin, in my opinion what you're proposing seems viable. The Gentoolkit article is not even close to explaining all the tools that come with it. If the same amount of detailed explanation is given to the other tools then the Gentoolkit article would be way too long for one article... It seems to me that one option would be to nest the Equery article under the Gentoolkit article (Gentookit/Equery) via a sub-article. This method could be used with other tools since they are part of Gentoolkit as well (Gentoolkit/euse, etc). Another option is to just link the specific tool articles back to the main Gentoolkit article (like the existing Equery article). I guess this might be something to ask on the Suggestions page.
- If a package contains more than one tool, should the tool usage be covered on the package's article? Or should each tool be in a sub-article? --Maffblaster (talk) 21:12, 12 March 2015 (UTC)
- I agree, if a page becomes very large and contains enough information to be split, then it makes sense to split it. The "master" page can then just have a small introduction to a tool and refer to the dedicated page for more information.
- On the dedicated page, I would use a disconnected page (not a subpage). Subpages should be used when the information still matches the master page, but has been split due to the size. For instance, a subpage for troubleshooting of a tool, or for a reference list of parameters. --SwifT (talk) 18:41, 2 March 2015 (UTC)
The revdep-rebuild command has been rewritten in Python. The old Bash version has been renamed to In my opinion we should update the example in this article using the newer Python version. Weird question: how can I safely break my system in order to get some nice revdep-rebuild output for this article? Fturco (talk) 11:53, 12 May 2017 (UTC)
- Good question.
- However I seem to have one package needing rebuilding, so here's the output:
root #
revdep-rebuild -v -- -a
* This is the new python coded version * Please report any bugs found using it. * The original revdep-rebuild script is installed as * Please file bugs at: * Collecting system binaries and libraries * Collecting dynamic linking informations * Scanning files * Checking dynamic linking consistency * Broken files that require: (64 bits) * /usr/bin/zandronum * Assign files to packages * /usr/bin/zandronum -> games-fps/zandronum-2.1.2-r3 emerge -a --verbose --oneshot --complete-graph=y games-fps/zandronum:0 These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild R ] games-fps/zandronum-2.1.2-r3::haarp USE="gtk opengl timidity -dedicated" CPU_FLAGS_X86="mmx sse2" 0 KiB Total: 1 package (1 reinstall), Size of downloads: 0 KiB Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No]
- You may want to use RootCmd template instead. I used RootInvocation here to save some space. --Zucca (talk) 13:18, 12 May 2017 (UTC)
- If you intentionally want to break something for for revdep-rebuild to repair, on a graphical system, could try running something like:
root #
FEATURES="-preserve-libs" emerge --rage-clean libglvnd && revdep-rebuild
- You should be able to run the above command on any library that is a linked dependency of any other library. You can look at linking using the ldd command on a *.so file. You can thank Ionen Wolkens (Ionen) for the example command above. --Maffblaster (talk) 23:26, 20 January 2022 (UTC)