From Gentoo Wiki
Article status
This article has some todo items:
- Add e-mail address when I finish moving my mail server
Community member | |
Name | Bruno |
Nickname | doasu
pl-N | Polski jest językiem ojczystym tego użytkownika. |
CODE ✦ ~ ✿ Welcome to my userpace page!!! ✿ ~ ✦
NepoRC 2.13.7 is starting up enbyOS
* Mounting gender filesystem ...
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/null, missing codepage or helper program
* Setting pronouns to they/ask ...
* Setting timezone to UTC+2 ...
Starting about-me runlevel
* Greeting user ...
Welcome to gentoo-wiki (
gentoo-wiki login: Doasu
Last login: this week? (nekros)
My interests
- Free hugs (rx/tx)
- Making a mess out of my OS (hey, that rhymes!)
- Writing shell scripts (especially zsh)
- Automating the living hell out of everything
- Building / studying OS infrastructure (e.g. file systems, build systems (Catalyst), package managers)
- Defensive cyber security
- Installing / studying obscure operating systems
My projects
- (Development is halted right now, due to uni grind)
- A little tool I made for compiling packages on remote hosts.
- Its main goal is to run on a server, and cook binpkgs for my laptop and old PC.
- It differs from distcc in having 100% of the work done remotely.
- I have big plans for this :)
- Maybe I'll rewrite it as a ssh+bash wrapper, idk.
The :wheel group
- I run an (UNIX|OS)-centred student club at my university.
- I'll add more info later
My hardware
Notebooks / Laptops
- Lenovo ThinkPad T480s, 24GiB RAM [amd64]
Previous notebooks
- Lenovo ThinkPad T420s, 12GiB RAM [amd64]
Contact me
Additional contact information not listed in the InfoBox above:
- Matrix: (I may move to a self-hosted Matrix instance at some point)
- Discord: @doasu